(E 8/8) Find a heavy single
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Compare to 3.23.11
For time:
1000m row
20 box jumps 24/20
10 shoulder to overhead 165/110
20 box jumps 24/20
10 shoulder to overhead
Post Rx and times to comments.
Coaches Margie & Fox with Mark Rippetoe at this past weekend's Starting Strength Seminar
Happy Birthday Jessica B. and a happy belated Birthday to Jason S!
We're Leaving on a PR Train to Georgia! Whoo Whoo!
Yesterday was the final exposure of the Squat for the cycle. Exposure 8 was chock-ful of PRs. Here's a few!
David "D-Turntable" T. 225 PR
Thibeault 170 PR
Katie M. 270 PR
Michael F. 275 PR
Eric L. 325 PR
Maggie G. 125 PR
Carlos G. 250 PR
Aaron S. 205 PR
Mike W. 225 PR
Jeff B. 295 PR
Pam O. 95 PR
Jon S. 195 PR
Chris A. 300 PR
Ariel 165 PR
Chris 2A. 270 PR
Billy K. 230 PR
Laurel M. 210 PR
Jenna J. 127 PR
Nick P. 280 PR
Arlene K. 70 PR
Antione W. 325 PR
Bardian 145 PR
Shawn S. 246 PR
Rob N. 285 PR
Erica S. 85 PR
Nick A. 135 PR
JZ 230 PR
David Br. 250 PR
Melissa L. 225 PR
Dan H1 180 PR
Felipe 290 PR
Robin R. 200 PR
Jess B. 175 PR
Rob I. 285×10 PR
Damn son!!! Nice job everyone!
Why Grass-fed Beef is Worse for the Environment Fox News
For Exercise Afterburn Intensity May Be the Key NY Times
Creep the Crap out of Yourself Chicks with Steve Buscemi Eyes
my name has one “l.” i even wrote it on the board… with one “l.”
here is a rap to help you remember.
yo check it!my name is michelecuz my parents couldn’t spellget it right and write it wellONE L!!!!!
catchy, right?
also, to josh martinez:
1. any chocolate wafer cookie, but they are a little hard to find. chop fine.2. oreos 🙂
Fox News are a bunch of assholes. I want to punch that guy in the face.
Impressive numbers everyone! Congrats on the PRs!!!
Press work weight: 120, 125(PR), 130(PR),135(PR), 95 (POOPED)
Please don’t miss Margie’s socks in the picture. Those are teeth and toothbrushes. I like your style!
The big problem with Fox is that people believe them! They find one narrow minded scientist and that becomes the big FACT.
“no scientific evidence” – wrong.The real story is the corn industry and the zero nutritional value of that product. Feed cows this and now you have no nutritional value in the meat.
DouchebagsSorry – I know I am preaching to the choir here.
hey kids, congrats on all the PRs!!! being out of town for PR week is a real kick in the nether-berries, but I live vicariously through all of you. in the meantime, I’ve had the opportunity to get in a couple WODs at ground zero crossfit here in norman, oklahoma.today:”Badger”scaled, yosh-style3 Rounds for time of:20 Squat Clean @ 75 lbs20 Pull Ups (band assisted)Run 600m
finished in 27:52. it hurt all my bits. but like a wise woman once said, there’s no place like home…
press: (45×5, 65×3, 85×1) 95, 105, 108F, 108F, 108FI’ve only made 2 of the exposures for the press and 105 ties my PR from a few months ago, so I’m happy enough. Nice to work with Carlos.
Row/jump/PP = 8:38 RX’ed. (row in 3:45)that row+jump combo is really pukey-feeling. hard to push too hard.
and thanks for all the squat congrats. i’m pretty psyched! and grateful for the awesome programming and coaching that’s gotten me a 35# jump in my squat in just a month after a year no progress. i’m such a CFSBK fan.
Any CFSBK guys with a size 10.5(ish) foot looking for a pair of running shoes? I’ve got some that for one reason or another didn’t work out for me but might be perfect for you (I have weird, wide feet.) Nike track flats, adizeros, etc.
I’m noah(dot)abbott(at)gmail, drop me a line and I will bring them to the gym.
Great evening last night– awesome to look around and see so many people hitting PR’s and doing heavy squats– congrats everyone!
Squat: 285x10I was secretly hoping Jeremy would write 280 (but really didn’t wan him too) and have been thinking of this with trepidation for 11 days. I was thinking I gotta make 5. 6 or 7 would be gravy. Never did I consider 10 was possible. It was really nice how the first 5 just happened a like a heavy 5. Then it turned into determination time. I was cursing at myself to keep going. REALLY satisfying to make it and thanks to everyone for the encouragement the props afterwards.
Bench: 165×98 pretty nice and then I just pooped out. I really should have had 10. Still happy to add 5 pounds and keep the reps the same.
I then decided to chat and BS with Michele with one ‘l’ instead of doing a third lift. I left it all out there on that squat set anyway.
I leave for Florida today and will work out at the Jewish Community Center tomorrow morning with all the retired folks (and my Mom). They have squat rack. 260x5x?; dependent on how I feel.
Why is Fox News so evil? And it’s really uncool that they stole the real Fox’s name. Really uncool.
THANKS Michele! A.K.A MC One “L”
Very disappointed with myself for not getting out of bed this morning to come into the gym–instead I snoozed for two hours. What a waste. Well, I guess that means I’ll be waking up again tomorrow. This time I’m going to make it, for real.
Maybe doing the games wod yesterday had something to do with this…ya think?
After the soul-destruction of Monday and Wednesday, today’s lifting came as relief.
WU: 45×5, 75×5, 85×3, 95×2, 105×1
Work: 115, 125 (PR), 130 (PR), 135 (F), 132(F)
Accessory WOD: 9:56 @105#
Nice working with Ben on the press; very impressed by your linguistic abilities!
I’ll say it. I was completely psyched to PR on the GD Press tonight. This whole cycle of press has been a struggle – got to 80# one week, only to not be able to get 68 up the next. So to go mind over matter tonight felt like an achievement in and of itself. Chris Ahrens yelling “up! up! up!” definitely helped that 85 go up.
warmup: 35×5, 45×3, 55×3, 60x1work: 65, 70, 75, 80, 85PR
I know the more “prescribed” way to do it would have been to go for the PR earlier in my work sets, but since I’d struggled so much with this, I was ready to not get 75 up, hence my trajectory.
WOD: 9:06 w/16″ box and 85#
Still working with the remnants of a majorly cramped left calf, so I stuck with the 16″ box. Row felt smooth, and for the overhead stuff, I went between push press and split jerk (???) in a sort of what felt right in the moment sort of way.
Warmup: 45, 75, 95, 105Work: 110F, 110, 112(PR), 115F, 115F
WOD: 8:024:13 Row16″ Stepups# 95
Press: 145, 155, 160F, 157F
Matched my old PR. Been stuck here for a while. I am still overextending wayyy too much, a trend which continued on…
The WOD which I DNFed. Row felt good, box jumps felt pretty good, 1st round of Sh2Ovr felt good. 2nd round was pretty gassed, overextended a bunch and felt some weirdness from my lower back all the way around my side to the front. Not pain, just weirdness. Called it a day then and there.
Still a fun day, PR is a strong dude.
Late post…
Press:(45×5, 65×3, 75×2)work: 85, 90, 92PR!-85 felt heavy and I really didn’t think I was going to hit a PR today. I only did because Shane and everyone else was yelling like crazy. I think it took me 30 secs (no joke) fighting for it but I eventually got it. Yes there was some over-extention though.
WOD:11:05 @ 100#-this was hard and being sick didn’t help much. finished the row in 4:12. first 5 or so bj’s were shaky but then I was able to get into a rhythm. all S2O were in sets of 2. last round of bj’s unbroken.