Post loads to comments.
(e2/8) compare to 4.20.11
As many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
12 DB Split Cleans, alternating legs
12 Push-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Dumbbell Split Lifts CrossFit
Congratulations to Dan H3 and Julia W on their engagement!
Save the Date for Memorial Day Murph!
Memorial Day is almost here and at CFSBK we celebrate by doing Murph, the epic workout named in honor of fallen Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy.
This year we'll be hosting our annual Memorial Day Murph on Sunday, May 29th. We'll be kicking off the first heat at 11am and the BBQ will begin at 1pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend and participate! You can do the workout Rx'd, scale up with a weighted vest or scale any of the movements and the volume. Bring your family and friends all are welcome! As we get closer to the date we'll be calling out for volunteers, cold tasty beverages and veggie dishes. Those who have been with us in the past for this can tell you how great an event it is and we look forward recognizing the sacrifices of the members of our armed forces communities with you and yours.
When It Comes to Squats, Easier Doesnt Work T-Nation
Deadlift Skill Work with Walter Reed Amputees YouTube
One WOD at a Time SicFit
GREAT Rip article. Read away.
Congrats Dan!
congrats to the happy couple!!
congrats dan h3!
this is a bit of a late post but this past weekend i was out west and got the opportunity to visit 2 different LA crossfit gyms. the first was crossfit LA in santa monica. they have been around almost from the beginning and have a great gym. did a fun warm up:
3 reverse burpees (lay on back, roll up to standing, jump, clap, lay back down)6 burpees9 mountain climbers12 box jumps15 DUs200 meter run
you first do the 3 reverse burpsees, then you do 3 reverse burpees and 6 burpees, then you do 3,6 and 9 mt climbers, then again adding the 12, 15 and final round ending with the 200 m run. i was definitely warm 🙂
then we did a partner wod. P1 does max push ups and P2 has to follow with that many OHS. then P2 does max push ups and P1 matches with that many OHS. that’s 1 round, we did 3 NFT
my push up numbers weren’t that great (15,12,12) but i got to do a lot of OHS @55 (34,28,20) – my partner was doing her push ups on her knees and knocked out a bunch!
i also visited brick crossfit which is in west hollywood. they have a really nice facility and have quite a few competitors going to sectionals from their gym.
we started with OHS work and worked up to a heavy single. i got 105, failed on 125 and didn’t have time to try again. it was more getting the weight up.
we then did a hell of a mother’s day wod:
6 rounds of
10 squat snatches (@55)10 burpees1 80 foot farmers carry (1.5 pd KBs)6 K2E (no kipping allowed)200 meter run
34+ minutes – not really sure but it was quite the workout!
i strongly suggest either box if you ever find yourself in the LA area!
OH… one of the guys from brick crossfit said “that’s the coolest crossfit shirt i’ve seen” (i was wearing my skull and crossbones shirt, obvi!)
that was my longest blog post, ever!
MILF wod?!?! wow.
Lbbs 225x5x3
Wod: 4rnd + 2 cleans @ 30# db’s
Run 6 miles with Christine.
Now doing heavy eyelid lifts.
Back Squat – partnered with the Baz-ster
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×3, 185×2
Work: 195×5, 200×5, 200×5
Accessory WOD: 6 pushups short of 5 rounds @25#
Backsquat didn’t do 85 % i have been out of the game too long285x5x3Metcon (same thing)3 rounds even @ 35lbs
Squats are continuing to feel better. Hooray!
Thanks y’all for all the warm wishes in comments and in class.
Squat work (getting closer to below parallel)
Metcon was sloppy on the split db squat cleans.
3 rds plus + 8 push ups
then did some pullup work
5min :30seconds on :30 off Max kipping pullups18,14, 9, 6, 4
Squats were a mess. 85% was too heavy so I only got 4 in the first round at 260 and then my legs were pretty shot so the second round at 245 was really heavy feeling. On the third round I got 2 reps and just threw in the towel.
Workout was a bit better. 3 rounds plus 7 cleans at 30lbs.
My last 1RM was November (215) so I didn’t try for 85% of that, instead opened at 165 but that felt too fast so upped it to 170 for the next 2 sets. Good stuff. And that’s about 85% of 200, so I feel pretty good about that.WOD: 3 rounds plus 2 pushups, 25#. Pushups sucked. Need to get back into doing those regularly.Speaking of which, I forgot to write it on the goal board but here it is: I commit to doing Fox’s intermediate pullup progression for the next 4 weeks, with a goal of being able to do 10 strict pullups. So yesterday I did six sets of 2 w/ 1′ rest. Last few were tough!
First heavy squat workout at cfsb. Did 275 for 5 reps twice but failed on the 4th rep of the third set. Need to work on racking the bar lower on my back.
WOD did 3 rounds plus 4 split cleans with 30 lb dumbbells.
Warm up:400m run
Squats!Warm up:Barx5 135×4 225×3 275×2
Work:310x5x3*Note* stay more upright
WOD6 minute AMRAP12 dumbbell split cleans12 push-ups
Total:4 rounds + 5DB split cleansDBs 40lbs
155 back squat. It felt light but was working on the low bar squat. Remember to get your hips back on this one. Could of easily done more weight but take it slow finally training with some form.
Amrap3 rounds 5 split cleans @45lbThat was heavy but choose the wrench.