Qualifiers are almost here! Help Wanted!
Regionals are set for June 16-19th at fancy the Reebok CrossFit facility in Canton, MA, . This is the final Qualifier before the CrossFit Games in July.
Coaches David and Margie are on staff to organize and oversee the Judges and Athletes, as they have done for the past 2 years. We are looking for more Level 1's to join our volunteer Judging staff. We need folks who can uphold strict standards, work hard and give 100% focus. This is probably the most exciting job of the weekend since you get to be out on the competition floor in the middle of some fierce athletes.
Interested? Click here to learn more and register: http://cfnortheastjudges.eventbrite.com
Not a Level 1, but still want to be part of the weekend? Great! We need plenty of volunteers for important jobs such as scorekeeping, handling the athletes and set up/break down. Use the link above to sign up.
In the gym, No One Can Hear You Scream!
This Saturday, June 11th it's scary movie night at CFSBK! The Descent starts at 8pm and Ils starts at 10pm.
Feel free to bring treats and drinks!
RSVP to Maggie G. at maggie.giorgio(AT)gmail.com
What's your favorite thing to do in (or out of) the City in the summer?
What is America's Fittest City The Atlantic (via Hunter-Gatherer.com)
Mark Zuckerberg's New Challenge: Eating Only What He Kills CNN (via Hunter-gatherer.com)
How to Stay Motivated T-Nation
I didn’t get a chance yesterday, but I wanted to thank all you fellow warriors for your kind and really too generous words yesterday. It’s an honor to be associated with all of you. CSB is my 2nd home. I lifted with the Monday night crew last night, and it was really cool. You guys and gals are really a great ,motivated bunch of strong asses.
6am with the mighty coach shane
WU30 sec eachmountain climbers, calf march, paleo chair3x30 jump rope singles2x30 double under 101box jump, burpee, wallball prep
WOD FT W PARTNERgood times with Ash
16:59 rx’d
WB 20’sBP 10’s. these were hard after the wallball. shoulder!!BJ 10’s.DU 20’s. i did a 40 cuz they were feeling good.
good. stuff.
Got to the gym late yesterday but got to lift with the famous AOTM. Was a lot of fun, man that dude is strong.
Because I was late I only did squats, 3x5x315. Made it to the 3rd plate which I felt good about. The second set got pretty sloppy, so for the third set I made sure to rest at least 10 minutes. (The difference between “resting more” and “bar avoidance” is a subtle one.) I also wasn’t breathing enough, so I did that more aggressively and it helped.
Not I just need to do a pull up.
I’m sure their deadlift numbers are pretty impressive too:
Now I just need to do one… geez, I need to edit before I post!
“the big chipper” with chris at the 6am class. 14lb ball, 16 inch box, 50 double unders. 21:05.
I really love these partner WODs. they’re fun and keep me really motivated!
First post ever, but had to chime in today: 6AM is such a great way to start the day! Partnered with Ian. I’m coming back after illness and injury, was nervous, but workout was great (thanks Shane for working with me on substitutions). Everyone supportive – very cool, and Yosh is right, these partner WODs are terrific motivation, and help me to maintain focus as I don’t want to let my partner down. And as to the double unders – they will happen for me (someday)!
WANTED: Folks who like to lift heavy things.
WHEN: Evening of Friday, June 10th, and/or 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 11th.
WHERE: St Marks Ave between 5th and 6th; Park Place between Vanderbilt and Carlton/Flatbush.
DETAILS: Charlotte and I are moving next Saturday, June 11th, to our new abode in Prospect Heights. We have a massive, old dentist’s cabinet that weights something like 400 lbs. I shit you not. It’s really, really fun to move around — that’s why we don’t want the movers to do it. If you can help us get this down one flight of stairs (plus the stoop steps) on a dolly, and then up three flights of stairs at the other end, we would be eternally grateful. And we’ll ply you with breakfast, coffee, and other treats. Liquor, if you want.
Moving this bear is a great workout — ideal warmup before your 10:00 class! If you’re interested, please email me at nick[at]crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Congrats Jack!!
fourth strength cycle, first injury.
guess it had to happen but fuck.
bummer michele…
Solo strength cycle: Volume day
Squat 230x8x3 and 255x4The first two sets were really hard. It sucked. Then the third one was like no problem. Put 25 more pounds on the bar and did a set of 4 which was nice and solid.
Bench: 170x5x3Saturday I’ll finally blow by my previous 5×3 best
Chins: 8,7,7,8Two sets during warmup and two sets at the end.
Bina and I head for Boulder tomorrow for a wedding. I’ve only been there once before– also for a wedding… I emailed Flatiron CF and we’ll be doing a platform rental there Thursday and Saturday. I can’t miss a workout after such a tough May. Hopefully I won’t be too hungover Saturday for Intensity day.
See you next week!
Comp classWOD10 minute AMRAP-ishThrusters 95lbs5 Burpees every minute on the minute63 Thrusters
1st 92nd 93rd 74th 75th 76th 67th 58th 59th 310th 5
Note:-Did this WOD at a crossfit in Hoboken sometime in November.. scored somewhere in the 70’s-I thought then 7 was taking it to easy, so I tried 9 but that was to aggressive.-Also I started the burpees way to fast, don’t redline
My first class back after a solid two months. hard to believe it was actually that long… but there was lots of yoga, pilates, spin, other workouts, and some surfing in between!
Partner WOD with Chris A.100 wall ball, 100 burpees, 100 box jumps, 100 double unders.
Didn’t gas out or die as much as I thought I would during. Super super sore for a full two days afterward.
Wall ball @ 10 lbs (50)Burpees on knees (probably 40 or so)Box Jumps on 20” (50)Double Unders… probably got a few in there, but most were attempts. I’d say about 35 total.
Big thanks to Chris for picking up my slack!