Scott L. in Motion during Sectionals WOD #3
Lax Balls are Back!
You asked for 'em, we got 'em! A new box of lax balls just came in today! Just $2 gets you your very soft tissue tenderizing tool. Great for work, the car home and even your own private jet! Ask one of the coaches to grab you one or three next time you are in the gym.
Scary Movie Night is Saturday!
Just cause you're strong like an ox doesn't mean you can't scream like a child! This Saturday come see two great fright flicks for the price of NONE! The Descent starts at 8pm and Ils aka "Them" starts at 10pm! Bring drinks, bring snacks, bring a change of underwear!!
No one under 18 admitted without parent or guardian.
Civilian Military Combine
Adventure races are all the rage these days and now there is the Civilian Military Combine which claims to be the most challenging yet. 4 lifting events, a 7 mile run and an intense obstacle course await participants. If you're interested check out more details here! The race will be held September 10th, 2011 at the Camel Back Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania. Any takers?
We got lax balls, we got t-shirts, we even got a flippin sink! What else would you like us to offer the gym?
CFSBKer Matt Ufford Makes Some of TVs Greatest Culinary Creations Warming Glow
ALWAYS ride in the bike lane Youtube
Muslim Weightlifter's Wish to Wear Modest Clothes Triggers Rules Debate CNN
I never formally said goodbye to most people but I did want to say See you later here on the site.
I’ve left my job in finance, am packing the car up, and driving out to California to spend a year working at a residential school & community that focuses on sustainability.
I wanted to thank the coaches and everyone for making the gym to be such a great place to work out and socialize. Even in just a few months, I felt like a part of the community.
So long for now, I will return to visit soon enough.
If you find yourselves out in the Sierras, feel free to email me schwartzaaronj at gmail.
Funny you should ask. Today, I was thinking we need a hot tub. Maybe that’s hard to comprehend considering the temps today, but I got in one this morning here in Boulder and boy did it help.
I can’t fit one in my apt, so maybe we could get one at Degraw!
Solo strength cycle: Recovery – Press -Clean
Squat: 225x5x2
Press: 120x5x3New 3×5 PR
Clean: 150×3, 155x3x2
Walked into Flatiron CF to find two guys lifting a really heavy stone. Soon it was just me and one of the coaches (they offered me a platform rental between classes. Really nice guy and a Oly coach. When I got to the clean. I ended up with a free personal training session.
Great space, nice folks and awesome to feel welcomed into a new space and have the proper equipment to get the work done.
Tomorrow is the wedding. I only hope I’m not too hungover Saturday so I can make intensity day count.
Kudos for achieving the real New York dream- ditching your soul sucking job and doing something interesting and worthwhile in a place with actual physical beauty. Takes brass ones, and you’ve got em.
My baseball cap is off to you, fare well.
Aaron – what Noah said. Cheers and good luck!
Aaron, ditto Noah and Fox. If you find California (and Californians) insufferably happy and pleasant, come on back! 🙂
Bike Lane video is hilarious. I got a summons one night riding down the sidewalk on flatbush next to prospect park after crossfit at 715ish (Nobody was on the sidewalk) after I almost got ran over by a dollar van flying down the street on flatbush. Funny thing was after I got the ticket, I went back onto the street and almost immediately another car almost ran into me and honked at me–I just turned and looked at the cops–like see this bullsh*t?
This was a week after another cyclist had been killed by a dollar van about 10 blocks away on flatbush.
One time a cop stopped me for riding onto the sidewalk after I had to get on the sidewalk because 3 cars were double parked illegally. Fortunately that cop was logical and I was able to talk my way out of it.
The comments section in the muslim woman’s article are despicable. I’m glad that isn’t the tone in our community. argh.
More fans would be really super. And, I know this is a tall order but… changing rooms separate from the bathrooms!
I would like it if you guys could buy out one of the adjacent spaces to the gym to build a pool so we could sub out 400m swim for 400m run/row. But if we’re being realistic, I also like Bethany’s ideas.
first of all, great 6am with shane, et al. a friday morning with the shaniac is like a bushel of hugs and ten pounds of snuggles!
and while I agree that bethany’s suggestions are good, as a bald american I would humbly ask for the simple offering of CFSBK hats. we wouldn’t want my pretty little head to get sunburned, now would we?
I got a ticket on my bike for riding it on the wrong side of the road. I totally should have known better but I was only 10 freaking years old!
lol bald American. I’m with yoshi on the hats though…. Not those goofy looking bro/brah hats with the flat brim either. lol
ohh and a message board on the website, so i don’t clog up the comment board….
since there’s no place to put a shower, how about one of those white trash blow-up pools?
Aaron, it is Cornerstone’s loss… you will be a big hit at school.
that’s why i am anti-bike lane. they put bikes in the biker ghetto. (next thing you know they will be hauling you all off to concentration camps =) of course you should not ride on the sidewalk. that should be illegal. not riding in the bike lane should not be illegal, the whole road is for everyone. share the road! own the lane. if someone is honking behind you, give ’em the finger.
hm.. it does appear to be illegal to bike in the regular road when there is a bike lane (unless the lane is blocked, say, by a cop giving out tickets for not riding in the bike lane) but it looks like when that happens people are getting tickets for riding on the sidewalk, which they weren’t doing. i was once with a crime i didn’t commit (while committing another crime) and i got off because they charged me with the wrong crime. these cyclists should get off (even the ones who were not avoiding a police car when they left the bike lane.)
the police these days are just awesome
Open gym, benched and squatted. 300x5x3 on the squats. To work on: lowering the bar w/ more speed. Margie was really helpful with coaching and cues.
180x5x3 on the bench. Moved the bar pretty quickly. 185 next week.
1. no storage of bells and other crap between platforms. build a rack for the bells and move ’em. i almost kill myself loading and unloading bars every day, and when i do kill myself, shit is going to hit the fan even if i’m dead.
2. more Active Recovery + maybe some DebAlec inputs.
3. message board – so good for sharing and archiving our vast brooklynite knowledgisms.
and in my fantasy world that will never be true, a magic invisible screen that would keep mosquitos out of the box and off of me. they ruin summertime training for the sweet-blooded and allergic.
that said, i love the box a LOT and don’t mean to sound critical. i’m just
1. clumsy2. “tight as a drum”3. wordy
4. put on this earth to be eaten by bugs.
I want atlas balls.
Michele is smart.My selfish wishlist:1. A 6:30 am class2. Weekend afternoon open gym3. Active recovery programming on rest days (who doesn’t need to be told to do this? Who can’t use more of it?)4. More special workshops (NYC endurance was cool)5. More pulling!6. Integrating optional manual therapy or tissue quality work like ART and Graston (I’d pay for it!)
Also, sigh…there are less painful ways of fighting a traffic ticket. The bike video is entertaining but i mostly felt bad for the police officer being filmed just doing his job. the law is what it is. Individual cops don’t really get to pick and choose what they enforce. Yes it sucks to bike in NYC. It also sucks to drive in NYC. And walk in NYC. it’s crowded. Get over yourself.
i think we need one of these
I agree with some stuff said before9 or 10am class? 930? Or more open gym time? Maybe a system were if you can graduate into being able to do more open gym type stuff. So that superision can be minimal.StonesPaleo snacks? Recovery drinks? (you can even make even more money, you greedy bastards)More weird WODs throwing shit, games, field trips?Btw I’m wasted!
My wish list has two things on it:
1. The return of Tough Titsday. It was offered right when I was coming out of Foundations and it sounded so great, but I wasn’t ready for it at the time. I would love to get stronger with some fabulous ladies.
2. A strength cycle that has squatting on Mondays, Thursdays, or both. I always miss out on squatting and I really want to do it!
btw, sorry about my slightly offensive comment about ‘white trash blow-up pools’. they’re the type of pool i had growing up and that’s just what my family called them (in a loving self-deprecating way). you know as a NYer i’d kill for some space to put a blow-up pool :*