Add 2-5 lbs from the previous exposure
Post loads to comments.
(e6/8) compare to 5.18.11
For Time:
Run or Row 800m
Accumulate 2:00 in an L-Sit
L-Sits on Parallel Bars or Rings
Post time and Rx to comments.
Good luck to Ben F who will be in Sudan for the next 60 days working security detail for the State Department!
Happy Birthday, Asta F!
Attention all Murph'ers!
We'll be providing the meat and some beer for all to partake in. We'd kindly ask that you bring a paleo friendly side or some beverages for folks to enjoy post workout. The goal is to send everyone home exhausted, covered in sweat and uncomforably full. 3 Cheers for Murph Day!
Check out Sarah H's pictures from the 2009 "Murph"
In Defense of Bacon CaveGirlEats
The Bacon Bummer Whole9
NFL Training Secrets TTMJ
225 work sets. Felt heavy but I got it done. I think my form is starting to come around.
Practiced l sits but hanging off a pullup bar since I did it at my globo. This is hard for me so I need work on it.
Took advantage of jet lag to hit a rare 7AM class. So good to be back!
Sadly a month with no squatting was long enough to forget everything I learned about LBBSQ rack position. I did 170x3x5. That last set I re-racked after every rep to debug this. It started to click at the end. Thanks, Nick.
WOD: 6:55, legs tucked on the rings.
Good luck Ben, thanks for your efforts!
7AM Squatting really starts the day right.
180 work sets. Felt like I had a much better low bar position.
6:50 for the WOD. Cam in at about 2:45 for 800 and then basically going 10s on 10s off for the holds (on the bars, legs crossed)
Not sure if anyone cares but I feel like I saw some posts a while ago about people asking for inov-8’s. TheShoeMart got some Flite 195’s and 230’s in if anyone is interested.
zappos have a butt ton of inov-8 195’s and 230’s too.
So does http://www.theshoemart.com/crossfitblog/
squat310x5x3Metconran 800 then did some holds but overall DNFbench (summer of 3 wheels)240x5x3, 140×20
Squatted with the famous NYT columnist, David Brooks. Online he is a total douchebag, but in person, a really nice dude.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×3, 185×2, 205×1
Work: 210×5, 210×4 (failed fifth rep), 210×4 (failed 5th rep again). Disappointing. It all felt heavy today. I jumped 5lbs from last time, so don’t know what went wrong.
Accessory WOD: 7:30 with L-sits on rings.
part of my paleo challenge in january was reducing the bacon in my life. that said, the Paleo Bacon Wars this week were pretty funny, and whole 9 has officially jumped the shark.
Two things…
1. Strength class is really fun and I am learning a lot.
2. I left a blue sweatshirt in the coat room and I think someone accidentally took it home with them. If you did, could you just put it back the coat room the next time you come to the gym? Thanks!
Yes, officially Mig. i got tired of them at the word “coffee.”
soon they are going to say that sex is a “cheat meal” and you should only have it once a month. cause you know, hormones and all that…
only skimmed the article, but I really loved the part where they were saying that responsible people should know that 3 people down the line things will get misconstrued so you shouldn’t say things like “eat bacon.”
I interpreted that to mean that Whole9 should shut the f*k up.
Injury kept me from squatting today so deadlifts instead:135×5, 185×5, 215x5245x3, 285x3x2Wasn’t expecting to go as high but felt good.Accessory WOD in 7:02 with the row and knee bent L sit on rings.
Ben – Good luck and God bless; stay safe over there.
Big shout out to Sean (Shawn?) who just returned after successfully completing the Special Forces selection course. 290 men attempted, 103 succeeded, including Sean. Officially a bad ass!!
Smallish classes tonight…was everyone out in the park? Or as some suggested, in a beer garden? Good on ya!
Be safe, Ben.
Congrats, Sean!
I really like Whole 9’s stuff for the most part and agree with their argument that bacon is a “sometimes” food. I can also relate to saying sh*t that sometimes people really don’t want to hear. I think it’s funny how topics like: grass-fed, coffee, and bacon, can insite such strong feelings in people.
Warm up:3 rounds for time10 pushups10 box jumps10 walking lunges
Squat!Warm up:45×5 135×4 225×3 295x2Work:315x5x31st felt heavy2nd felt a lil better3rd held on for the ride
WODFor time:Run 800m2 minutes “L”sit
Time:Not sure lost count somewhere in the :30s
Note:Squats took a lot out of meBody still doesn’t feel normal from ragnarI don’t feel mobileDiet and fish oil
275x5x3. This felt good. Two weeks ago I failed on the 3rd set at 275, so nice to see that improvement.
Time was somewhere around 9 minutes with a tuck. First long exposure to the rings.
Pullups/ Chinups: 15,10,9Pushups: 15,15,15Air Squats: 15,15,15BSQ warmup: 45×5; 95×5; 135×5; 175×5; 200×3
then 225x5x3 (increased weight by 10 lbs)
10×3 knees to elbowsDouble unders: 200 in 2 mts 30 secs (got a 100 unbroken)