Work up to a 2 Min Max Rep Snatch Test
*Athletes can switch hands as needed during the 2 minutes
Post load and reps to comments.
Back Off Week
Annie Ladder
For 15 minutes complete
10 Double unders, 10 situps then
20 Double unders, 20 situps then
30 Double unders, 30 situps then
40 Double unders, 40 sit-ups, etc.
Post rounds and reps to comments.
*Athletes should use this as an opportunity to perfect and refine their Double Under form
Allen E. gives running two thumbs up.
Spring Cleaning: Special Shoe Edition
Spring is in full swing and we'll be doing some cleaning over the next couple of weeks. In the interest of straightening up we're asking everyone to remove their shoes from the gym between today and next Wednesday, May 11. Any shoes left will disappear never to be heard from again. Don't fret we'll re-open the racks for shoe storage next Thursday, May 12.
Gymnastics WOD Jump Rope Trilogy: Parts One, Two & Three Gymnastics WOD
Jeff Martone on the Kettlebell Snatch Crossfit
Gary Taubes on Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution Podcast Robb Wolf
Hi all!
Jeremy’s birthday is this friday. Last year, he attempted to eat 33 tacos for his 33rd. He was a few short, and so is determined to get all 34 in this time.
This Saturday at 5pm, come out for a massive taco crawl! To RSVP and for more details, go here:
attention josh martinez:
can you drop me an email, please? mignyc at gmail dot com.
Wednesday and Thursday are both the 11th, huh? Crazy month, May.
Is 34 tacos more or less than Jeremy normally eats?
Oh it’s a wee stretch, but nothing he can’t handle.
I love tacos.
Where do y’all get your tacos in Brooklyn? I used to live on the Upper East Side and LOVED Taco Taco, but I haven’t found a Mexican place I like since moving back to the BK in September.
hoooooo boy you did it now
Choco taco?
Matamoras(sp?) on 45th(?) and 5th(?) are the best and least expensive tacos i’ve ever had. Like Oaxaca but WAY better and way cheaper.
Well, um, I did a workout today. So I think I might write about it.
Fun nooner w/ Margie, enjoyed the snatch and Annie ladder. Went nice and slow on my situps, avoiding that 12th-rib break that I always do. Got 5 rounds plus 60 DUs/13 situps. Carlos lapped me at the round of 20 and I never caught up…
Snatch: 49 with 1 pood.
Snatch: 50 with 8kg
Annie Ladder: 70 dus plus 13 sit ups
Choco tacos rule.
Snatch: an embarrassing 20ish, 12kg was a bit too heavy for me on this movement and I subsequently tweaked my shoulder and had to walk away for a bit mid test.
Reverse Annie: 60 dus and 60 situps. I like Annie and liked this WOD.
Missed everyone at the gym tonight, and had to workout by my lonesome. But, soooooo glad to be moving again. Vacation, really bad eating habits and lots (like really lots) of boozing are showing their effects.
Warmup:-foam rollin’, hip mobilization-1000m easy row
Snatch test:-45 @ 1pood.this was so much easier with my right (dominant) arm. got 20 straight then had to start switching it up.
Increasing Annie:-finished the 60 round plus 52 du’s.I’m already feeling the 210 situps. ouch.
Lifted this afternoon before classes
Squat260x5x3Feeling much more consistant
Press130x5x3Wore (gasp) a belt and liked it. I came away from the Starting Strength Seminar with a curiosity about wearing them and decided that this was the lift I would experiment with so I could have a more informed opinion.
Power Clean185x3x3
“Annie” ascending ladderGot through the doubles on the round of 80 + 13 sit ups…phew. I probably should have stopped at the round of 50.
Snatchs @ 12kg: 46. Probably could have gone heavier, but in the warm-up the 1 pood occasionally crashed onto my wrist and I thought “ouch, no”.
Annie ladder: got through 60’s and then 70 du.
Started cramping on the sit-ups part way through and had to slow down!
Snatches @8kg: did not count (turn. on. brain. Keiley.). I liked this!Annie ladder: halved the DU’s as I was counting attempts; got through 25/50 then 30 DU attempts. While I was not successful at stringing together more than 4 DU’s, I was totally successful at stringing together inventive combinations of cursewords in my head as I made attempts 🙂
And now, a story for Margie:Yesterday, when I saw your FB link to Jeremy’s bee-day taco extravaganza, I sent the link to my buddy saying “Best. Idea. Ever. We need to do something like this.” He instantly became your first Twitter follower. So, if you’re wondering who that random dude is, it’s my creeper friend!
M/ 37/ 132 lbs/ 5′-6″I did 3 different short WODs today. I just did a couple WODs with Chest to Bar and it’s not really a weakness, so I wanted to do a few short hard WODs to test recooperation and a little strength as well. I need to work on my shorter WODs to up my intensity and keep it up for shorter intervals without really stopping. I usually do much better at 20 minute WODs.WOD #1: Max Dumbell Snatches in 2 minutes (I don’t have KBs so I use DBs)(load I used was 50 lbs – for 45 reps) I switched hands every 5 reps. These were power snatches from ground to overhead fully locked out above.
Rest for about 4-5 minutes
WOD #2: 2 Power Cleans on the minute for 10 minutes (I used 155 lbs) This was a good WOD. It got pretty heavy. Next time I should use 160 or 165 lbs. I did a single waiting for a couple seconds and then did another.
Rest for about 4-5 minutes
WOD #3: Annie ladder: 10 D.U., 10 Situps, 20 DU 20 situps, etc. for 15 minutes for AMRAP(I completed the 80 reps round for both and then did 25 D.U.s – total reps: 745)
Good day of working out. Fun, varied and a couple different domains.