Got a Goal? Here's a Suggestion:
Earlier this week we posted an article that had three different programs one could use to increase their pull-up capacity. Some of you commented that you'd like to use these programs through this cycle. Why not pick a plan, post up your name on the goals board and make a mark everytime you complete an exposure. This is a great way to keep yourself accountable through the month and let us coaches know what you're up to.
Why We Get Fat
Gary Taubes, author of "Good Calories Bad Calories" and "Why We Get Fat" discusses why the idea that individuals gain or lose weight due to either increasing or decreasing caloric intake is just plain wrong. In this lecture, Taubes reviews all the main points of his second book to the staff at Google. Watch Here
CrossFit: Fittest On Earth YouTube
Mark Divine on Hypothermia and Mental Control CrossFit
After my run this morning, I did my second “A” day of the beginner pullup program and I have some noob questions.
Should you be able to do all the reps unbroken? I picked an angle for ring rows where I was able to do the first set unbroken, but it was hard. After that the second and third sets I had to bite off in chunks. Is that okay, or should I be setting my rings higher?
Also, I’ve not yet done one of these on the same day as a CF class, but when that happens, should I do this work before or after class? Or does that depend on whether the class is a metcon or a strength/skill day?
1st vid, 4:38: “The availability of crossfit has been successful for everyone because of technology.”
Do you see what have you wrought, O Topic-Sentence-Based-Writing-Instruction? You’ve taken someone who is presumably capable of just saying what he means and turned him into a hyperconscious, gibbering idiot. Well done. Well done indeed.
Does anybody have a rec for a car mechanic in the area?
I am about to buy a used car and need to have it looked at first.
Aaron, if you are in Carroll Gardens or Red Hook, I’ve got a rec for you. noah(dot)abbott at gmail.
Mark Manino at Ridge Auto on 3rd ave and Union. He’s been my mechanic for years. Honest, affordable, and a nice guy to boot. Tell him Chris with the Hyundai sent you
AR tonight?I have been out of the loop for a whiletuesdays at 6 right?
Stella- reduce angle to try and finish the set unbroken. And after/before are both fine.
Gabrus- Yes!
6am HSPU
WU3 rnds75 single unders10 dislocate lunges10 ring rows
HSPU2 HSPU 2 abmatssingle HSPU and negatives.haven’t been inverted in a while. felt weird.
400m run relay with Ashran 4×400, started tightening, switched to row 2×400
started fox’s intermediate pull up cycle with ash.6×2 strict pu w 1 min rest in-between.
I don’t have a recommendation for an individual mechanic, but I’ve brought my car to Holy Land Auto Repair (on Union btw. 3rd and 4th Aves) a few times and I wouldn’t take it anywhere else. They’re fast, fairly priced, and not out to cheat anyone.
And now for my own question — does anyone have a good source for grass-fed beef & lamb, maybe bison, as well as pastured chicken (and their eggs) locally? Like, is there a shop I can just walk into and pick this stuff up? Otherwise a recommendation for a farmer’s market in the area that has pastured meat & eggs would be greatly appreciated.
Nick, I recently joined the Park Slope Food Coop, and they have everything you are listing. They have pretty good selections of all of it, and for reasonable prices. Only draw back is you can’t just walk in, you have to join and work a 2 hr 40 min shift every 4 weeks.
Grazin Angus for grass fed beef. They are at the Carroll Gardens farmer’s market on Sundays and Union Square on Fridays and Saturdays.
THey also have chicken and eggs but speak to them about availability.
Thanks for the info everyone. Really appreciate it.
Nick – you can do decently at the Grand Army Plaza farmer’s market on Saturday although it’s not cheap. You can definitely get beef, duck, turkey, and eggs there. I haven’t seen a bison vendor there but Union Sq farmers mkt has one.
I’m sure some coop people will offer there opinion on that as an option although I haven’t joined up.
I’ll also plug the NYC meatshare which I participated in twice.
hey Nick,
I ordered from 8 o’clock ranch last month. The mailed about 40lbs of beef and pork to me for around $160. Good stuff.
Bought a new coach, selling my good-condition black leather Jennifer Leather full-size sofa. Spacious dimensions, modern styling.
I’ll provide a pic later, or you can visit it on Union Street.
$200 and you pick it up (happy to donate my labor.)
COUCH. I bought a new COUCH, not a new coach. What a Freudian slip.
God, you people are making me jealous with your talk of buying grass-fed meat in large quantities. My refrigerator is broken, so I can’t play that game until we get a new one. Sob!
Thanks for all of those recommendations, guys. I’m going to be eating really well soon. ๐
“spacious dimensions, modern styling.” you’ve done this before!
Aaron:I buy pastured eggs (Nature’s Yoke) and GF beef (Hardwick beef) from Fresh Direct. They deliver. I love it. I have also gotten a sampler from it’s frozen, but it’s a good deal for GF beef.
Pastured pig from the Piggery CSA.
Paisano’s on Smith Street frequently has GF and all kind of game. They have boar, bison and rabbit sausage too. That is a great butcher shop– they have Niman farm cuts and all kinds of good stuff.
Mig: you hurt J’s feelings I’m sure. ๐
Coaches, thanks for the encouragement, pull-up plan and egging on this. I’ve been stuck and keep promising myself to get going, but I’ll put my name up on the board and see if I can hold myself more accountable by “signing up” for the program. Great idea and thanks.
wonder how much a gently used coach fetches these days ๐
Solo Strength Mini-Cycle: Volume Day
This did not go as planned. Ironically I was speaking to Margie while I was warming up regarding my programming and how I’m leaning out before I do the Dan John mass-gain and she said: “you are leaning out during a linear progression?” I said, “yeah, I”m not starving myself.” Except today I didn’t eat enough and really felt it.
Squat: 275x5x3That was really hard. So hard that I had planned on doing 4 sets and was not having any of it. Not enough rest from Sunday. Not enough sleep. Not enough food. I’ll be thankful I made 5×3 at that weight. It wasn’t pretty either. I may be getting too heavy on volume day and am thinking of kicking it back to 265x5x5
Bench: 165x5x3Felt pretty smooth. Going for another 5 pound jump.
Chins: Strict with very light band: 9,8.8
I will get my chin program going, but funny, couldn’t find a pen put my name on board… Lame! Will try to squeeze more in all week. Will definitely eat more tomorrow. I was crazy hungry after the workout.
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185x5Work: 205x5x3
Had trouble keeping my knees out during the work sets. Not sure I was entirely recovered from Sunday’s 185x10x3.
Time to rest up before Ragnar. w00t.
Guys, hey, super bummed that I’ve been away for so long. Still don’t have the okay from the docs to do anything close to CF-legit workouts. Miss those, and miss CFSBK peeps even more. Hope you are all doing well. I’m hoping to come by soon on a Saturday or Sunday to check in and show off my newly acquired and enhanced love handles and gut.
BTW, please don’t throw away the ugly size 15s that have been hanging out since Sectional WOD 1. I will be in soon to reclaim them. Thanks!
Bench Press230x5x3, 135×20
Then Active Recoveryending in a 1500m pace row (slightly more active than recovery)