Wait, who'd you say I look like?
Be Like Craig. Sign up for the Strength Cycle.
May Cycle A (novice cycle)
5/9/11 – 7/1/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
May Cycle B (advanced cycle)
5/10/11 – 7/3/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
To register, click here!
Would you attend a late afternoon/evening class on the weekend?
A Guide to Nutritional Off-Roading Whole 9
174,203 Things You Can Do Instead of Watching TV Whole 9
Ukranian Playground Bar Training Wimp.com
I would absolutely attend a later afternoon class on the weekend. Sometimes weekend mornings are so packed with errands and chores that it’s tough to get to class as well.
I would too – when my shoulder is better! And who knows… maybe some beers afterward? Heresy, I know…
Thats a bad*ss photo of Craig!
I did yesterdays WOD this morning at the Crunch.
Uhm, it was AWESOME. I feel great. Nice job, coaches.
For the 15 min row I did 30-60 sec each of arm pulls only, hip extensions only, hip extensions with pulls, knees only. Then I turned the KG meter on and spent the rest of the time putting it all together and working on getting my curves to be symmetrical. It took a while to figure it out, but near the end I got 5-10 really great, smooth pulls. It was very enlightening. 2100m.
20 mins of shoulder mobility, thoracic spine foam roller, hollow rolls, supermans and wrestlers bridges. Been working wrestlers bridges as a pet project for a week and I am starting to see some serious results, at first I could barely do knees and elbows facing down, now I can do at least a couple from my feet, still facing down.
I think I could have gone up 7-10 lbs, but I started low and am happy with finding my first heavy single on a new lift (for me).
Ended with:3 rounds NFT at #4510 cleans10 fsq10 strict presses10 bsq10 back of the head strict presses10 good mornings10 snatches
Again, great workout. Very happy this morning.
Sorry for the long post.
I probably wouldn’t come on a regular basis, since I’m mostly a weekday morning person. But yes, I might stop in now and then, especially since I could catch up on my squats that way by coming in on a Saturday afternoon or evening.
a sunday afternoon class would be great. i’m usually too hungover to have a good workout at the noon class (if i make it at all)
I tend toward earlier classes, but I’m always a fan of options to be sure.
and sweet mother of turds was it great to be back today!!!! 6am class was just what the doctor ordered. so is back off week, for that matter.
It probably wouldn’t be part of my regular schedule but on some occasions I would definitely go to an afternoon/evening class. Like if I’m out of town and I get back sunday afternoon, I would go sunday evening.
6am yesterdays workout. still easing back in.
thruster 165. felt pretty good. getting a solid grip on the bar was challenging. stiff wrists!
15min roweasy 100m row then alt 500m @15spm 500m @ 25spm
Total 3605m
i like the early weekend classes, but evenings would be a welcome option.
I like the idea of weekend evening classes, especially on Sunday. It would be a nice way to kickstart the week after a nice relaxing weekend.
Nice picture Craig, looking cool under fire.
I would absolutely come to a weekend afternoon class (when foundations is over).
There were times when I thought Id come to a weekend afternoon class but I’ve gotten into a groove with morning classes. With that said. I know I’d use the late classes at some point. Sometimes I have work opn Saturday mornings–so on those days–I have to miss class.
More options are always better if it works for the coaches!
BTW i love the Ukranian playground video. Saw it oN MDA the other day.
Craig was cool the whole total. Great photo.
I think I would occasionally use a weekend afternoon option, but what I’d *really* use and love would be a later Active Recovery on Tuesdays or at least some 7:00 class option for Tuesdays. It is very hard for me to get out of work in time for a 6:00 class. Super bummed I’m missing A/R tonight, damn you work. :'(
Yes Please! My training is super limited by my job, so any weekend evening classes (or lifting hours) would be awesome. Sign me up.
the more options the better for someone like me, who is known to get wasted and sleep till 1pm…oh and um…work odd hours
backsquat265x5x3Bench225x5, 235×5, 245×5, 135×20
Hi Crossfit neighbors!I go to Crossfit Virtuosity out in Brooklyn and am looking for a couple strong dudes. Nicole and I were signed up to do the Metro Dash (http://www.metrodash.com/ny-nj/) on the 14th and 2 of our dudes bailed (cough, cough, Juan, cough). I was wondering if there might be anyone that would want to fill in for them. We’re signed up for the 10AM elite (oh yeah) heat. And I’ll provide some adult beverages after the race, to sweeten the deal.If you’re game, you can email me: whitneyaeden(at)gmail(dot)com
Definitely count me in for the later weekend classes!
DL and Burpee WOD:5 Rounds5 DL @ 15510 burpees.
Was planning to go Rx’d for this (it’s an old games WOD) but 155 felt heavy so I thought I’d stick there. Didn’t realize I’d forgotten to switch my grip. It was just what I needed though: 5:35. Thanks for pushing me Jeremy.
Back squat:Warmup: 45×5 45×5 75×5 95×5 135z5 165×5 185x3Work: 195×5 195×5 195×5
Always a pleasure to lift near strong folks like Rob and Jack.
Good to be back under the bar tonight… I had just three days off but since I haven’t squatted in six it felt like a vacation!
I have decided to not reset or take a break because I feel decent and have room to eek out of this cycle. I’m going heavy continuing a modified intermediate on the squat and linear on the presses for 3 more weeks if I still feel good.
Squat: 270x5x4I’m betting that the 4 sets are enough of a stimulus. I sure hope so cause 5 sets this heavy would suck! As it was, it was still freaking hard as shit.
Press: 112.5x5x3First time over 110 since December. Hoping to break my 5×3 PR next week!
Chins ups:9, 9, 8 thinest band I could find.
All in all felt pretty good. I was glad I was ready to go with volume and not do a recovery day instead. Hope it can continue.
Did the 3rd Sectionals WOD today, finished 14 rounds just as time expired.
Felt pretty good, the workout felt like it was over in the blink of an eye, probably could have gone a bit harder (maybe 17-18?) I actually do better when I am forced to squat clean, I think I might just catching all cleans in a squat.
Thanks to Jack for good motivation during the workout.