5 Rounds NFT:
10 Ring Rows
:30 ea Side Plank
10 ea Walking OH Lunge
To be done with strict and with perfect form
Turkish Get-up
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Thanks to all who came out last night for Scary Movie Night! Special thanks to Maggie G for organizing the event!
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If we're out of toilet paper, paper towels or soap please tell one of us so we can restock. Thanks!
One-hand Muscle-Up CrossFit
US News Best Diets: The Paleo Diet US News & World Report
US News Best Diests: A Rebuttal #2 Robb Wolf
Just read thru some of the more realistic wish items for the gym. Even if Gabrus was drunk, his idea was way more grounded in reality than mine!
#1 great idea: open gym weekend afternoons. Brilliant#2 great idea: move those kettlebells. Please!#3 great idea: more active recovery classes
mistress krista periodically posts updates on a 65-year old with Parkinson’s who counters his disease progression by hitting the gym and lifting heavy weights.
he is called Shaky Man.
there’s an update with video of him rowing like a demon, benching his bodyweight and doing dips with 20kg on a chain (scroll down to the June update.)
Coach Fox,Thanks for a stellar one today! I haven’t done a Turkish Get-Up in ages. And had never done one with a barbell prior today. Good stuff! This is one of those movements that I feel like every fiber of my being has to work to do. Maybe… one day in the future… I’ll be able to actually put weight on the barbell.
a fine 9am with coach fox.
3 RNDS NFT:10 Ring Rows:30 ea Side Plank
TGU – good times with Vincent.WU with .5 pood
with barbells40, 65, 85PR, 120(F) 110(F) 95PR
i recall not being able to get 65 up last time. 95 felt pretty easy. looking forward to giving this another go.
CDplaying with the kids.
Fox’s INT PU rnd 2stg 1 day 24×5 w 1min rest inbtw. all c2b.
tgu fun today
singles with a barbell
Suggestion to improve the box: Spraypaint the relocated kettlebells so they are color-coded by weight… like all the other weights in the gym! Der.
Turkish cigs–yup, Turkish coffee–you know it baby! Turkish getups–not so much.
+1 color coding kettlebells+1 open gym on weekend afternoons