4 x +1 Rep to last week's sets
Post reps to comments.
(e2/8) compare to 4.9.11
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
Run/Row 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Burpees
Post rounds and RX to comments.
Ryan P. Introduces his toes to the bar
Memorial Day Murph Volunteers
Memorial Day weekend is fast approaching and we're preparing to have our biggest and best Memorial Day Murph yet. This year we'll be hosting Murph instead of group classes on Sunday, May 29th. The first heat will kick off at 11am with the BBQ starting at 1pm. Everyone is invited and all are encouraged to participate!
To make this event a success we'll need your help! Here's what we need:
Grill Team: 3-4 folks to help cook all the meaty goodness we'll be providing
Sides/Salads Team: We're planning on 70+ this year so 8-10 paleo-friendly potluck style dishes would be awesome
Booze Team: Can't cook? Be that guy or gal who just brings beer or box wine. Heck, we'll even take Boone's!
If you're interested in any or all of these roles contact Shane at shane(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com. Grillers please state if you plan on doing Murph that day so that we can make sure we schedule you accordingly. Thanks!
June Foundations Announced!
June AM Foundations
6/7/11 – 6/30/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Register Here!
June PM Foundations
6/7/11 – 6/30/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Register Here!
Charles Barkley Crossfitter CFJ Journal Preview Crossfit
The Perfect Human Diet Film Trailer Robb Wolf
Overhead Wrist Dysfunction Mobility WOD
Someday, doing a handstand will not feel like asses and elbows the whole time, and someday, I will be able to get my feet over my head without help. For now, my goal is to suck a little less each time.
WOD: 2 rounds + row + KB swings + 1 lonely burpee. I could have gone a little harder on this but I’m kind of toast from all the running I did this weekend.
Also “B” day of the beginner pullup program, this time with a weight on the box to get me up higher. Thanks David for the suggestion — it feels totally different now that I’m working a fuller range of motion.
Work on negatives more for HSPU.
Amrap: run and 1.5 pood2 rounds + 6 burpeesRun harder fatboy
Did anyone mistakenly (or intentionally) “borrow” a red umbrella at some point about a week ago? It has a black painted wooden handle and a vent with two velcro tie closures.
I don’t care if you did, I would just really really like it back seeing that it’s going to rain all, week, long.
Thanks,Steph P
Steph – there’s been a red umbrella in the lost and found for about a week, should still be there.
Hello from Beijing.
It’s about my one year anniversary at CFSBK, and if you’d told me before I started that I’d just want to say hi to my gym while on the road, I wouldn’t have believed you. Thanks for being awesome.
I’m here for another week, doing the pull-up plan on random playground equipment and generally arousing the curiosity of the old folks doing tai qi. I guess it’s mutual; you can’t help but stare at septuagenarians who can kick above chest height.
good 6am class. 4 sets of 20 second handstand holds, crawling up the wall. I will be good at these someday. but not today.
row, 1 pood (should have gone heavier I think), 3 rounds + 150m
I heart CFSBK!
i looked… i saw an imposter, but not my umbrella. maybe it’s there now? i’ll take a look tonight, thanks!
I’m going to be out of town for the Memorial Day Murph, and I need a dogsitter from the 27th through the 30th of May. Stella is even more gentle and sweet in an apartment than she is in the gym. If you’re interested in taking care of her for a long weekend, contact me over Facebook.
on another note:
paleo types, did your tolerance for coffee change when your diet changed?
i can’t stomach my beloved french press anymore – had to revert back to drip.
i REALLY don’t want to give up coffee and in fact that is pretty much 100% unlikely. but the daily upset is also not working.
1 strict HSPU x22 abmats 3×2
Then the metcon AMRAP 12 min400m run21 swings12 burpeesI got a little over 2 rounds.
Happy 1 year, JZ!!! Please take some pics in China! Hope this is the first of many years to come.
Warm-UpSome mat based mobility
LBBSQ(45×10, 95×10, 135×5, 150×5, 160×3)170x10x3
These felt good. Stronger than last week
Not really a workout per say, but around 6:45pm I was challenged to do a max HSPU set by Ryan and got 11.
I’ve been eating totally strict paleo with a low carb bias for the last 2 weeks. Ive been feeling really good and my energy levels and mood have seen positive benefits already. I’m trying to stay sub 100g CHO per day and most days I probably range from 30-70. Not necessarily trying to go keto but that just happens to be what I eat without really thinking about it too much. I still occasionally crave ice cream and hamburgers but after about 3 days i didn’t really feel like I was depriving myself or find myself thinking about it too much. Anyway, Just wanted to say that I jumped back on the strict wagon and am really enjoying it.
Also, Josh Martinez said he was going to post more on the comments and I have not seen very much from him..
HSPU: 1,1,1,1 abmat 2,2,1 .. grr. I did 5 in a row on my honeymoon so this was frustrating. At least I still had my ones.
WOD @ 1 pood. 3 Rounds exactly.
This was a great workout. The running wasn’t quite so bad as last time, so maybe I’m making some improvement on that long standing goat of mine.
HSPU: 5, 5, 5, 5. Felt solid throughout.
Workout was kinda fun. Nice to chase Matt U. and Willie.
1.5 Pood. 3 Rounds plus 45 meters. Happy.
Continuing my post SSS linear
Squat285x5x3Heavy, but that ain’t changing
Bench200x5x3A bit meandering…
Deadlift380x5x1Stopped after 3rd rep and called it quits, then 5 seconds later walked back to the bar and finished the set. Going to do this number again next time as per Jeremy.
That Josh kid, I just don’t know about him…maybe he just finished a race or something but that’s no excuse…
Thanks, Avi S for the spotting and the tips on the bench!
Practiced kick-ups with Baz
Accessory WOD @ 1 pood, 3 rounds plus 335 meters run.
HSPUs were harder today than w/ Jeremy last Tuesday. Did 5,5,4,3 on the work sets. Work to do on staying more “hollow.” Work to do on taking cues and putting them into practice.
WOD: 2 rounds at 1.5 pood, plus the run and a few swings. To work on: getting in less squatty position, so I can use my hips on the swings better.
Practiced getting into the handstand position against the wall. got my head alignment all sorted out (thx margie/ laurel).
WOD: 1.5 pood; 3 rounds + 200 meters…
Warm Up:Hollow rock intervalsControlled handstand kickups
Handstand pushupsWork1st 5reps2nd 3reps3rd 3reps (1 abmat)4th 4reps (1 abmat)
WODAMRAP 12mins of:Run 400m21 KBswings (2pood)12 Burpee
3 rounds + about a 50m run
late to post
HSPUs4x3 with 2 abmats
note to self: must do more HSPUs even when not programed.
WOD2 rounds, 21 swings (1pd), 5 burpees
Made this up Tuesday:
HSPU:4 x 6 with 2 abmats.
WOD:3 Rounds flat.-“had” to break up my last round of swings but shouldn’t have.-burpees were ugly and mostly just me peeling myself off of the floor. the jump forward also aggravates my left hip a little so I wasn’t pushing these.