Five rounds, each for time, of:
135 pound Power clean, 5 reps
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
135 pound Jerk, 5 reps
20 Pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds
Post Rx & time of each round to comments.
We're allowing our competition team CrossFitters who have competed in all the sectional events to pretest WOD 11.6 today if they'd like. As with all the sectional's WODs, there is NO Scaling allowed and you must have a judge watch your range of motion and reps for the workout to be submitted for the Games. If you've been competing in sectionals, please view this video explanation and this 5 minute demo to plan your workout.
"WOD 11.6"
As many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 Thrusters 100/65
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
6 Thrusters 100/65
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Thrusters 100/65
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
12 Thrusters 100/65
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
…continue adding +3 reps until the 7 minutes are complete
Post reps completed to comments.
Friend of the program and all around rocker, Adrian Bozman deficit pulls 320×11
Good Luck Strength Athletes!
Good luck to all the athletes competing in the CrossFit Total today as part of their graduation from Coach Jeremy's Strength cycle. Come on down to cheer on and support everyone as they test the last 8 weeks of lifting. Festivities start at 6pm!
What are you doing this weekend? Oh, just going to the CROSSFIT PROM
Do it! Ask him/her/it out to the CrossFit Prom this Saturday at CrossFit Virtuosity. Don't have a date? Come alone, come with friends, bring your parents! The point is to come out and have some fun. CFV has organized a prom committee for the event and we'd love to see a big turn out. For more information and to RSVP, click here.
Thanks Josh Martinez!
You may have noticed the large wooden platforms in the gym. Local hero, Josh M has built the gym new Wall Ball and Handstand Push-Up stations. Full installation will be completed later in the week. Expect to be inverted soon!
Tatiana Kashirina lifting youtube
Learning the Cartwheel CrossFit
Miranda gets inverted on the Rings CrossFit
Going overhead with Adrian Bozman Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt 3 CrossFit
Adrian Bozman does "Roaming Diane" CrossFit
Good luck to the strength cycle crew! Light weights! yeaaahh buddy!
The Hammer sounds horrible. Psyched for that and to watch the STRENF crew push some weight around.
Break a leg, all you strength cyclers!
Also Josh Martinez, thank you for building stations for more movements I will likely never achieve. When’re you going to build some hot tub stations, hmmmm?!?!
Yea the Hammer seems hard as hell.
I see myself doing A LOT of cleans.
I know programming is done in advance but I was thinking with the NFL draft coming up…
It would be kind of cool/fun to do an NFL combine type thing during back off week
get our height and weight (or just height for ladies)40 times, max rep bench presses, shuttle runs, vertical jumps, etc.
pbf wow 2
4 40-yard Dashes2 Max Pushups (or Bench Press), Two Minute Rest10 Vertical Leaps10 Broad Jumps5 Cone Drill Runs5 Shuttle Runs
Heres teh actual NFL combine…we’d have to figure out a different weight on the bench than 225.
Each February, hundreds of the very best college football players are invited to the NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis, Ind., where executives, coaches, scouts and doctors from all 32 NFL teams conduct an intense, four-day job interview in advance of the NFL Draft. Here is a brief breakdown of the measurable drills:
40-yard dashThe 40-yard dash is the marquee event at the combine. It’s kind of like the 100-meters at the Olympics: It’s all about speed, explosion and watching skilled athletes run great times. These athletes are timed at 10, 20 and 40-yard intervals. What the scouts are looking for is an explosion from a static start.
Bench pressThe bench press is a test of strength — 225 pounds, as many reps as the athlete can get. What the NFL scouts are also looking for is endurance. Anybody can do a max one time, but what the bench press tells the pro scouts is how often the athlete frequented his college weight room for the last 3-5 years.
Vertical jumpThe vertical jump is all about lower-body explosion and power. The athlete stands flat-footed and they measure his reach. It is important to accurately measure the reach, because the differential between the reach and the flag the athlete touches is his vertical jump measurement.
Broad jumpThe broad jump is like being in gym class back in junior high school. Basically, it is testing an athlete’s lower-body explosion and lower-body strength. The athlete starts out with a stance balanced and then he explodes out as far as he can. It tests explosion and balance, because he has to land without moving.
3 cone drillThe 3 cone drill tests an athlete’s ability to change directions at a high speed. Three cones in an L-shape. He starts from the starting line, goes 5 yards to the first cone and back. Then, he turns, runs around the second cone, runs a weave around the third cone, which is the high point of the L, changes directions, comes back around that second cone and finishes.
Shuttle runThe short shuttle is the first of the cone drills. It is known as the 5-10-5. What it tests is the athlete’s lateral quickness and explosion in short areas. The athlete starts in the three-point stance, explodse out 5 yards to his right, touches the line, goes back 10 yards to his left, left hand touches the line, pivot, and he turns 5 more yards and finishes.
While not quite crossfit they’d be some good numbers we could shoot to reach by around the same time next year and do a decent job of measuring overall athleticism.
Anyhow all that said I stumbled onto this…
This weeks Marks daily apple Workout of the Week is a NFL combine type thing
I like the combine! But I wouldn’t be able to do it during the lockout……..
Rippetoe talked about that vertical jump and how it measures the relationship of your central nervous system to your motor units, and how it’s a great indication of raw athletic ability. Was pretty interesting.
This part shouldve been up by the PBF WOW part. Bad cut and pasting
“Anyhow all that said I stumbled onto this…
This weeks Marks daily apple Workout of the Week is a NFL combine type thing”
JR the combine and draft are still going on despite the lockout! But what Rip says is interesting, I wouldnt think RIP and his guys have great verticals given their build.
I can see now see how the vert would be tied to your CNS and Motor units. I think that could be why I dont have a great vertical…that and my weak glutes.
22:08 with an 85# bar and 15 pull-ups per round. I wanted to do 95#, but I was still sore from FGB on Monday — and that was the right call, as it was still plenty challenging.
Holy Hammer. Crush week don’t mess around.
26:11 @ 67lbs/10 pull-ups.
What a great day to be in the gym. 1st time ive seen us run out of collars from the crate. Will we need more supplies and real estate soon?!
Great to also see their strength cycle do ytheir thing. I know Ive been telling Jeremy this forever–but Im gonna be in one soon.
Have some nice bar hickeys to show for today’s WOD.Hammer is a good name because its literally like what I imagine getting beat to death with a hammer is like. All of it hurts, but it just keeps hitting you, and you wish it would just end already or as Willie stated “i kinda wish I would die in the next 15 seconds.”
30 minutes flat at 115 #.
This was tough. I took too much rest at various points. Once you bail that bar its hard to mentally stay on top if it.
I had a great 1st rd. Unbroken squats 13 pullups in a row–but it was all downhill from there. I think I couldve pushed myself to not break up the squats as much–and some of my rest between movements was just way too long.
Rd 1: 0:00- 2:37Rd 2: 4:07-8:32Rd 3: 10:02-14:52Rd 4: 16:22-22:20Rd 5: 23:50-30:00
Looks like rds 4 and 5 is where it really fell apart. 6 minutes? Ouch.
Fun watching the start of the totals tonight. Great lifting everyone!
Hammer @80lbs & 10 blue-band pullups 20:47
Thinking of doing FGB on Friday, Who’s in? Lemme know.
17:37 @95# and 7 strict chins. This was hard. My individual round times are on a whiteboard back in the box!
why robb wolf is so much more awesome than michael pollan:
“We will NOT change this by going to our politicians, nor the media. But if we make choices with our wallets, we can change all of this. The big players know this, and they are scared. You will see attempts to ban grass fed meat due to “hygiene” issues, you will see attempts to up-end CSA’s and Farmers Markets. The fight is not upon us yet, but it’s not far off.”
Gotta report on the bad as well as the good. Did this workout at 115 with rx’d pull ups.Sort of.Gashed my right shin in mid 3rd round. Bleeding on the bar and myself was not really acceptable. Cleaned up the mess after 3rd round which took some minutes. Then did fourth round and by that time it was 21+ minutes. Momentum lost. Quit after four rounds. DNF. Hammer Fail. Not pleased but still looking forward picking up the hammer next time!
love robb but he’s got some tinfoil hat tendencies sometimes.
hammer: scaled too light, as usual.
Total: Woot!! Awesome night of lifting by the strength cycle kids! Many favorite moments: Bina’s Ice Queen squat, Rob’s Benedikt Magnassun imitation, Juliana’s press PR. SO STRONG, all of you.
This week just has me looking forward to trimming down my body weight. The loads are challenging, but not exhausting, it is really my body fat I am working against in these workouts, not the bar. Besides the obvious challenge of extra load to lift here are some other limitations I have been noticing, thought they might help folks partnering with or coaching heavy athletes:
Squats: Because my stomach pushes against my quads in the bottom of the squat it translates to a backward pressure on my spine, forcing my back to round in the bottom of my squats. My solution to this has been to only work to the depth where I feel this pressure mildly to keep proper p. Chain alignment.
Leg drives: Similiar to the squat, there isn’t much room for my body down by the floor causing me to keep my butt a bit high. The excess tummy is challenging because it acts like a counter weight, bouncing up and then down at inopportune times in the movement almost forcing the body down harshly while I am working to snap up. Basically I have to focus on balancing an additional load on my abdomen.
High Pulls, Snatches and Cleans: The extra effort to move the bar forward, around, and then back over the top of my stomach deadens much of my ability to xfer momentum from my legs straight up through the bar. For this reason all three of these movements are Almost just as easy to do as strict muscle ups as they are with legs involved, recruiting the legs generally gives me only a 10-15 lb heavier work weight.
Grip, wrist, elbow, shoulder alignment: In movements starting from below the waist or where elbows come backwards breaking the plane of the body excess weight on the sides of my ribcage force me to hold the bar in a wider than ideal grip, causing my wrists to be out of line with my elbows in the catch position, or making it slightly hard to lock down my Lats in the dead lift, or to keep elbows in line with shoulders in rowing and pulling motions.
Sorry if this is TMI. I just know that as I slim down I will have to spend time retraining all these movements to fix these inefficiencies.
This isn’t at all to complain, but just elucidate some challenges of working with extra weight (aside from the obvious ones). I imagine pregnancy replicates many of these issues as well, along with additional challenges.
Glad to be working towards being stronger, fitter and happier!
Oh! And 22:13 at 85#s.
Not TMI at all Billy, really good info for the coaches to keep in mind and watch for, and a good marker of progress as slimming down starts to happen. We often urge people not to rely too much on scale weight as there are lots of body composition changes that one arbitrary number doesn’t really encapsulate. I think proper technique relative to/influenced by body comp is definitely one of those things. Thanks for sharing.
Hammered- 26:55. Had some technical difficulties including hand rips and a wicked double calf cramp that had me rolling around on the floor at one point. Weight actually felt good and I liked my pacing, but when the last 2 rounds got really slow as I was resting, massaging my legs, and crying over my hands.
Didn’t get to properly cool down as I had to help coach the next class. Now I feel like I got hit by a bus. Or, conveniently, a hammer.
Great soundtrack at the gym tonight- Rob’s animal yells and Bev’s shrieks of joy. Very impressive strengthers, numbers to be proud of fo sho.
Hammer 23:04 at 115#
Hammer really destroyed me. I really appreciated the encouragement I got towards the end. I probably wouldn’t have completed the workout without it.
35:55 @ 115. Need to do more metcons.
HAmmer 28.30 @ 115 lbs
Hammer @ 32:02, 60# bar, 10 pullups (kipping, unassisted). Pretty consistent 3m+, 4m+, 5m+, 6m+ round time increase thanks to 1 at a time pullups. 😉
Thanks to everyone who yelled at me at the end (Deepak, Margie, Bethany, Sam). This was a great workout to get through.
And holy hell did the 5-10-5 combo before the pullups sort of kill me! Was not expecting that to be so tiring.
I have to work pull/chin-ups. I don’t mind being in a band (mainly because I can’t do them without at this point), but after doing 10 in the first round, I scaled back to a measly five when I realized ten would have my shoulders detached from my body by round 3.
Hammer – 20:33 w/75# and 5 blue+white chins.
Front squat destroyed my hips– felt very creeky afterwards. I thought that out of these three lifts that the cleans would be my downfall, but who woulda known that after a full cycle of cleans (and a year doing crossfit) that I may have finally gotten a hang on it. And Margie’s note of “stop doing all that extra stuff” got my jerk more streamlined and not exactly easier, but definitely smoother.
Congrats to all the Strength Cyclers. Always so so impressive.
Hammer: 32:16 Rx’d. Perhaps not the best metcon to jump into after several weeks of spotty attendance… but it was fun in a special grind kind of way. Really feeling my feet today from dropping off the tall doorway pull-up bar in lifting shoes… next time will think of a better solution.
The hardest part were the pull-ups – grip failure seemed to happen first.