The CFSBK Ragnarians give their legs one last break before this weekend
The Ragnar Relay is Here!!!
After months of training the Ragnar Relay is finally upon us. 16 SBK’ers will run night and day, relay style, through the mighty Catskills to complete a 197 mile race. Best of luck to all competing!
Team CrossFit South Brooklyn: (as pictured above)
Steph P, Jess F, Bjorn B, Charmel R, Noah A, Juliana A, Dan L, Asta F, Sarah H, Collette K, Dan R and Joe W
Plus even MORE CFSBK’ers competing in Ragnar this weekend:
Maggie G, Eli F, Josh M and Melissa L
Maggie G, Eli F, Josh M and Melissa L
Start Time: 8:30am, Friday, May 13 (Bethel, NY)
Estimated Finish: 3:30pm, Saturday, May 14 (Dobbs Ferry, NY)
Total Miles: 197.1
To learn more about the race, click here
Team SBK will be tweeting updates to the hashtag #SBKRagnar throughout the weekend. Please send encouraging words!
Go team! Have a blast you guys and be safe!
Good luck Ragnarites!
Goooooo team!! Nick and I did a 100-mile relay (team of 6, 12 hours) a few years ago and it is a crazy blast. Good luck!!
Good Luck you crazy Ragnar Runners!….
Solo Strength Cycle: Recovery
Squat: 245x3x3This felt way heavier than it should have been. I’m pooped and have blown my recovery needs.
Let me just say that Margie was right.
Press: 115x5x3 felt good.
Cleans: 150x3x2I missed 3 lifts which I didn’t count in the rep scheme. This felt better than last week. I was waiting to pull a bit more (at least on the ones I didn’t bail) and I was getting under it better. After 7 months of Cleans I still suck though.
I’m now not sure what the next move is. I had programmed a 3 week Texas Method continuation of Strength Cycle that would lead into a Dan John Mass Gain program. Now I don’t think I’ll be ready to squat giant tomorrow and the schedule will be thrown. I may just take an extra day off and start Mass Made Simple this Monday.
@Rob, good luck settling into a program right for you, which is the key. I am doing Texas Method these days. pulled squat weight back about 15 pounds on volume day, just do get my form as good as it can be and work back up, also, the transition from wendler was difficult for me. right now
Volume day:5×5 squat3x5 either press or bench, alternates3x5 alternate halting deadlifts, or rack pulls3x10 chins3x10 dips (weighted)
Recovery:3×5 front squat3x5 press or bench3x5 power shrugs (love these!)
Intensityx3 week1, x2 week2, 1rm week 3, rinse and repeat
back squatpress or benchdead
will probably add in some ab work somewhere.
p.s. Good luck team Ragnar! run for the roses!
it’s fun to encourage people who are doing a thing for fun which you would privately consider punishment and possibly even torture.
go ragnarians!
Run for the opportiunity of glycogen replenishment!
Warm-UpMat Based MobilitySome Push Presses and Presses with an empty bar
“Heavy Fran”With a 20lb Weighted Vest
21-15-9Thrusters, 95lbsPull-Ups
Normal Fran is a lot “sharper” weighted vest Fran is more soul crushing
Thanks to everyone who watched and encouraged!