For Time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
Post time, Rx and experience to comments.
compare to 5.31.10
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
To read more about "Murph" click here.
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a special holiday where we honor and remember the men and women who died while serving our military. Today's workout was one of Michael Murphy's favorite WODs which he called "Body Armor". Each year we come together to do this workout and celebrate those who have given the ultimate sacrafice for our country as well as recognizing those still with us who continue to serve. CFSBK would especially like to thank members from our gym who serve in the armed forces and related fields. Your efforts are appreciated and respected, this workout is for you!
The gym will open at 10:30AM and we will be starting the first heat of folks exactly at 11am. We'll be starting new heats of up to 20 people on the half hour and recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for whichever heat you'd like so that you can warm-up and do any movement prep you'd like.
There will be a number of movement and scaling options available so whatever your level of fitness is we'll find the appropriate challenge.
The BBQ itself will start at 1PM. If you can, please bring a side dish or some beverages so that everyone can eat their fill.
Hope to see you all today!
Remember that on the actual Memorial Day (tomorrow) CFSBK will be closed. Please enjoy the day off with friends and family, we'll be sure to do the same!
Good luck all, wish I could have made it today. Did it on my own.50.19
my soundtrack for Murph.
Gloria Gaynor may pop into my head during the 2nd mile
Fox: I was thinking of this: out for badgers.)
I really dig Cake! Have fun today everyone!
I love cake, lower case c. Damn Paleo diet…
My personal form of hell today: first 10-miler of the year. In a mall parking lot in New Jersey. In 75-degree weather. Blech, but I finished!
Good luck to all you Murph maniacs today!
1/2 murph 20mins
Congrats to all and to CFSBK for a great event!My daughter Isabel was perfecting med-ball cleans.
My first Murph, subbed 50 strict pull-ups, everything else RxD.
Time: 46.33
Dedicated to my Dad:
And my brother:
Have a great Memorial Day everyone.
I live in Colorado but am following your programming. Just set a new PR for Murph, today. 32:36 (at 9,600 ft. above sea level). Have fun, today.
DajM,How long have you been following CFSBK programming? Where are you training out of? Thanks for posting!
Samir,Amazing pictures!
I’m not a big fan of Cake or cake.
Today’s Murph
49:17 as Rx’d
Felt like I had a slow but consistent pace. Tried the 15 Squats, 5 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups for 2 rounds and really didn’t like it. My push-ups didn’t get enough recovery so I went back to reverse “Cindy” style. My Push-Ups were 3-3-2-2 for about 15 rounds of it and it worked Really well for me. Maybe took a little too much rest between sets but I never hit failure and felt like I was moving well.
The second run, as it always is was quite difficult. I actually stopped to walk for about 30 ft on the first lap of the 2nd run but snapped myself out of it back to my comically slow job. Picked up my pace each lap. Getting lapped by like 5 people in the process of my last run gave me a little push.
Afterwards I was pretty out of it for a while.
Great day today, I’ll post some thanks yous etc on the blog tomorrow but for now I’ll just say that today was a big success.
Murph in 39:05. Used the 5,5,5,15 pattern which worked well but push ups still became 3-2 at the very end. Runs were both slow. Still pleased overall.
Great pictures Samir.
Thanks service men and women.
Thanks CFSB staff and volunteers for a fun and deliscious event.
Somebody should send the Colorado groupie a shirt!
46:08 Rx’d
About 5 minutes faster than last year.Went 10×10-20-30 and I guess it worked well for me. That 2nd mile had a lot of walking, basically every time I got to the avenues.
carlos — you need to start wearing a vest! that is awesome.
my murph was ok, 56:04 — better than last year but not as good as at new years… the last run was painful as usual.
Murph was hard today. 1:02:09, about 10 minutes slower than last year, but I did 1/2 strict push-ups and last year was 1/4 strict push-ups. White band both years.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for my new hoodie. I’ve been having a tough time lately with some personal things and having Crossfit in my life really helps me through. It’s always a good feeling when I know I can get to the gym and be with all you great folks and challenge myself and improve. Life would not be the same without it.
Congrats to all who did Murph today! And congrats to Sarah on your hoodie! Alec and i stopped by and the energy was amazing!Samir, I love the pic of your Dad!
classic CFSBK day today.
in spite of the three solid hours of overheated insanity Stella spent at the box, she had to be dragged down the block away from the gym when it was time to go home. her eyes said, you don’t understand. them folks there are MY PEOPLE.
at about 200m, she forgot why she was resisting, and proceeded to frolic, unfazed, the rest of the way home.
Every time y’all post about the dog, I do a double take and go, “What did I do?” And then ten seconds later, I figure it out.
D’oh. Her name is my name too!
Melon’s Modified 1/2 Murph
2x 1k rows instead of running, ring rows for pull-ups, kneeling push ups.
did 10 rounds of 5-5-15-5, which worked well. probably should have made the ring rows harder. squats were not painful at all, either during or after, thanks to Deb’s smartytude! second row was the slowest row in the universe, plus two breaks. time was somewhere around 28 minutes? i didn’t know what clock we were using, ’cause i no pay attention good.
it was awesome to be in the gym with other people. like, for serious. awesome.
then jon and i carried salad remains home and i passed out for 2 hours. aaaawwws yeah.
Great showing all around today, but I gotta give a big thank you to Edgar who cheered me on the entire hour plus I slogged through this with a weighted vest. I seriously would have quit without all his yelling and cheering. Awesome day at CFSBK!
Dan: watching you keep going was incredible.
Thanks, everyone. I already knew that I loved CrossFit South Brooklyn, but today… my first Murph ever… really brought it home! I ain’t gonna lie though, y’all. Halfway through, I was like, “Damn! Why didn’t I choose the blasted Half-Murph!!?!?!?”
However, with everyone cheering me on; including people I just met today (whom I actually didn’t officially meet until after I finished), I had no choice but to keep on keepin’ on. So very glad I did.
Now this is a real community! Now to prove just how community we are, anybody got a real good deep tissue massage hookup that won’t charge me an arm and a leg? I’m going to be sore tomorrow.
44:10 Rx’d. The 15/5/5/5 breakup worked really well for me this year. The last 5 rounds went to 3/2 and sometimes 5 pushups, everything else felt great. I surprised myself with the first mile, the second mile was a slog.
About 4 minutes slower than last year, but last year was on a treadmill in air conditioning, so I’m calling it a PR.
If anyone finds about half a hand’s worth of skin somewhere near the pull-up bars, can you chuck it in the fridge for me? It’s mine.
The vibe was fantastic, CFSBK is even more fun than I remembered, glad I’m back.
@Rahsaan ha call 1 800 LAX BALL.. I think they are $2 at the gym
“Murph”For time:1 mile run100 pullups200 pushups300 squats1 mile run
Time: 42:00?
Note-Not sure of the time, cause I was helpin a fellow crossfiter through his second mile-Maybe try to break up the squats or just another way all together-Give myself a set time to rest.. Don’t linger!
Next year be better!
David,I’m Marc Mess’ brother. I came in and did that Helen type AMRAP with you two Sundays ago. I live in the Breckenridge, CO (up in the mountains). I’ve been following your programming for about a month, now. I like it so I will keep at it for awhile. If you have anymore of those Murph shirts, I’d like to wear one. Pass it off to my borther, he’ll send it my way. I feel like I did the Murph with you guys. Maybe next year I’ll actually come to Bklyn for it and crush my time. I’m not that happy with it. Should have been 28 mins. Next time…
Rashaan –
I have not enjoyed the massage/tissue work I’ve had the day or even second day after a very hard workout. Probably because that kind of workout promotes inflammation, and having someone promote more freaking inflammation by pummeling my inflamed tissues is deeply uncomfortable and honestly not that healing.
What’s worked best for me, day after, is rest and *maybe* walking. It’s going to be very warm tomorrow, so you won’t need much to get yourself a little warm and humming. I’d stop at that.
What an awesome day.
murph as rx’d 45:59.
Pretty happy with my time all pushups and pulls unbroken going 15,5,5,5 the squats are coming but are brutal for me.
thanks to all the soldiers and armed services people that came out.
@Melon: “smartytude.” I like it!@Michele: sage advice on the massage front post hard workout.
finally getting a chance to post.
Murph: 70:11-a full 10 minutes slower than last year. Did the 15-5-5-5 style but it didn’t really make a difference. I got to a point where I just couldn’t do any more pushups. It was also so hot and I was so sweaty that my hands kept slipping for the pushups. gross.
So, not my best performance but I’m glad I did it. Murph is such a fun day to be a part of! Thanks to those who organized and all who came out!
Josh, are you looking for a haymaker from me? 😉
Michele, thanks! Very astute observation. I never considered that. I’ll do a repeat of what I did yesterday after running my post-Murph errands. That is, go to Prospect Park and lie in the sun for like four or five hours. That helped me settle down yesterday, and should be good today.
Had a tough time with Murph this year. Not really sure what it was:
The fact that I havent been in the gym more than 2 times a week for the past month?
The heat of doing it outside?
My poor diet this past week?
Still being extremely sore from Saturdays Squats and Sprints?
Maybe a combination of all 4 things?
Last year I did it in 53 and did 100 more squats. Looking forward to this upcoming year where ill be able to train more year round.
M/ 37/ 133 lbs/ 5′-6″As Rx: 30:39I did this one for the first time outdoors. I have only done it on a treadmill in the past.. an advantage and disadvantage. The main advantage of running on a treadmill is you have to keep up to whatever pace you set so that’s good, but it’s SOOOO boring to run like that. I think my PR about 2 years ago was a bout 27:45, but I did this one outdoors and on rings outside. It was sooo much more fun.. but much harder with the really hot sun beating down on me on a black rubber track. I actually felt a little slow on the 100,200, 300 but just kept at em. I usually do it “Cindy” style with 20 rounds of 5,10,15… it’s also a lot easier to remember the total counts of all reps. I can usually kill them really fast, but today I just kind of grinded them out. I did the first mile in a somewhat relaxed 7:30, then did the reps in about 15:00 and then the last mile in about 8:00. This is the fist time doing Murph outside and my first time doing it in about 2 years. I should have gone out a little faster and I should have gone out faster on the reps and relaxed for the last round of reps before going into the last mile. I think that would have helped my time. I felt good, but the heat hit my breathing a bit on the last mile… it was well over 90 in the pure sun when I did it… good to workout outside though… I’m going to try to get a lot of WODs done outside this summer.