CrossFit Total
Good luck to, Craig C, Jack L, Rob I, Bina A, Beverly W, Radhika V, Juliana A, Kevin M, Paul B and Will S as they graduate Coach Jeremy's Strength Intensive and attempt 1RM's in their Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. Come on down Wednesday to cheer on their feats of strength!
There are still some spots left in our upcoming Foundations cycles. Sign up today!
May Evening Foundations
5/5/11 – 5/31/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Register Here!
May Morning Foundations
5/5/11 – 5/31/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Register Here!
May AM/PM Foundations
5/18/11 – 6/12/11
Wednesdays 8:00pm-9:15pm
Sundays 10:00am-11:15am
Register Here!
The Mic'd Instructor
Have you ever checked out Again Faster's, "Mic'd Instructor" segments? These are a great collection of how to's on the bulk of CrossFit movements. Check out a movement you've been struggling with and see if you can't get some new tips.
Top 5 Sports to get you "Cut" Fox News
High Fat Diet May Help Reverse Kidney Damage The News Tribune
Sugar Is Bad For You Talk to Me Johnnie
Handstand Push-Up Negatives CrossFit Journal Preview
Dachshund Exercise Plan Herschel Media Inc
I’m performing (I play electric bass) with a jazz trio (piano-drums) tonight at Puppets Jazz bar in Park Slope:
481 5th Ave between 11th & 12th street.
2 Sets: 8:30 and 9:40
We’re doing straight up standards from the American song book.
My lower back is sore this morning. Is this because I didn’t set my back properly after every sumo deadlift high pull yesterday?
Ugh, between the soreness and the itchiness from all the goddamn mosquito bites, my back hates me today.
Why would I want to get cut? To bleed my way to fitness…?
Did anyone else sleep hooooribly last night after an evening FGB? I tossed and turned all night. Too much adrenaline too close to bed time?
Based on these links, this week we may either be doing hand-stand pushups or chasing motorized cars around the gym, Or both.
Like it.
Made up Fight Gone Bad with the 6:00pm crew
Round 1: 25 23 25 18 15 = 106Round 2: 15 13 16 15 11 = 070Round 3: 09 10 15 15 14 = 063Total : 40 49 46 56 48 = 239
It turns out pizza is not performance food.
Ended up running the prospect park loupe. No idea how long it took (no watch) and not sure how long it is (haven’t looked it up). Totally non-quantifiable, but I kinda liked it.
6am FGB
took it sort of easy. started on SDLHP, was a good place to start methinks, looking forward to doing it again.
Ran ~1 mile.
3 Rounds:100m shuttle sprint (so 50 there, 50 back)10 push-ups
Trying to get past the I-HATE-RUNNING!! feelings. Sprints are always fun.
i have an embarrassing attachment to wiener dog videos.
Hi All,I’m still in DC and finally made it to Crossfit Old Town (Alexandria)- nice people, nice box.Five rounds:5 deadlifts (225)10 ring dips (strict)15 GHD situps200 meter run19:06I miss Brooklyn.