4 Rounds for max reps of :
1 Minute Deadlift 315/215
1 Minute Ring Dip, Bar Dip (no bands) or Push-Up
1 Minute Double Unders
1 Minute Rest
Post total reps per movement and Rx to comments.
Hear Ye Hear Ye!!
All may return thy shoes to the coat room now! We're holding all the unclaimed shoes (and there's a lot of them) hostage in the office in a big (air tight) box. Let us know if we took your shoes otherwise they're all being donated at the end of the week.
On a similar note.. Please claim any belongings from the lost and found! Again, anything left unclaimed by Saturday the 21st will be donated to charity.
Go Team SBK!
Remember you can follow our the CrossFit South Brooklyn Ragnar Relay team on twitter at #sbkragnar. Please send them some love. Remember, you're currently sitting on your butt at the computer and they're running 200 miles!
Squatting Toes-Out Vs Squatting Toes-Forward Cathletics
Better Hip Positioning for Better Deadlifting Mobility WOD
Ring Dip Shoulders and Shoulder Stability Mobility WOD
“Remember, you’re currently sitting on your butt at the computer and they’re running 200 miles!”
Hey now, I *did* just come back from doing the Healthy Kidney 10K 😛 (But all you Ragnarites are awesome!) I must say that I like that race much better when I think of it as a nice tempo run and NOT as a race, because it’s just too damn crowded to chase a PR. I have two more races to do, plus volunteering at the Brooklyn Half next week, and I’ll have guaranteed marathon entry for next year. Yay!
Also 3rd exposure to “A” day of Fox’s pullup plan for beginners. I’m almost embarrassed to say what weight DBs I’m using, but I’m happy that I can definitely see progress already in that I’ve moved up to a heavier DB than I started with. I am slowly but surely stalking that unassisted pullup.
Saturday 3D workout:
Deadlifts @ 195# trap-bar: 17, 15, 11, 10, = 53 @195# trap-bar
Dips: Did 11 on first set with rings; started second set, did one, failed repeatedly so switched to bar; thereafter, 7,7,7 = 32
Double Unders: 38,50,18,39 = 145
This is a pretty amazing for-time WOD; watch it on full-screen:
Hat-tip to my mountain-crazy nephew.
deads at 215#: 14/12/10/11 = 47push-ups: 20/14/12/11 = 57DUs: 2/6/0/1 = 9 (ha!)no double under magic today, but i’m pretty happy with the consistency of the rest.
Sorry about the multiple posts, but I just wanted to say that that is an awesome photo of Rob ‘Samson’ Israel. Genuine kick arse.
That is awe-inspiring.
deads at 245ring dips for 2 rounds, then ring pushups
Great Video, Samir!
Snatch Session with Brian D
Worked up to 150 lbs. Don’t know what the weight jumps were. Need to get more aggressive about getting my heels back down as i pull under the bar. Also, work on being mentally focused before each attempt. My mind tends to trail a bit and I can’t fully commit to making the lift.
a very fine 8am with coach nick
WU3rnds NFT4 pull ups8 push ups12 box jumps:30 samson each side
WOD liked this one.DL rx’d/ring push ups
WK 1 Fox’s Int Pull Up w ash pt 26×2 pull ups with a minutes rest between. getting stronger got c2b on all.
Did the Healthy Kidney 10k today and set a new PR at 44:20, followed up by some much needed Active Recovery.
WOD@ 175lbs, bar dips.
DL: 8,8,8,9 = 33Dips: 11,9,9,8 = 37DU: 40,48,40,40 = 168
I liked this workout a lot. I might have been able to squeeze in a few more deads but I was trying to pace a little to stay consistent. Overall, pleased, but I’d like my ring dips back (ditto handstand push-ups.) Very frustrating to lose ground.
It’s cool to make the “cover” photo– nice pic!
I had to skip my wo today and sleep in. Recovery needed. Doing some active recovery with the foam roller and some body weight movement: squats, pushups, chin-ups and DROM stuff. Loosening it up…
Can I post this photo on FB o’ uncredited photographer?
Oof. That was a tough one.Dead @ 225, ring dips, double unders
DL: 16, 12, 7, 5 = 40Dips: 16, 8, 5, 5 = 34DU: 50, 40, 25, 35 = 150
I always have big drop offs on DLs when they are heavy and with ring dips.
@Rob: Thank man, happy to hear you liked the photo! Please feel free to post it on FB.
Proud of all the SBK Ragnarians!…you guys are nuts.
Fox, see Saturday’s wildgorillaman?
This was tough for me. Still not 100% recovered from the cold.
deadlifts at 205, 37 repsRing Dips, 36 reps 12,9,8,7double unders, NO