Back-off Week Begins! What is Back-off Week?
It's going to be even hotter today. Stay hydrated during the day, and keep water with you throughout the workout!
Open Gym: A Refresher
As most of you know, CFSBK programs a WOD 5 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. This leaves Tuesday and Friday as rest days. Of course, sometimes your schedule doesn't line up with ours, so we run classes in order to let you get your workout in when you can.
All classes on Tuesdays and most on Fridays are lead by a coach. You have wiggle room in that you are free to ask a coach if you can work on something in particular. But generally, you'll find the structure pretty much the same as regular days in that you'll go through a lead group warm up and workout together. If you are new to group classes, we encourage you to attend regular classes or On-Ramp, but you'll definitely be taken care of in these classes.
Friday nights operate a little differently. I mean, it's Friday, right? People need to be able to chill after the long work week. So we run Open Gym from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. This is a two hour block of time for you to do what you need to do: make up a workout, stretch, practice a skill/movement, get in some lifting. The SBK coach is there to bounce ideas off of, give an eye to your form and make sure you don't kill yourself. But otherwise, it's your space. Since Open Gym is not a lead class, we think it's best to have been a member for 2 or 3 months before using it. If you want to come in to stretch or hop on the erg, that's perfectly fine. But we'd like you to be familiar with movements and able to workout safely without too much assistance before we let you run wild.
We know this is not news to most of our members, but with the constant flow of new folks into our community, we thought it'd be nice to give a little refresher.
Stand Up While You Read This! NY Times
Why and How I Switched to a Standing Desk LifeHacker
5 Songs for Sharks that Like AC/DC NPR (Via David Mak!)
This Woman Treats Every Week Like It's Shark Week The Mary Sue
Thinking of picking up a pair of inov-8’s. Are the 195’s the way to go? I want a shoe good for lifting, running, and anything else we may encounter in daily wods. Also are there any retailers in Brooklyn that sell these shoes? I think paragon in manhattan sells them but would rather not trek.Thanks
This was a back-off WOD, but I sweated like it was crush week! Yowza, I do not handle the heat well.
Anyone else noticed this? I have started putting WODs into two categories:
1 – Burns, fast recovery, fine all day2 – Low burn, slow recovery, sluggish day
Today’s workout was definitely the latter.
FYI, I really like my New Balance Minimus shoes.
a sticky/hot 6am with coach jess
was i happy to see the words “back off week” on the board.
partnered with the scott j., glad you’re back man.
WUdromswod prepmed ball tosses 5x2med ball sit up tosses 5x2lateral box jumps 5×2
WOD5rnds nft10 Push Ups10 K2E10 Partner Medball Tosses, 10ft 20lb10 Partner Medball Sit-Up Tosses 20lb10 Lateral Box Jumps
shoulders are fried from this week. gave them some lax ball love.
marc mess – i like my 230’s. last i checked had 230’s and 195’s a plenty. and i just got a note from saying they had some.
Marc Mess et al.-Paragon does not have Inov-8s. I’ve been down there as have others and been told as much.
Mess – I like the 195s. They also now have 155s which weigh less (155g) and have a very minimal differential between heel and toe. Order the same size a chuck taylor.
I also hear good things about the NB and the Merrell minimalist shoes. I hate the 5 fingers.
That shark feeding lady is CRAZY.
That is all.
It’s offensive to the sharks to think that of all the great AC/DC tunes, rock n roll damnation, let there be rock, shake a leg, etc. etc. that they think those poor sharks want to hear the most overplayed AC/DC songs ever.
Sharks, on behalf of humanity, I apologize.
Partnered with Dan R who I’ve missed and whose enthusiasm is infectious.
Yesterday did that wod with Josh M using “games standard” as he explained with hands on 45# plates and head touching 1 abmat. 4 rnds +400m. I can’t kip hspu at all yet.
Shoes: I got NB 101s (I think) and really like them. They seem philosophically and materially similar to inov8s but significantly <$. But don’t listen to me cause I have what I am pretty sure is the beginning of plantar fasciitis(sp). Inner left heel pain and tenderness. Advil, ice, lax ball, and light stretching are helping alot. Still, scary because it could threaten ability to work. Advice welcome.
i just got the merrell minimalist shoes and LOVE them – the “pace glove.” i totally did not intend to buy them, just wanted to try them on, but so comfy i freaked right the heck out.
Welcome back Katie!10 pushups-unbroken10 knees to somewhere north of the equator10 20lb med ball tosses10 20lb seated med ball tosses10 20″ lateral box jumpsx5 NFT–and it’s a good thing…oof, that was some sweaty work, but returning a lost phone got me a big bottle of Chimay to rehydrate. See you Sunday.
and that says a lot because i don’t really give a shit about sneakers in general.
@Carlos: I had pretty severe plantar fasciitis a few years ago and had to see a physical therapist. One thing he told me to do was keep a can of soda* in the fridge and, a couple of times a day, take it out and roll it around on the floor with my heel. The combination of cooling with moving my foot around always feels good.
*Don’t actually use a soda can. They are way too flimsy, which I found out the hard way when I cracked one while doing this exercise. Fortunately, I didn’t get cut, but soda went everywhere. Get a can of Slim-Fast instead — they’re much sturdier.
pre-class deadlifts (with a weird mix of kg and lb plates, hence the strange #s): 133×5, 177×5, 221×5, 241×5, 251×5, 261x4i haven’t deadlifted in months so just wanted to see how it would go. pleasantly surprised.
then the partner WOD with laurel. lateral jumps are inexplicably hard, and k2e seem to tweak my shoulder–gotta figure that out. otherwise, good times; i like the med ball work.
Dear Coaches Shane and Jess and the entire Thursday 6 pm class,
Thank you for another experience of exploding my physical fitness hubris. I really am loving this as I’m learning so much about the way I should be moving. Also, the soreness I feel today is indicative of the fact that we all really worked. And I so dig the team vibe everyone exudes.
By the way, Paragon had one model of Inov8 when I was there a few weeks back. Just call them to see if they’re in stock. Alas, they didn’t have my size (13). I would like to try out a pair of these.
Digressing a moment, you’d think more stores would carry my uncommon size since I doubt it’s selling out like mad and it’s big, but not big enough to be considered custom-size. Once when I inquired with EMS about that phenomenon, they told me they only order a handful of 13s, so when they go, they go.
Thank you sweet baby Jesus that there is such a thing as a Back-Off Week! I’m still feeling bad for my partner on Monday’s WOD to whom I kept saying, “I think I’m gonna throw up” after each round of burpees.