Find a new 5RM! Athletes will use their rest periods to do any pec/shoulder prep for their handstand work
Post loads to comments.
(e8/8) compare to 4.20.11 and 3.30.11
Handstand Push-up
1x Max reps or 1x Max Handstand Hold
Athletes doing a static hold should leave enough time to dismount safely
Post reps/time to comments.
(e4/4) compare to 5.9.11
Accessory Work
Foam Roll/Lax Ball your problem areas
The Shirt that Launched a Thousand Gun Shows…Ladies Tanks are BACK!
Happy Birthday Traci T.!
Today are the last exposures of of BSQ and HSPU for the cycle. We hope the last month of hard work pays off in PRs and refined technique! Before today's squats please read/re-read Coach Margie's article "Getting Ready to Squat" to get your mind right!
Our Casa is Your Casa
I've got good news and I've got bad news. The bad news is we don't have a maid. The good news is that we're all adults and can clean up after ourselves! Everyone is generally pretty good about cleaning up their weight plates and gym tools and we ask that you do the same with your glasses, water bottles and dishwear you use while at the gym.
So please if you use one of the glasses or make a post-WOD snack clean up your mess. Also, don't forget to floss and please don't swim within 30 minutes of eating. Thanks!
As this cycle comes to a close, what workout stands out as your favorite and/or where have you made the most progress? (can be either a conditioning piece or a strength movement)?
Coping with Injury: Learning from a Couple of CrossFit Hipsters StrongerFasterHealthier
A Higher Order of Thinking CrossFit One World
The Claim: Is a Diet High in Protein Bad for Your Kidneys? NY Times
A Good Night's Sleep Isn't a Luxury; It's a Necessity NY Times
Hey All,Thought I’d share this. My friend Ariel needs strong individuals for his human powered concert. Know anyone who fits that bill?
Suns out, guns out!
Yippee! How much are the tank tops?
That whole swimming thing is a myth – go ahead, eat a burger and splash around. It’s ok.
Wow, thanks for the birthday wishes on here! Had a totally random Wednesday off and did the 7am class; Coach Nick was super helpful!
Stella-$20 bucks
David is right, the swimming thing is a myth. However, cleaning up after yourself is not!
Nice to see a Jane Brody article posted. She’s great, she’s a neighbor of ours, walks around the park every single morning. Still working on the sleep. It’s getting better, but lots of work to do.
I am sad, this will mark the first time I hit all exposures of the heavy squat in years.I am sad it will be over, I dont wanna do OHS or FSQ? I want more Heavy Back!
I’m glad Jane Brody wrote an artcile with some truth in it. I take her with a heaping tablespoon of salt.
I’m sure she’s a nice neighboor, though!
The best thing about the sleep article is that she’s refraining from posting about nutrition, which she should do forever.
In other news, my hip flexors are in massive revolt. Three days of rest is too much for them – they get sooooo creaky and tight and jacked. I need to find something non-strenuous to do to them on rest days so my squatting doesn’t get messed up.
@Fox ha ha so do I, believe me. All in all I really like her, but there’s a lot on diet and exercise that we’ll never agree on, and on subjects beyond that, we are even further apart. But, she’s really nice!
She makes her own bread and all of that stuff. Obviously I am not into that, but the active lifestyle, plenty of walking, swimming, being outdoors, that’s all good.
really liked the squat cycle. the 10×3 were awesome. high volume is something i’d like to do more of. unfortunately i missed most of the heavy 5×3 days.
and i used to dislike squatting with great intensity.
Overslept, hopefully I can make the 7pm.
Just wanted to post that I am selling a queen sized bed, an ikea aneboda dresser, an ikea malm nightstand, and a vacuum cleaner. Let me know if you are interested!
schwartzaaronj at
Innov-8 230’s anyone?
I have an unworn pair, ladies size 7, orange. I am going to send them back to zappos, but thought I would check to see if anyone wants to purchase them. They are $105. Email me if you wanna try them on – margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn
i always think it’s funny when articles about diet suggest replacing ‘refined grains’ with ‘whole grains’. our bodies are excellent grain refineries — whether we consume them whole or not, they’re all just chains of sugars after they hit our saliva, stomach, liver…
@nick a if you think that’s bad, trying reading their op eds sometime.
Heavy squat day with Margie at noon. Fun working with the strong Mr. Chris. My last 5×3 was at 180 so I opened at 185.185×5, 190×5, 195×3. Got too deep on the 4th rep and couldn’t get out of the hole. Boo.
I missed all the HSPU exposures so did a max handstand hold: 60 seconds. Need to get back into those. Also pushups, which i committed to doing but have completely failed to do. Hard to find those 18′ at the end of class to get the reps in…
Margie — I would if my feet weren’t way bigger than yours. But thanks for the heads up that Zappos has them! I just ordered a pair for myself. I currently do about 1/3 of my weekly mileage in Vibrams and am looking to switch out of my stability shoes to something more minimal for my longer runs.
They come in purple. This makes me inordinately excited!
18 HSPU. 1 less than my max. Not happy about that
Yes, indeed, fun to work at noon with Margie. And Ms. Charlotte, as always good with enthusiastic encouragement and tips. Btw, I’m pretty sure you bailed on your fifth rep so give yourself 195×4. You earned it! 265×5, 270×5, 275×5. Last is a pr for sets of 5. Handstand pushups was 3 with two ab mats I believe. Shoulder mobility the limiting factor for these. Will work on that.Speaking of shoulder, since I was out, I went to the butcher and picked up a 9 lb pork shoulder (bone in [that’s what she said. {sorry!}]). this weekend will attempt to replicate the Momofuku’s Bo Ssam. Anyone out there try to do this with any success? I have recipe but welcome advice.
Back Squat315x5, 325×5, 340×5 PRHSPU 2×2 with 1 abmatdumbell press 50sx10x3
Higher order of thinking my ass.
That CrossFit One World post annoyed the crap out of me. There’s a value judgement in there I don’t appreciate. Probably because it had me directly in it’s sights and I have no where near a 600 pound Deadlift.
And putting pain on a pedestal? You find it where ever men gather– Zen monasteries, gyms, rock bands, locker rooms, frat houses. I have one word for it– idiotic.
If I feel like putting all of my energy into getting strong and not snapping it with 10 minute met-con beat-downs (since when was getting beat-down ever deemed a positive thing anyway?) than so be it.
One-world owner can take his judgmental attitude of his extremely strong coach and screw himself with it.
Eric did something that the author of that post will never be able to accomplish. He should be applauded, not be used a rhetorical device.
Back after a relatively long layoff (Friday-Tuesday) which I think actually did me pretty well. Went 280/290/300 on the squats, and felt good almost all the way through. Started exposure at 275/275/275(f).
Did 9 HSPUs on the rep out, compared with 6 on first exposure.
245 bs. Felt strong. Finally got my form dialed in on those low bar squats. Can’t wait for the next cycle. HSPU although I only did 2, I came off the wall From wrist pain and not failure. Not sure how far I would have gotten but considering my first HSPU day I could barely do one without an abmat, I’ll take 2 strong as a win. Happy I found Cfsbk, great first month out of foundations. Can’t wait for tomorrow, saw some people doing the wod and it is a horrorshow.
Backed my squats down to 150x5x3 in yet another attempt to get my form dialed in. Currently stalking the Perform Better website for some keep-my-stupid-knees-out bands to use at home.
Handstand hold: 35 seconds. Wall kickups went better this time, tried to use the time to get used to being upside down. My chest is still fried from Murph, so HSPUs weren’t happening.
whoa Rob, now i need to go back and read that.
HAH read your comment too 🙂
Chris- my wife has made the Bo ssam from the momofuku cookbook four times, and it’s fantastic. And easy. We just made one and brought it to the park for a picnic on Monday. Enjoy!
Warmup:3 rounds NFT of:-:45 shoulder mobility work-12 KB swings 20kg russian, then 16kg american x 2-2 forward rolls
LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 175×1)work: 185×5, 190×5, 195×1-I was pretty gassed after the 190 set but thought I’d give 195 a go anyways. After the first one I called it. Just wasn’t worth the fight. Looking back this ends up being about a 15lb PR, but can’t say that I’ve truly tested it before.
Skipped the handstand work because I did those yesterday (see bottom of post) so I convinced Lahey to do “Annie” with me.Time = 7:24-All rounds of double unders and situps unbroken. Really felt good and thought I’d PR but I got caught up by a knot in my rope during my last set of 10. boo.
Yesterday during Comp Class, we did the 1st Regionals WOD:For time:-1000m Run-30 HSPU’s-1000m RowTime: ~13:30 mins with 2 abmats-HSPU’s were even harder after Murph. Still so incredibly sore. Fun workout though.
Haven’t been too consistent lately – did 255 for sets across and it felt pretty good. Will try for a max next week.
HSPU – did 9, which tied my PR. Pretty happy with that given my spotty training the past few weeks.
Nino, Thanks! I think we’ve got that recipe and glad that it works. Give you a report the next time I see you!
Actually made it to class!
squats: 155, 165, 175 – kept these on the lighter side to focus on keeping my hip happy through the movement. It’s still a bit sore, but nowhere near as bad as it used to be. The reps were all fairly fast and clean.
HSPU: 3. +1 from the first day and I didn’t even hit most of the exposures on this. hurray! I’ll get back to my 5 sooner than I thought.
Warm up:4 rounds NFT3 forward rollsshoulder/chest prep12 KBswings
Back SquatWarm up:45×6 135×5 225×3 275x3Work:325×5 335×5 PR
WODFor Time:1000m run30 handstand pushups1000m row
Time: 19:34
Note:-Back squats felt good in the warm up, like usual. I’ve been taking a bit to long getting them done. Once I put on any type of real weight I shoot my hips up first and keep my chest down to low.(almost like a goodmorning, not a good feeling or idea)
-I feel like its because we started the cycle out way to heavy so I didn’t get a chance to build up to the weight, yes/no/maybe/FU?
-The WOD was fun.. but the run felt very slow, I don’t like to run in my “Chucks”. The HSPU took forever cause my shoulder are weak, WEAK! The row was fine cause I couldn’t really push myself at the HSPU
Tried to post this the other day and just realized what I did wrong.I loved the squat cycle. For someone new, like me, this was the perfect way to really get to know a lift. I liked having multiple exposures and two really different approaches with the heavy/volume program. I learned a ton and feel a lot more confident choosing weights and figuring out just how much I can lift both physically and mentally (this is huge). Oh, and I learned how to bail (poorly and have the bruise to prove it). I’ve been really nervous about bailing but I got through it and now I know what it feels like to really get stuck.