Five Rounds For Time of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Rx Loads are 155/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 4.18.09
Congratulations to Sean B for being Selected for Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). This is a grueling 2 week test that only about 1/3 of the candidates pass. Sean will now begin a year and a half of Special Forces training. To see a video of SFAS, watch this documentary entitled "2 Weeks in Hell" Part 1 of 9…
11.04. Man those jerks got heavy quick. Next time strategy is do the deads and jerks unbroken and rest during the cleans. GreAt 6 am class everyone killed it. Off to AC to win the jackpot. Good luck everyone with the murph.
12:39/52#. The power cleans were my nemesis today.
10 people in the 7 AM class! Nice.
Great AM classes indeed.
I went to Reebok yesterday for a meeting about the regional qualifier. They’ve got a pretty awesome campus in CT and it seems like CrossFit has really taken hold of their corporate culture. They’ve got a nice gym which they’re expanding from a 5,000 sq ft facility to 16,000 sq ft. They said it’s not uncommon to have 40+ people in a class (Currently their facility is just a little larger than ours). Today they have a “CrossFit 101” seminar/WOD where 700+ Reebok Employees will get a “What is Fitness?” lecture followed by Hooverball, WODS and a tug of war event at the end.
Regional is going to be a LOT bigger and more polished than any other year..
Congrats Sean! That video is intense. I would be crying like a girl.
Looking forward to this WOD! Is that the right rx’d weight for ladies? Seems like 95 normally corresponds to mens rx of 135 so I wasn’t sure. I might regret asking this…
Congratulations Sean B! That is amazing! I started watching the YouTube video posted and had to watch all 9 episodes! Good luck with your training!
Jess, this morning Steph asked about it and David said the Rx was 105, not 95 as posted here.
@ jess – sigh. RX is actually 105. if RX was 95 i probably would have tried it, but did a few reps at 95 and knew it would be really tough.
7am!DT @ 85#13:06
this was tough. i didn’t know if i should try to be going faster and risk gassing out – but i stuck with a pretty slow and steady pace throughout. jerks got hard.
last round i managed to aggravate my lower back so the last round was painful and right now sitting is painful. in retrospect i probably should have stopped but that just doesn’t really jive well with me. insert: stubbornness.
also, just looked back from when we did this 2 years ago. i did it at 85# in 18:51. i’ll take a 5:45 PR!
6am with the mighty DO
WUshoulder prephamstring prepDT prep
DT15:23 at 135lbPJ’s unbroken. didn’t have enough gumption on this one. grip was the limiting factor.i liked it a lot. it’s an arse kicker.Rx’d next time.
last time 11:00 at 115lb
wk 3 of fox’s int. pull up. 4×4 with up to 2mins rest. all c2b.
congrats sean. rock it!!
david (or anyone) — is the gym open with regular class schedules on memorial day?
as a happy participant in the 6am class (85#, 10:54), I will say this: it was really fun being part of such a good group, and watching McG work was awesome.
Nick – closed Memorial Day!
What was on the espresso this AM? I want some!
I just bought a motorcycle!
Kick Ass Sean
DT @13514:10that sorta stunk, grip failed…Hang power cleans were hard to string. Next time Rxd
Best of luck Sean.
DT at 120# in 12:47
Bailed all cleans and took them from the floor. Resetting to the hang in both clean and snatch is something I haven’t figured out.
Split jerked starting in the 3rd rnd.
DT @105# with 6 pushups subbed for push-jerks.
Finished in 8:33
Congrats, Sean.
11:50 (ish) at 115#, chasing Jules the whole way. Overhead was the limiting factor by far. I tried one at 125 but felt the lean and the lower back start already so…Ass kicker anyway.
Ugh, big ole DNF on this after 4 rounds at 115 plus 8 DLs. Lower back just seized up, as it did during the KB challenge last Thursday. Shane gave me some good work/homework for hamstring tightness.
“Two Weeks in Hell” is riveting. Congrats Sean and best of luck with your training!
looking at all of the comments here makes me really want to join this box.
11:13 75# Scaled a bit too much, but it felt nice to work smoothly, got the shivers towards the end of the workout.
DT:14:39-first round at 105#, then realized that was a dumb idea and dropped to 95#.-my hands hurt so bad and got some blisters on my thumbs. hope these aren’t a problem during Murph.-the only other time I’d done DT was this past Christmas. finished in 14:31 at 93# so I guess I’ve improved. should be able to do this rx’d next time. Unless next time is next week.
Strength cycle has me a little behind on the blog, but I just caught up with Two Weeks in Hell.
Now I really wish I pushed just a little harder when Sean was my counter for the recent Fight Gone Bad. I mean, it was the very least I could have done.
I have such a huge respect for these guys. Congrats, Sean.
I got to DT with Sean this morning — sweet! Great visit to your box, will definitely stop by when next I’m in Brooklyn.
10:41 rx (PR by 1:26 from 3 months ago)
“DT”5 rounds for time:12 deadlifts9 hang power clean6 push jerks
155lbs perfect weight
Time: 14:12
Note-came into the gym with a really tight lower back-at 9:30ish in the end of the 4th round, lower back got super tight. thought about stopping!-had a great pace, biggest problem was lower back-lower back lower back lower back