Spend 15 minutes at each of the following stations:
A) Row for max meters
B) DIY foam roll/mobility work: band FSQ rack stretch, forearm to instep lunge, LAX into upper trap
C) Find a max thruster
Post loads, meters and experience to comments.
Back Off Week
SBK Fought for the Right to Party at Prom. And WON!
CF Open Sectionals 2011 is a Wrap!
A huge thanks to all the members of Team SBK who represented CFSBK by participating in 6 incredibly challenging WODs over the last seven weeks and to all the friends, family and fellow members who supported them during their journey. The last sectionals event was this past Saturday and Team SBK housed it! Congratulations to Steph P. and Jessica Fox for their 1st and 2nd place finishes at the event! Thanks to everyone who made the last seven weeks a huge success. We look forward to next year!
Real Turkey>>>Tofurkey Foodsize
3 Sisters, 100 Double Unders Youtube
POV of Downhill Bike Race in Chile Vimeo
3615 m155 thruster…. Failed at 165 Arghh
The downhill bike race video is amazing. I watched it 3 times last night.
the part with the dog was the best….third world style…..
Love the prom photo! Looks like it was a blast!
And BIG CONGRATS to Steph and Jess! Rock on!
Graphic Artist?
Hello all! I am looking for some help in putting together a tasting book for a wine event that I am organizing out in the Hamptons.
Would love to work with someone who is a wine lover and would accept payment in grape juice gone bad!
Need to format a booklet containing 40 wines from 4 different Importers by May 10th.If you are interested please reach out to me:bscott(at)hesscollection.com
happy monday, everyone.
now that the Month o’ LBBS is officially over, i wanted to say how much i enjoyed the programming last month. and not just because the back squat a movement that i know fairly well; rather, the programming felt very rational, and the additional repetition of the accessory work was a great way to hone in on progress. WODs felt well-suited to the strength work; nearly every day i left the gym feeling “yeah, that’s about right.” not only that, but the collection of work we did throughout the month felt well-paced – challenging at the right moments without ever feeling punitive.
i haven’t been doing general programming very long (four months total, to be honest) so i really have no idea what i’m talking about.
but i liked it, and it liked me, so thanks.
Jeez..those expressions are priceless.
Warm-UpOffice Based Mobility500m Row at 1:45-:50 pace
Light JogKettlebell Swings
AMRAP 15 Minutes:With a 40lb Weighted Vest
Run 130m21 Kettlebell Swing, 2 pood, Above Face level12 Burpees
4 Rounds
Really I finished the last rep of the 4th round at 15:15 but I was so close to finishing the round so I did
That was difficult. In a very slow, heavy kind of way. Nice workout
thruster 205row 3418
felt good to be back in the gym, i missed you guys. hopefully will be back more and more
Thruster @ 95Row – 3272M
This was the first time I did a long row that I came off and was able to breathe and talk and walk fairly normally. I took Margie’s note of trying to do a hard pull and a long slow return and maintained a 2:17-2:21 pace with a 19-21 stroke rating most of the time. Very interesting.
Also, 3×3 chin-ups in a green band. Is it possible that only three days into practicing these regularly that they are already getting easier?
15 minute row: 3058M
Thruster: 75#
I love the downhill bike race video, especially when the dog gets in the way.
Max Thruster: 135lbs
15 minute row: 3451 meters
Rowed 3400 and change doing 500M sprints at 15, 10, and 5 and then feebly attempting to keep some pressure on the erg as I recovered. Not the most efficient way to cover the distance, but it was a pretty solid stimulus.
Thrustered my way up to 175, still had some more in the tank but had to run. Next time thrusters, next time.
15 minute row: 3750 meters
Thrusters: 140 lbs (disappointed, need to work harder on getting this weight up by doing it right)
120/3606… seemed kinda far to row on rest day of back-off week. Lots of steady pulls @ 22spm.