1 x Max Reps
Rest 3-5 minutes
3 x 70%
Post reps to comments.
Compare to 10.14.10
Tag Team 3 Miler
1 Partner runs 400 meters while the other rests, waiting to "tag in". Each partner runs 1.5 miles (400m x6)
Post time to comments.
197.1 Miles and Runnin'!
The Ragnar Relay is this weekend! Team SBK has been training hard and is going to represent big time! The SBK Ragnar Team is: Dan L, Sarah H, Charmel R, Joe W, Colette K, Bjorn B, Noah A, Juliana A, Dan R, Jess F, Steph P, Asta F
Start Time: 8:30am, Friday, May 13 (Bethel, NY)
Estimated Finish: 3:30pm, Saturday, May 14 (Dobbs Ferry, NY)
Total Miles: 197.1
Each participant will be running 3 legs of various distances over the course of the 24 hours. Things just got real!
For those that can handle up to minute updates the team will be tweeting updates to the hashtag #SBKRagnar if people want to follow along. You can cheer them on and send words of encouragement to to hashtag #SBKRagnar.
Melissa L will also be running in this race
We hope everyone has a great time and we wish everyone the best of luck!
Remember all shoes out by end of the day on Wednesday….or else!
Probably the most amazing view of the night sky you'll see Vimeo
Handstand Against Wall Progressions Part 1 and Part 2 Gymnastics WOD
Handstand Against Wall Progressions Part 1 and Part 2 Gymnastics WOD
Oh man, I *really* did not want to get up for the 6 AM class today. Glad I did, though. It was good to get some handstand practice in. Someday I’d like to work on it to the point where I can try HSPUs, but right now I’m more interested in focusing on Fox’s pullup plan. Still, it’s good to try being upside down for a while.
Yoshi was a great WOD partner, very encouraging! We rowed instead of ran, for a total time of 20:07.
@Management: I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem but for a few days now, the website times out on the first request, and then on reloading, comes up properly. Not sure what is going on, but perhaps something you might want to look into if other folks report this as well.
@Coaches: I’m hoping I can sub rowing for running?
Solo Strength Cycle Extension: Intensity day!
Came in Sunday morning before cooking for Mothers Day. First intensity day without Jeremy’s watchful eye, encouragement and coaching– a little intimidating….
Instead of doing reps out up to 10, I’m going with the more traditional Texas Method 5RMx1 scheme on the squat. Each weekend I’ll try for another new 5RM PR.
Squat: 290x5Got a bit ugly, but I think it came back together on #5. 5RM PR.
Dead lift: 305x5This was really heavy. Not sure if I can or should make a 10 pound jump next week.
Had to skip the press due to a new wrist injury. Some kind of strain from typing on a plane in a weird position and pressing last Tuesday. I’ve been icing the hell out of it, but it’s taking its sweet time. Not thrilled that my plan has gone off plan already in the first week, but oh well.
Cool moment when I realized I can clean 135 off the floor after the dead lifts without a second thought. It’s a lot easier to unload the bar that way. Funny.
Happy belated Mother’s Day! Hope all the moms had a fab day!
I haven’t experienced that issue. Have others? I would think that it would have something to due with either your browser, internet or typepad itself. I’m not savvy enough to really understand how all the information bits run around the internet.
Samir and Dave,Yes, I’ve experienced the exact same thing with the page loading.
I’ve also experienced the same thing with the page loading, but only from home using Firefox on a Mac. Never from work on IE with a PC.
I’ve encountered the page loading problem on firefox on a mac and on chrome on a pc at work. plus on my phone (android).
I encountered difficulty the morning after Jeremy’s taco bash. With getting up. The page was fine.
I have had this problem with Chrome on Windoze 7, Safari on Mac OS, and Chrome and IE on Windoze Extra Problems. Typepad seems to reject the first page request in each case.
Hey Samir I have had the same problem with the same browsers. Mostly Chrome for windows 7 or with mac using firefox.
fun 6am class today! stella is my hero!
I know nothing about the internet other than it is a series of tubes that carry information to and from television-like devices. Maybe one of the tubes is stuck? That is my guess.
I don’t think the issue is browser-specific. It happens to me at home with Chrome, at work on a Linux box with Chrome, and with wget at the command-line. First try:
Connecting to http://www.crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com||:80… connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response… Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.Retrying.–2011-05-09 15:40:39– (try: 2) http://www.crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com/Connecting to http://www.crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com||:80… connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Who handles the redirect from http://www.crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to crossfitbrooklyn.typepad.com?
Bethany, your post makes my brain hiccup.
i sighed with pleasure, myself
it’s the tubes!
I have this problem on my iPhone. Small tubes, I think…
Wow, Bethany. You can come hang out with Will anytime. That is totally the kind of response he gives me when I have any computer problems. That, or “Shift F7” (which is his little joke that does exactly nothing).
As I very vaguely understand, (read: what Will has told me in the past) with Typepad, basically the whole blog has to load up every time you go to the page. And so, incorporating Fox’s keen insight on What Is the Internet Machine, it takes a while for everything to, um… er– push it’s way through the tubes.
I suggest an internet plunger. Or a Will Schenk consultation.
Excited to start the strength cycle tonight. My hips are not exactly psyched that it’s a day after a weekend of Fran and 30 heavy-ish squats. We’ll see how it goes!!
I’m with Fox. It’s tubes.
Odd thing I noticed this morning: all of us in the class who don’t have HSPUs also wear glasses. And all of those who did have HSPUs, don’t wear glasses. So maybe I should take mine off and I will suddenly be able to do HSPUs!
Oh, also of note, if I do the same ‘wget’ using the typepad URL ( http://crossfitbrooklyn.typepad.com), it works fine on the first try. It’s only the http://www.crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com URL that gets reset on the first attempt… so something is wonky with the redirect I do believe.
So excitednervous for strength cycle tonight!
Err correction, it’s not a redirect, it’s a frame. Have we ever considered killing that and doing a proper redirect?
Bethany had me at “wget at the command line.” *sigh*
Hspu max reps 10, then 7,6,4
Run with Gabrus in 22:51 if I remember right.
Yes I have found the CFSB interweb site sticky lately. Maybe more tubes?
Bethany is a diagnostic goddess. I’ve never had the problem, but I have crossfitbrooklyn.typepad.com bookmarked at home and at work, not crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com. When I tried typing the latter URL into my browser, I got the same issues y’all are describing.
HSPU Practice today with Eli; I still don’t have ’em but apparently I’m a little better. I’ll take that for now, and slink off. One day, someday, I’ll get one.
Accessory WOD partnered with Eli, who turned out to be a speed demon: 17:17
I’m with Carlos and Fox. It’s the tubes. That and when you turn on the computer you need to rub the sides of it real fast to heat it up.(That’s old people humor)
Solo sesh with David today. Front handsprings yee-ha! Then a walk around the block wearing a 45(?) pound vest and carrying a (25?) pound sandbag. Thanks David for doing all the talking!
The redirect service is Go Daddy which I read on slate is kind of lousy. I’ve never really had any issues with the site so it’s interesting to hear that others are. Not that I really get what they’re talking about or what can be done to remedy it in the short term. Short of switching the blog service, forward service and web address which will happen sometime after I get back from Equador.
Warm-Up2 Rounds of21 KB Swings 20kg15 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots, 14lb9 Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups
BSQ Warm-Ups
Supersetted the following:165×10 BSQHSPU x3.53 Rounds NFT.
Wasn’t feeling strong on HSPU today, and the BSQ felt really unorganized but a video analysis afterwards showed that it wasn’t as bad as it felt.
Every Minute on the Minute for 11 Minutes1 Power Clean and Push Press at 135Just to work on my push press a little
Lots and lots of Front Handsprings with JMD
@Management: I don’t mean to be a nerd by insisting on this timeout issue but the page not loading business, while not a problem for regulars, could be a turnoff for someone checking into this website for the first time. Someone new to CFSBK could try the website, get a timeout, not try again, come back a day later, get a timeout and basically give up, thinking “WTF, this site never loads”, while not knowing that had they tried it a second time, it would have loaded. Waiting in this case doesn’t help unless you try the second page load right away. Not to get all business-y but you could lose customers.
OK, ’nuff said. Sorry to be a pain in the arse.
Boy, we have some geeks here…. I have worked in the inter-webs for 15 years now and manage tech support at web design company and I still don’t get it (I think the key there is the “manage”). I must not be too smart in this regard.
That said, the embedded frame design we use does not play nice with Flicker and other 3rd party folks. They don’t accept the page to be loaded at all. It’s probably why the Facebook sign-in rarely works. Have you ever noticed that when you click on a link you still have a crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com address? Bethany’s brilliant diagnosis seems to be pointing to the problem.
Basically, this mean the tubes are clogged.
I wear glasses and I don’t have a HSPU.
Warmup:-foam rollin’, mountain climber stretch, calf stretchin’-run around block
Tag Team Wod with my phantom self:18:12-did this with the 7pm class. rested as long as it took me to run. fastest was 1:28, slowest was 1:38.-knew I wouldn’t do all 6 runs if I tried it alone, so glad to be able to do it with some other sufferers.
Will make-up the handstand work tomorrow.
Planning one more run on Wednesday before we’re off for Ragnar. Oh. Dear. God.
Continuing my post SSS mini-linear
Squat270x5x3These felt the best by far
Clean185x3x3Crisper than last exp
I had LASIK a few years back, and I also have HSPUs…I had not attempted them pre-surgery…
The tubes and wires scare me, I confess.
so good to be back in the gym. (good enough to be back that i showed up on a day like today which does not exactly feature my favorite CF movements…)
handstands: practiced kicking up more gracefully. perhaps minor progress.
run: 20:55 with melissa. 6 rounds seemed really daunting during #2, but i found a (slow) zen place about the whole thing eventually.
Dude, I’m so getting LASIK surgery now!
CFox, I might harass you about LASIK at some point. Fair warning, etc.
Do a hard refresh if you’re having trouble. Ctrl+shift+R for PCs, apple+shift+r on the mac usually.
Warm up:3 rounds NFT75 single unders10 dislocates lungs (each leg)10 ring rows
Handstand push-upsMax reps 8 (4 strict + 4 kip)
1st 8reps (kip)2nd 8reps (kip)3rd 1rep (strict)
WOD400m x6Times:1st 1:232nd 1:263rd 1:294th 1:335th 1:366th 1:20 (Thanks DanH3)
HSPU were lots of fun. I wasn’t sure if I could still do them as I hadn’t attempted them since my wrist has healed (but then again I don’t wear glasses).
Max attempt was 6. Then did 4, 4, 4. All successful. Felt like I could have gotten another rep or two on the third set.
Run was ugly. 1:30, 1:30, 1:43, 1:43, 1:42, 1:48. Nice to do this with Dan R so that it didn’t take all day from my slow times. Total was 19:26.
Learned how to do a handstand. David taught me how to do it in less than 15 minutes….v.excited – now got to do those damn hspu’s.
Ran with Ken: 18.30 secs, averaged every 400 meters at about 90 secs…
Joe, I did LASIK also here in NYC if you want to chat about it or want a doctor recommendation.
(6am Tuesday class)
HSPUs were rough
Using 2 abmats got
Run w Emily: 21:30my splits were:1:411:481:481:481:491:38
I guess there’s something to say about my consistency at least – ha!
HSPU’s done Tuesday PM-max: 8-work: 5, 5, 5all strict with 2 abmats.