Good luck to all the SBK Members running in the BK Half Marathon this weekend!
lululemon athletica Brooklyn is cheering on the 1/2 Marathoners
The Brooklyn Half Marathon is here and the lululemon BK team is creating a big, bad Cheering Station for the and they want YOU to be a part of it! The point is to gather community, have a good time, and cheer on perfect strangers and our closest friends as they run towards the achievement of their goals.
Date : Saturday, May 21
Time: 7AM-9AM (Race starts at 7am in the Park)
Where: Park Circle. Southwest Corner of Prospect Park
If you plan on going please email whubbard(AT)
Lost and Found
There's still a ton of stuff in the crate. If it's yours take it home by end of the day on Saturday
Are you running in the Brooklyn Half Marathon this weekend? Those who've run marathons, half marathons or Tris before, what was your best time?
Clearing Up Kidney Confusion: An Introduction Robb Wolf
2011 CrossFit Regional Workouts Announced CrossFit
Well I’ll start with probably the shortest tri and the worst results. I only did one, but it was a lot of fun. I did a sprint in 1:10. That’s nothing special, but my unitard was!
I’m not running the half tomorrow, but I will be volunteering at the start area. Good luck to those who’re running!
Best half time: 1:59:44, at the Philly Distance Run in 2009. I was over the moon when I found out I broke two hours, even if it was by the skin of my teeth!
Best marathon: 4:22:35, last year at Chicago. I have no idea how I took 6 minutes off my previous PR — granted, Chicago is a flatter course than any other I’ve run, but HOLY CRAP the temperatures were in the high 80s for the entire second half of the race! People were dropping like flies all around me. It was really scary.
Never done a tri, mostly because I can’t swim worth a hill of beans.
I’ll be running the Bklyn Half tomorrow; easily the best of the 5 borough half-marathons.
Best half-marathon time was 1:39:00 on the Bklyn Half last year.
Best (and only) marathon for me was also Chicago last year: 3:53:02. I agree with Stella, it got way too hot. I’ll be running NYC this November!
Half Marathon best time : 1 hr 30 mts. (Norwegian half marathon)
Full Marathon best time: 3 hrs 8 mts (Arizona Tucson marathon)
Best Ironman timing: 14 hrs 13 minutes (vineman race in napa valley)
Have gained about 25 lbs since my last race (20 lbs just in the 2 mts of strength training) – all muscle though 🙂
Ran the BK Half last year (High 1:40s I recall)
Advice to runners- don’t kick out like a madman when you see the boardwalk…theres still about half a mile to go. I started running like a maniac and then had to re-slow down and re-speed up again. Don’t be that guy.
Unrelated to everyone’s running accomplishments: would anyone like a free week of CSA veggies? Jon & I are out of town the day our CSA starts and can’t do our pickup. Pickup deets: Saturday morning, June 4, at the park at 6th Ave & 19th Street. Email if interested: melon.wedick [at]!
My best time for a 5×5 squat (with warmup) was 44 minutes….
Solo Strength Mini-cycle: recoverySquat: 245x3x3Bench: 170x5x3
Felt run down, took a power nap beforehand and felt ok, but now have a minor cold. May postpone next workout to recover.
Did I mention I had an epic fail on my lean out? Dropped and then added it right back due to fear of missing lifts. Hopelessly addicted to stronger.
Those regional WODs are sick, but do they have to be that voluminous?
30″ box jumps?
Oh, and 2:02 for the Bronx Half Marathon last year. Wanted sub-2, but oh well. It was fun.
i posted this to facebook but it deserves a repost given the topic of today’s question:
Running is Sexy, via Regretsy
I ran NYC in ’99 and ’01 – 4:16 and 4:19 respectively. It was a great experience, and I would like to do it again to go sub 4:00.
Quick question for you all re: weighted vests. I am looking to purchase one but I don’t know anything about makes, models, features, a good place to buy one, etc. There are some models on Amazon, but I am kind of clueless. Anyway, I have been rehabbing a shoulder injury, and my dr. just greenlighted me buying one. Thanks!
IronMan Lake Placid – 13:41Marine Corps marathon – 4:05 (walk/run)
6am – it’s been the longest time since i’ve attended a ‘shane, the man’ class. good times.
WODKB challengeRx’d unbroken.wasn’t looking forward to this. even had a white board out expecting to foul.
CD2min couch stretch each side
and pt 1 of wk 2 of the int pull up program. 5×3 C2B with a min rest inbtw sets.
Good luck to everyone running!
Best Half: 1:35 and change–Jungle Run in Los Gatos, CA
Best Full: 3:38 Marine Corp Marathon, DC 2005
Miss all you guys. Finally starting PT on Monday and hoping to be back at the gym soon after.
I love that our injured athletes still chime in! We love to get updates on how your recovery is coming along. Hope to have you guys back soon!
Can’t really compete with some of the fast times posted here…Best Half: 2:03:04–Bronx Half 2010Best (and only) Marathon: 4:19:00–NYC 2010
-Plan on doing another half to get sub 2 and might someday consider doing another marathon with a sub 4 goal. maybe.-Also, a Sprint Tri is probably in my future.
I did beginner pullup “B” day this morning. Ugh, no bueno. My shoulders were a little sore after yesterday’s fun with kettlebells. Well, negative pullups turn “a little sore” into “a lot sore.” Eek.
Jess, wonder if I handed you water last year! I volunteered at the 4th and Pacific water station, and plan to do so again this year. Berlin is my marathon of choice for running this year, which I’m super excited about!
Best / only half: 1:34 (Nashville country music)Best full: 3:31 (Hamptons marathon – pretty easy course for anyone thinking about doing one, it’s in late September).
Running the NYC Marathon this fall, want to train and go sub 3hrs.
300x5x3, here I come 😉
Go runners!
The vests at should do you just fine.
So I took the beginner/intermediate gymnastics class at Chelsea Piers today and it was…. AMAZING. SO MUCH FUN. It was actually a lot more advanced than I expected. After a very thorough warm-up and stretch session (like 20 minutes) we did a bunch of line drills which included handstand to forward rolls, cartwheel variants and all sorts of other combinations which I don’t know the names of. Some I could do and others I could only roughly approximate. Then we did a bunch of front/back handsprings and other combinations. I even got to do a few front flips into the foam pit which was awesome.Like I said, it was actually pretty fast paced and included some higher skill movements. I did a lot of front handsprings and even a running round off to back flip (with a spot) which was very exciting. I think if I can make it in regularly I can get a handle on the basics.
I’m still so excited about it!
awesome spring Friday night at the gym. how pathetic is this: recovery lifting was not only the high point of my day, but sad to say the high point of my soul-crushing week.
i say that even considering that the strength cycle WOD tonight featured dumbbell thrusters.
Dog escapes yard and runs half marathon.
Good luck to all you runners this weekend.
Good to be back lifting heavy after last weekend’s runathon. Maybe should have waited a few more days, but whatevs.
Back SquatWarmup: 45x5x2 95×5 135×5 185x5Work: 210x5x3
Jackie1000m row / 50 thrusters / 30 pullups11:30
Disappointed to have not PR’d but the squats were enough of an adventure that I probably shouldn’t be surprised.