Add 2 or 5lbs from last week
Post loads to comments.
(e3/8)compare to 5.8.11
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Wall Ball Shots 20lb,14lb, 10' Target
Post time and Rx to comments.
Fresh Air, Blue Sky and a Big Kip
Happy Belated Birthday, Katie M!
Congratulations Ragnarians!
Great work to all who competed in Ragnar Relay this weekend. The event ended yesterday around 3:30pm. Please let us know in the comments how your runs went and what your overall impression of the event was.
CFSBK'er who ran this weekend included:
Steph P, Jess F, Bjorn B, Charmel R, Noah A, Juliana A, Dan L, Asta F, Sarah H, Collette K, Dan R and Joe W :: Maggie G, Eli F, Josh M and Melissa L
lululemon athletica Brooklyn wants to cheer with you!
The lululemon BK team is creating a big, bad Cheering Station for the Brooklyn Half Marathon and they want YOU to be a part of it! The point is to gather community, have a good time, and cheer on perfect strangers and our closest friends as they run towards the achievement of their goals.
Date : Saturday, May 21
Time: 7AM-9AM (Race starts at 7am in the Park)
Where: Park Circle. Southwest Corner of Prospect Park
If you plan on going please email whubbard(AT)lululemon.com
Our own Bev W is looking for a couple to move into her 5 person cooperative house. Know anyone? Check out their Craigslist Posting
Come have a cocktail with Mark Sisson in NYC!
Congratulations to all the Ragnar runners! Looking forward to hearing all the stories.
Great times at the Ragnar Relay! Thanks to Sarah for organizing and everyone for signing up to make it such a memorable event. All the tweets from the race can be viewed in reverse chronological order here:
Am looking forward to the first SBKRagnar Reunion at Noon today to help clean up/out the vans. Somewhat curious, but mostly scared, to learn how odorific we were by the end of the race…
Ragnar was a great experience with the lovely SBK crew! HUGE thanks goes out to Sarah H for doing so much prep work ahead of time to get our butts ready, up there, and organized for the race. THANK YOU!!
Van 1 (Sarah, Bjorn, Joe W, Collette, Charmel and Dan L) took off at 8:30 AM and Van 2 was cruising along to cheer until we had to check in at our first check point. That was, at least, until we got stuck in the mud pulling over to stop and cheer for Joe W as he was going to run by. Luckily another van drove past (Team Waiting for the Runners High) and helped push us out.
10 people pushing a 12 passenger van out of the mud: priceless. Huge thanks to those good samaritans!
Van 2 (Noah, Juliana, Jess F, Dan R, Asta and I) got checked in and were off! We ran through the afternoon till around dusk then headed to our next major check point for some dinner and shut eye (about 2 hours or so). Noah was back on the course around 2 AM and we ran through the night till about 6:30 AM. On to the next check point for more rest (about 1.5 hours), free pancakes then a much needed Dunkin Donuts stop 🙂 We caught up with Van 1 runners for some cheering and then Noah was off once again to start off our third and final legs.
We all met about 200 or so meters before the finish to run in with Asta who was our final runner!
My legs were:11. 4.6 miles (42:24)23. 4.8 miles (46:08)35. 5.9 miles (57:12)
Between the mud, sleeping bags, beef jerkey, getting lost, coffee, missing cookie scandal, port-o-potties, pickles, van decorating fail, compression gear, short shorts, tire-pressure, cow bell and company – I’d sign up for another in a heartbeat. Oh yeah, and the running too.
ALSO – thank you to everyone who was following along on twitter! We had a lot of fun seeing who could update #sbkragnar the fastest and it was great seeing your tweets come in!
This was my 1st exposure to the new squat cycle after 2 weeks off from squats because of backoff week and the cold.
176–wow this was hard. Hard to believe there is still much room to go up. I think my form was pretty bad on the last few reps of set 2 and 3.
Wall Ball and Pull up WOD :5:59.Proud of this number. Didnt rest more than I needed. Kept moving. Hit all the wall ball targets. Getting much better at pullups. Been doing a lot of strict ones at home and we actually have had a lot of pullups built into the workouts the past 6 weeks.
Bring on Murph!
Squat Sunday.
WU: 45×5,95×5, 125×3, 155×3, 175×1
Work: 175x10x3 (big thanks to Vince for watching, counting and keeping me going)
Accessory WOD; wallballs Rxd, 15-9-6 strict chin-ups: 5:36.
Ah stef (frank the tank), I couldn’t have said it better myself. Sarah, your amazing, thank you for putting this team event together.
The deuces! My van mates were fantastic, funny and uber supportive. Frank! Thank you for being a great van captain, and organizing us so well. Between all the dancing and between the legs clothes…I would sign-up for another in a heartbeat. This was a memorable event, and something I will never forget. I almost cried when we got our bottle-opener medals!
My legs were 1.) 5.6 miles, 2.) 3.2 miles and 3.) 2.5 miles. I have never, ever, ever run this much in my life.
another fine 8am with coach fox
WUdroms and such.
LBBSQ good to lift with Ash(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×3)210x10x3
felt heavy but good. easier than last week in a way. thanks fox for the glute and shoulder prep. definitely need it.
WOD7:42wall balls felt good, unbroken.strict pull ups. had to switch to chin up for the last three reps.
doh@ 8am?! 9am.
Went to 12 class. Did 225 for the 3×10. Worked on getting the bar low on my back as per Fox’s coaching Wednesday. Felt pretty good, but it was my first exposure to the high volume and I didn’t want to have to bail.
WoD as Rx’d at 5:03. Wall balls are just hard for me all around, even just getting into a rhythm with them. I maintain they’re biased against the short. Pullups felt good even though my kipping form is messy and really deteriorated towards the end.
Squat: 225 x 10 x 3WOD: 4:51 rx’d
Squat: 205 3×10. This was a good weight, though I would have thought I’d be stronger given I can knock out 195×20. Those extra 10 pounds added up.
Wod: 5:57 RX
Those wall balls stuuuunk. I second Joel, I really wish I were about 4 inches taller every time I do them. Pullups were a breeze compared to throwing that freaking ball.
warmup: 45×10; 95×10; 135×10;165x10Work sets: 190x10x3
Wod: 7.42 Rx
Snuck in with coach Nick to do this in the afternoon.Squats: 160x10x3. 10# heavier than last week, felt very good.WOD: 8:40 Rx’d. UGHHH. Totally wimped out on the wall balls in the first round, and the pullups were a shit show. Scared of Murph.