Barbell Zerches, Sleds and Get-Ups -Oh My!
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Alex does a weighted pull-up. Load= 1 baby Zachary
There is still room left in Coach Jeremy's next Strength Cycle. Hop on it!
May Cycle A (novice cycle)
5/9/11 – 7/1/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
May Cycle B (advanced cycle)
5/10/11 – 7/3/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
To register, click here!
Tight Calves? Check out this Heel Cord Love from MobilityWOD
Composting 101 Robb Wolf
Want to learn something new? For cheap? Beekeeping, Historic Gastronomy, Tying knots etc? Check out the Brooklyn Brainery located on Court Street!
Secret Science Club (Brooklyn)
Vincent, Chris J, and I discovered an anomaly: The Zircher hold is the only exercise where the last 10 seconds are easier than the first 10 seconds. This was on 30 second holds. Weird.
Warm-UpMat Based Mobility
Thrusters(45x5x2, 75×5, 95x3x2, 100×3)
WOD 11.6+3 Thrusters/CTB Pull-Ups
71 Reps
The 3,6 and 9 rounds were not that bad at all. I slowed WAY down on the 12 set of thrusters, then when I got back to the Thrusters for the 15 set I felt pretty gassed. I thought I might have about 80 reps in me but im happy with this effort.
Thanks to Marian L for judging/time keeping!
Peter, I agree! Some kind of weird muscle happiness happens about 30 seconds in. I have always heard that on certain lifts holding the top or bottom position for 30 secs causes the body to adjust to the weight and set itself better for movement. Maybe this is what happens in the zercher? After 30 secs my shoulders would drop down and back, my stomach pushed out hard against the bar and my back felt more stable and ‘locked’. Just a thought. When I threw shot put I always took a good 20 secs in the top, then 20 secs in the bottom before exploding backwards. I couldn’t throw worth a dang without doing that.
I enjoyed the sled runs. Sprints trump jogs for me any day. I can sprint all afternoon.
Fun stuff. PR’d in get up with 75# barbell.
Oh and met a personal goal of competing in all 6 open events. This was a really great experience. I was so surprised by the generosity and good will that was shown me the whole series. I definitely noticed that it’s your effort that counts and not your score.
i discovered i heart running with the sleds!