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Novice: 4×3
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Athletes can Push Jerk or Split Jerk.
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Compare to 12.16.10
21-15-9 Reps for Time of:
Pull Ups
Consider scaling this up with a weighted vest and/or chest to bar pull-ups
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Compare to 11.23.10
Good Luck to David and Margie
Coaches David and Margie departed this afternoon for the Northeast Regionals being held in Boston, MA this weekend. They are part of the organizing and planning committee making the event happen. It's a ton of work and a lot of moving pieces and we hope it all goes off without a hitch! Good luck guys.
5 Barbell Rules Crossfit Lisbeth
Healthy Eating is Too Expensive CAVEMomma
Natural Bug Repellant Mark's Daily Apple
Top 10 Foods I Couldn't Live Without Mark's Daily Apple
Fun 7 AM class with Madame Fox. I did yesterday’s FSQs plus today’s WOD.
FSQ 83, 88, 93, 103. Thanks to Jess for telling me it was going well — I might not have had the cojones to make a 10# jump on the last set otherwise. It was a struggle to get the last rep in but it was definitely doable.
WOD in 8:41 with 15/9/6 pullups using the green band. I remember the green band being a lot harder before — I have clearly made some progress using the beginner pullup plan. But god, do I hate burpees!
Is anyone running in the Corporate Challenge today?
a good 6am with coach jess
WUrun around the blockjerk preppress 45x5push press 45x5push jerk 45x5split jerk no bar x3
JERK good lifting with craig(65)95 115 135 155haven’t done this in a while, looking forward to this cycle.
WOD15 9 6 pull ups21 15 9 burpeesscaled to strict
I’m running Corporate Challenge too.
Push Jerk triples153177187197Smacked my chin pretty hard on the last set. Think I got more, would love to see what I can do for a single.WOD scaled to 15-9-6 (both, strict pullups with blue band) i am SO OUT OF SHAPE8:42then some aesthetic workdb press 50sx10x3hammer curl! 35x8x3
I messed my elbow up somehow yesterday. Probably during the renegade rows or maybe while I was practicing hand stands. I woke up this morning and had trouble bending it. I prob should have skipped the WOD. The elbow definitely slowed me down quite a bit. I did skip the jerks, though.
Just wanted to post today about the great vibe in the gym last night. I’d had a pretty shitty morning but totally forgot about it by the time I started working at 3pm. I’m fortunate to work with and around so many cool people, so, thanks to you all!
Great! I’ll be the out of shape guy in the blue group.
I left my bike at the gym last night with a flat tire. ๐ I plan to replace the tube today before or after class, but I realized I don’t have a pump. I always borrow my neighbors. Does anyone know if there is a pump at the gym? Or does anyone have one in their car? Or can anyone easily bring one with them tonight? Thanks!
Sarah – I will bring a pump.
5pm class with coach Shane ruled tonight. Paired with Carlos got my jerk up to 165 for 3 reps. I need to work on the split jerks a bit, so from now on stick to push jerks.
Wod I just didn’t have it in me tonight 8:01.
Oh and Carlos breathes fire, good job on doing that wod unbroken, I wanna be you when I grow up.
Jerks – 125 X 3 X 4I have the ability to get more weight over head but not with good form (not that this weight went up with good form!). Mobility!!!
Acc WOD – 5:28 RX
Nice to work on the split jerk today.
Switched my front foot on the 2nd work set and felt a lot more stable. gotta work on softening my back leg.
Work weight at 155, 165, 170,175.
WOD at 5:45 chest to bar.
jerk x3 135, 145, 155, 165f (2)
this ties my 2x max at 165 so at least i haven’t lost ground.
wod in 3:55. these are 2 of my better movements so aside from short pauses between rounds i didnt stop.
worked with Marc Mess who has the makings of a fellow crossfit junkie.
fun night tonight. instead of being a nightmare, learning to change a bike tire ended up being a good experience. thanks to all who assisted!
I think the jerk is my favorite lift. the cue tonight to move the front knee forward as far as possible really helped. the tendency is definitely to try and maneuver the back leg in order to drop, but the front leg cue was far more effective.
JP Morgan Chase 3.5 mile Corporate Challenge28:34
Hi folks. I plan on following the CFSBK programming remotely from home in Calgary, Alberta.
Split Jerk – 3/175#, 3/185#, 3/195#
21,15,9 – C2B chins/burpees (with 20# vest) – 9:06
well howdy!
welcome, Jefff!
Corporate Challenge in 29:15. I’ve never done CC before and was shocked I was able to run that fast — I thought it was going to be a solid wall of bodies the whole way!
Split Jerk 3rm: 145. This is only 5 pounds under my last recorded 1rm, so I’m pretty happy with it. We didn’t have racks at my last gym, so if you wanted to jerk you had to clean first – these racks are a luxury!
On the other hand, your burpee standards are harder than the ones I’m used to. Now burpees suck even more. And apparently mine are “pervy.” I’m considering seeking therapy.
whose car is that behind carlos? i love that color.
Jerks:Warmup: 45×5; 65×5;95×3;115×3;135x3Worksets:140×3;145×3;150×1; 145×3;145×3
WOD (Rx): 8:56
Split Jerks:Work sets 125×4
WOD time: 8:32
Thanks so much to Coaches Jess and Shane.
Jess, you’re a superb partner and thanks for making my split jerk more seamless and less telegraphed and mechanical.
Shane, thank you for all the tips and encouragement during the WOD which I found extremely grueling. Also, thanks for suggesting I do strict pull-ups after that first set of 21 kips. I’ll take your suggestion and try to arrive early before my next few classes to work on those with an available coach. That first set of 21 really slowed me down. I desperately want to be able to kip. ๐
And to all the guys at the pull-up stations near me, thanks for all the verbal encouragement. Got me to the other side.
another late post…
Split Jerks:-drills at 45#-65×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 120xf-actually felt pretty good at 115 although I’m afraid I might be hyperextending. need to clean that up. I did finally understand the importance of keeping those elbows high on that dip…really allows the bar to jump off of you…duh! rushed to attempt 120 and just really didn’t have it in me.
WOD:6:43 rx’d-got my first 12 pullups unbroken which is a PR. probably could have gotten to 15 but thought I’d be too gassed to do anything else.-Need to improve my burpee form. I know I’m snaking up and might have a slight “perv” sway going on. ๐
Really fun night though!