Complete 10 rounds of:
30 Russian kettlebell swings in one minute 1.5 pd/1pd
One minute rest
This is an attempt at 300 Russian kettlebell swings completed in 20 minutes. After the workout is complete, row a 10m penalty for every kettlebell swing that was not completed. In other words, if you only finish 200 kettlebell swings, you owe a 1000m row.
*KB Challenge courtesy of CF One World
Be a Rebel for a Great Cause
Anyone been dying to try out one of those adventure/mud/obstacle course races you see and hear about everywhere? Here's your chance. Rebel Race will be held on Saturday June 11 in Modena, NY (about 2 hours north of NYC). Team Fox, fundraising for The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, has entries and would love for you to run! If you are interested, please contact Steph P at shpaddock(AT) for more information. Get dirty!
It's the End of the World as We Know it…Come get your lost and found!
May 21st might be the end of the world(!) so please remember to check the bin and grab the stuff you've left behind before we donate it to people who could really use it. Anything left on May 21st will be donated if there is anything left to donate it to.
18 Underrated Primal/Paleo Blogs You Should Be Reading Mark's Daily Apple
I am so looking forward to fucking a KB tonight as part of my warmup. It’s our anniversary after all.
Thanks for that image, Rob! 😛
WOD with 12 kg bell. I went into this thinking I was going to be lucky not to earn myself any penalty rowing, but actually it wasn’t that hard. I think maybe it’s time to move up in the world to a heavier KB. Is there one between the 12 kg and the 16 kg? I’m not sure I’m ready for a full pood yet, but I can probably handle more than 3/4 of one.
Hey all –
I am in search of good, well priced headphones that will stay in my ear when I run. I am guessing the behind the neckband kind will work best.
Any recommendations?
@margie – i have sony earbuds that i got at the apple store that i love. they come with 3 different sized buds and have the microphone and volume control on the cord. i know earbuds don’t work for everyone, and these are a bit on the pricey side, but they are great!
6 AM!
KB Challenge RXd. it wasn’t as bad as i had thought, although grip/forearms started to fatigue towards the end.
accessory work
5×1 strict pull ups3x7 HSPUs w/ 2 abmats
Be careful about earbuds if you run a lot — if they don’t have some kind of waterproof coating (look for ones labeled “sport”), they eventually get ruined from sweating. I used to kill a pair of earbuds about every six months (!!!) before my friend who’s a sound engineer helped me figure that one out.
My sound-guru friend asked a fellow sound engineer who also runs, and she recommended the Sennheiser brand — she told me to buy one of these pairs, depending on whether I wanted clips or not:
Unfortunately, I was too impatient to wait for Amazon to ship me something. I got these and I DO NOT recommend them. They are inexpensive and waterproof, but boy do they fall out of my ears a lot. So if you see these…beware!
if shoulder pain precludes KB swings (esp 300 of them), can I sub in Saturday’s workout instead? Just want to be sure before I come in tonight at 6 that it won’t be too crazy to make that work. Otherwise I’ll try to find a different day to make it up, no prob.
Great headphones for running and they come with different size “buds” so you can get the right fit for your ear.
I have a question similar to Jenna’s. Perhaps I could do a boxjumps version of Annie? I need to get gassed – going home last night without a metcon fix was extremely depressing, made worse by injury worry.
Sweet! Thanks for the advice. I just bought the Sennheiser 680s so hopefully they’ll work out.
Billy Keefe here, completed this workout on my lunch break AS RXED and UNBROKEN. Just sayin.
I can’t type any more, though, forearms on fire. check it out!
Guys, please don’t hump the kettlebells. Or let them hump you. Im generally pretty goofy, but we have to draw lines somewhere. Don’t we?
Jenna+ Samir
We should be able to accommodate a substitution in the same vain as the wod. Please talk to the coaches tonight about what’s going on and shoot me an email too.
3rd Session with Brian today.
Worked Snatch Pulls at only 40kilos. After about half an hour some torso positioning started to click and I felt like I could really make the weight pop up.
Afterwards I did 6 sets of Handstands with my chest against the wall for about :15 each.
Excited for my gymnastics class tomorrow. Last chance.. anyone interested in joining me?? 12pm at Chelsea Piers, 90 minutes, $28. Let me know!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah Billy! (a la Ronnie Coleman.)
David, I cannot do it tomorrow. But if you decide to again (if it doesnt blow) I would be down. I am generally free fridays during the dayKB challenge accepted and successfuldespite my hands and wrists hurting like hellalso this is 4 days of training!
one more this week, and I actually used my membership for the first time in a while
David – I’d love to but I’ll be at work. 🙁 .
Can’t beat Noah’s cheer, but nice work Billy!
WOD completed at 20kg. I had to put the bell down in the last ten reps because it was going to get away from me and I REALLY didn’t want to hit anyone. Otherwise unbroken.
Lovely to meet Kate today!
Now I have Tyrannosaur arms again. sigh.
Sorry to have missedthe KB extravaganza!! I’m in LA, and I had the distinct pleasure of a personal power snatch workshop with Katie hogan and Kris klever!!! It was kind of amazing and also quite humbling. Can’t wait till I’m a rually good at it in like ten years.
Well that was disappointing. Had to bail during round 7 because my lower back was just, well, hurting. I’m not messing with that. More hamstrings and hips on these, less everything else. Stretched out and just picked up a light kettlebell and started working on form. Much better, got tension in my hamstrings and just let the kb fall.
They just announced the CF Regional Workouts:
Holy $HiT!
KB Test:20kg KB with zero penalties.-all rounds unbroken and completed under 45 secs. Thought about doing the 1.5 pood but I probably would have had penalties. Maybe next time.
@ Yosh. So jealous! Enjoy your trip!
WOD:Complete 10 rounds1 minute 30 Russian KBswings1 minute rest
2poodlast round 35!
Note:I was nominated douchebag of the month =/
Did this one at home with Nick–we don’t have a 20kg so I used 1 pood and well, now I want to buy a 20kg. Completed all rounds in 47 seconds, no penalties, no tyrannosaur arms. Nick had grip issues but otherwise finished no problem.
@Stella: There is nothing between 12 and 16kg. You are ready for a 1-pood.