"Right Hand, Green." Coach Nick leads a pre-WOD game of Twister
It Once Was Lost But Now is Found
Please check the Lost and Found this week and retrieve any items you've left over the last few weeks/months! Anything not reclaimed by May 21st will be donated to help Fight Smack in the Orphanage.
What's your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
From Thin to Fit-An Anorexic's Story CF Games
Gymnastic WOD Iron Cross Progressions Part 1 and Part 2 Gymnastics WOD
Rob Orlando does Thrusters. 285×2 CrossFit
Novak Djokovic and his gluten free diet.
If anyone is interested, I joined a meat csa that has shares available. It is $375 for a full share, which is 8 deliveries every other week from June 15 to Sept 14, grass fed beef and pasture raised pork and chicken. Here are links for more details on the csa and the farm:
Struggled with HSPUs yesterday.WOD: 3 rounds plus a short run, maybe not quite half way to 4th Ave. Green bell, is that 1.5 pood? Doing the swings and burpees outside saved time.
Hmmm…that CSA is tempting!
The answer to the question “what’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day?” is definitely NOT running. I was dumb enough to try to get my miles in this morning — “it’s just a light rain, right?” Ha. No. The light rain turned into a downpour and my clothes looked like I went swimming, not running! Yechh.
Give me Netflix Instant over that hot mess any day.
Rainy day – movies. I saw The Fighter this weekend. Was awesome.
Great volume work last night, felt good, albeit heavy.
My favorite way to spend a rainy day is napping. Today I’m going to do just that, as well as catch up on emails and read a few more chapters of a book i’m reading called The Harvard Psychedelic Club
2 more things:
1. Did anyone leave a wedding band at the gym?
2. I’m going to try the gymnastics class at 12pm this Friday at Chelsea Piers. Anyone interested in going with me? $28 for 90 minutes. Im taking the beginner/intermediate class.
Actually, Orlando got 305 for 1 rep after the 285.
Djokovic is a beast, hands down one of my favorite tennis players.
Best way to spend a rainy day: sleeping. I fully support not going to work when it rains but unfortunately my bosses do not agree.
HSPU: was able to go 3-2-2-1 with ab mats, gettin there.
WOD: 3 rounds + 400m + 10 KB swings
Bad news, CFSBK: get some rainy day activities lined up through Saturday.
Good news, CFSBK: your rainy Friday evening is taken care of.
Come shake it this Friday at a semi-regular 90’s dance party hosted by a couple of pals and me. FREE at the Bell House this Friday:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=209989362358557
I guarantee fun or else I will do 90 burpees.*(*No I won’t. Just come.)
favorite way to spend a rainy day: cleaning my apartment, slow roasting a big piece of pork, knitting, and watching roseanne on netflix.
unfortunately i’m doing none of those things and i’m stuck at work.
Preferred rainy day activities: brewing chai, reading in bed, watching movies, eating sweet potato fries, consuming contraband.
Actual Rainy Day Activity, Tuesday, May 17th:
10 AM meeting for CMS Training in Brooklyn
2 PM Oral Exam for doctoral student in Manhattan
6 PM-9PM: Teach Mens Rea and Strict Liability in Philosophy of Law in Brooklyn
rainy day: cooking.
rainy night: i looooove sleeping in cool gentle rain.
I like all of the thing you have suggested (sleeping, cooking, catching up on reading), but how come nobody has mentioned getting laid? Seriously, people…
“How often have I lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home…”
Rainy days are for reading, curled up in the same position for so long you lose track of your body, and after a while you check in and can’t tell if you actually have legs or if you’re just a brain in a vat.
Or taking toddlers to the zoo and getting up close and personal with all the animals b/c there’s no one else around. That kind of rocks, too.
Favorite rainy day activity: Planking.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRHnTFesv7c&feature=player_embedded#at=16
I like training in the rain. Especially on a real grass field, nothing else like it. I also enjoy boating in gentle rain, magic. Third place is reading in a tent during the rain. The last one usually ends in a nap.
I love a good walk in the rain . Specifically the kind where you really have no where else to go (except maybe home) and you don’t care that you’re wet. I also once ran a NYRR 10k race in the rain in Central Park where they gave everyone rain ponchos. The sound of the rain on the ponchos and the sound everyone made running while running in them was extremely soothing. That remains one of my favorite foot races to this day.
shite! i’d love to do the gymnastics thing on friday, but alas, i can’t.
6am class with Coach D.O.
WUDromshollowskick ups to the wall.
HSPU4x5 hspu with 3 ab mats with the Björnimal.
i think i figured it out…once everything is tight it’s a lot easier.as per fox’s instructions, 2 ab mats next week.
400m Row, 21 KB (1.5pd), 12 Burpee triplet3 rnds plus 20m
liked this one, but f**kin hell do those burpees suck the air out of you.
“My favorite thing to do in the rain is update David O’s facebook status.”
sit on my front porch with a glass of wine and watch/listen to it all come down.Really awesome.
Active Recovery (two weeks in a row)bench (quest for 3 wheels)235x5x3, 135x20Chinups7 sets of 1 (is that 7×1, or 1×7?)
1st active recovery today. Thanks to a push from Gabrus and goal to work on my flexibility. It was good painful.
Then did 5 sets of 5 strict pull ups with 40lb weighted vest.
Rainy day activity: if I can i love fishing in the rain. Can catch a lot of brook trout that way.
I like to lift weights when it’s raining. And play music. And nap.
Solo strength mini-cycle: Volume Day
After a 4-day rest break to get my recovery back in order, I decided to go with a lower poundage and a higher volume for volume day. (duh)
Squat: 260x5x5Overall these felt solid and got better as I went through the sets, a sure sign I was at the right weight and had recovered. I had a few squirrely reps in there (about 1 per set) but I was keeping my knees out and the form was OK. I think this is near my limit for keeping it together.
Press: 117.5 x5x3Felt strong, solid and had bar speed. Technically this is 5RM. By fluke of programming this is actually the heaviest 5×3 I’ve done. (I 110×10 once or twice now). It definitely makes me want to continue the linear progression with 2.5# jumps to see where this can go.
I somehow took two hours to do the above so I skipped chins. I did some on Sunday and will do more tomorrow.
Glad my wrist is feeling better. Still a little bit stiff, but really working on resting the bar on my forearm and not bending my wrist back at all, so at least my form is improving.
Bina decided she would rather lift on Thursday than go to Union Square Cafe for our anniversary Thursday. I’m on board–I would like to do my full 3-day workout this week–we’re weird like that these days. Dinner in Brooklyn sounds more appealing anyway….
First workout post Ragnar. Decided to do the HSPU WOD to ease back into things.
First time working on kicking up to a wall, had some issues balancing at the top. Failed twice attempting a full rep, 3rd set got 1 with 1 abmat under my head, 4th set got about 1.5. Trying to keep perspective on this.
Then did the run/kettlebell/burpee evil pseudo Helen. Got 3 rounds + about 135 meters (or whatever it is to 4th Ave) with the 20kg bell. All the swings were unbroken (and overhead), which was a goal. Did a good job of not stoping on any of the burpees, but they were at a slow pace.
Gabrus is the new Jess Bailey…
came in for a 7pm class that doesn’t exist! whoops.
took a stab at thursday’s wod:3 roundsrow 500m10 C&J (RX was 105#, i used 95#)run 400m10 T2B
long and lungs are the two words that stand out after that wod. just had to keep slugging away.