Alex H volunteered to do the “Murph” runs with a Keg!*
Degraw Street Etiquette 101
CFSBK often takes to the streets for our workouts. We run, lift, throw, jump and drag on the sidewalk on a regular basis. As fun as it is to push a prowler or run sprints outside, we have to consider our residential and commercial neighbors. We’ve had a few “nudges” from our friends on Degraw Street that sometimes it can be difficult for pedestrians to walk if we’re in full swing during a WOD. So in order to work better with our neighbors, we’ll be using the street a little less and we ask that you guys be mindful of folks walking by when we do. Here are some easy tips to stay safe and help us maintain the ability to use the street:
– Slow down when you run in and out of the building. Adding a couple seconds to your time is a better alternative to running full force into someone on the street or signing into the gym.
– If you’re working with an implement (barbell, kettlebell etc), make sure that you keep it under control and don’t let yourself trail into the middle of the sidewalk where people can’t get by or are in danger of getting hit. Try to keep your overall footprint as small as you can.
– Pedestrians have the right of way on the sidewalk. Try to run around folks with plenty of clearance so you don’t startle/run into them. If space is tight, slow down so you can safely maneuver through them.
– Be aware of your surroundings. As tired as you might be you still need to be vigilant about what’s going on around you. Keep your eyes open for skateboarders, trucks coming in/out of garages, people walking out of boulders and any debris on the street.
Remember that you represent CFSBK when you’re on the street. Try to be curteous, adaptable and rational when hitting the pavement.
The Management
Log Books!
Remember to take your log book home this week. The crate is overflowing and we want to make sure all our active members don’t have to sift through 30 lbs of journals to find their book. You can bring your log book home on Muprh day (Sunday)
Would You Rather…
Run a 5K with a weighted vest (20lb) or do Double Fran?
(*not true)
On Tendinitis Eat.Move.Improve
So you Hurt Your Knee Eat.Move.Improve
What is Dynamic Stretching and Why is it Important? Norcal S&C
Mensticular Fortitude Cathletics
5K, please. I once did run them weighing 20 pounds more than I do now, so I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have to scale, unlike Fran!
6am with the DO
WU4min row 18s/m 20s/m 22s/m 24s/m4 min 20 sec hollow rock 30 sec stretch
3×2 HSKU from the floor, 3×2 HSKU from standing
HSPU2 abmats 5, 4, 3, 3
really liked this one. not too horrible, just horrible enough. should have scaled up. clapped on the jumps over the bar for good measure.
I have run a 5K in a weighted vest, but I have not done double Fran.
The 5K run left me sore in a very unhealthy feeling way. (Soreness at joints and tendon attachments rather than muscle bellies) My form falls apart running unloaded, and I don’t think the vest helps. Plus it bounces around and kind of beats you up. Maybe I need a sports-bra. Maybe sub a 5K swim in a weighted vest?
Can something be twice as bad as Fran? I doubt it.
Actually, Double Fran might not even be that bad an experience for me because my pullups would fall apart and the intensity would suffer. I would certainly GET a terrible time, but I might not HAVE a terrible time. (if that makes sense)
Would a double Fran be 42-30-18, or would it be two rounds of 21-15-9?
Yikes…tough question. I’d do neither very fast so either would be OK. If pressed I’d probably run the weighted vest 5K. I was almost 30lbs heavier for last years Bronx 1/2 and made it through.
Samir – you do Fran, and then do it again.
The idea of running with a vest just sounds bad, and willie your logic def makes sense. I’ll go with double fran.
hey peepsbaz herejust wanted to check in because, concurrent with finishing year one of MSW school and now having semi-unlimited free time, i sprained my ankle pretty badly this weekend playing soccer and i feel bummed.crutches for one week – no murph (i was going to dominate!) damn.just wanted to say hi and ask for any ideas for exercises that could be done while resting, icing, compressing, and elevating and wanted to ask if i would be bullied and teased for coming limping into the gym to complete week 3 of fox’s pull-up – sadbaz
I’m a big fan of 12 oz curls.
oh no baz! bummerz.
If you come in to do pullups, I will do them with you. Take heart from Bethany’s rehab efforts, she almost cut her foot off and still came in to all kinds of crazy stuff.
Hang in dere, bro.
Time to work the gunz, Baz. Bench press, seated press, chin/pull ups, and rows. Get ‘er done. Also pistols, assisted or otherwise, on the good leg.
Bad Newz, Baz. Kiki recently tore her heel chord playing basketball. Maybe you two should team up to spot each other on chest and tris day.
I would rather do double Fran. Only because I would have a nice sense of accomplishment afterward and feel like I got some strength endurance out of it. I would be slow and bitter the entire 5K and then be bitter and sore afterward.
I did my wife’s cart walker coop shift on Sunday and I was walking a nice lady back to her car. She was saying that she had to deal with the jam packed coop by herself because her husband sprained his ankle. When we got to the car, there was Baz sound asleep in the front seat, cuddling with his crutches.
I would do double Fran. While double Fran would probably take me about a week I think I would have some near permanent joint injuries from a weighted 5k. Just a normal 5k had my joints complaining for a week.
Double Fran. My time would be awful, the thrusters would absolutely crush me and I’d be doing singles, but I’d prefer that to slogging through a slow jog with a vest bouncing around on me.
How about ?5x”Fran”Run1K
5 Frans and a 5K…
I think thats one of the WODs for the Games this year.
I’ll take the 5k. One Fran, scaled way down, absolutely crushed me; a weighted 5k, by comparison, sounds easy.
5k with vest bouncing all around sounds f’in horrid; I’ll take the double Fran, if I gotta take something. Baz, my Ranger brother, tough break. Hang in there, you’ll be ranging again in no time!
I’ve run a 5K with a weighted vest, surprisingly easy actually. The vest made me even more aware of posture/body position while running.
Double Fran sounds like a horrible idea, especially if it’s done/scaled to match the weight/reps where one could do sub 3 or 4 minutes on the workout. Then institute a specific recovery period, e.g. 5 minutes – amount of time you took to do the workout before beginning again.
That way none of the moments become a limiting factor and the suck factor remains 🙂
Cleans, Cleans, CLEANS with Brian!
Wasn’t paying attention to my weights, but worked up to 3x154lbs focusing on the rhythm of the explosion/drop and staying over the bar. Felt like I made good progress. Thank you Brian.
Feeling like a cooked noodle now, sitting on the couch, food.
Baz, I was just lamenting your absence and now this! NOOO!!
Mr. Fox hit on the head though bro– work the guns. Seated press! Bench! Curls even for god’s sake. Get yer butt down here.
We need one of those stupid arm cycles for the injured I guess.
I’m still getting over my cold and decided to extend my layoff into a full deload and ramp up to the Hybrid Total…
Active recovery Class:Lots of fun, lots of foam rolling and LaX ball stuff. Good deal, gotta get in there more!Goal: next Tuesday.
Worked cleans with Brian and Laurel. Great to spend a full hour on technique. Feeling like I have a better idea what I need to work on.
Took a surprising amount out of me.
baz…murph on crutches!
.5 miles mile crutch walkpushupspullupspistols with crutch assistance.5 mile crutch walk
get better bud.