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(e4/4) compare to 4.11.11 and 12.6.10
Start a 10 minute clock and run 800m. In the remaining amount of time after the run, see if you can complete "Annie".
Run 800m
50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double Unders
Post amount of "Annie" completed to comments.
compare Annie to 7.10.10
Thanks to CF Endurance and everyone who participated in yesterday's Running Seminar!
Welcome back from Costa Rica, Coach Shane and Whitney H!
CrossFit Prom!
The Open's coming to a close, and that means it's time for a PARTY! So grab yourself a killer outfit, a hot date*, and come out for some drinks, dancing, and debauchery in Williamsburg!
Suggested Attire: Schmancy. Feel free to be creative, but leave your lulus at home!
*A date is absolutely not required, but we can't resist the thought of everyone reliving all kinds of hilarious high school prom-date-finding awkwardness. So we encourage you to get out there and ask someone!
Location: CrossFit Virtuosity
Date: Saturday, April 30th, 2011
Time: 7pm until late.
Slaying the Exertional Headache Beast Mobility WOD
Becca Voigt Reebok
World's Oldest Man (114) Dies in Montana Reuters
Why Quantum Physics will end the Free Will debate Big Think
Paleo Diet, CrossFit halts progress of MS Star News
Skull Moulded Kettlebells!!! Iron Skull Fitness
Morning. Great seminar at Paulie’s place. Really awesome! please step off the tracks, the PR train is coming through!
Guys, for the prom: Please, have the pocket square match the shirt, the socks, or nothing at all. I’m begging you, not the tie. I’d also recommend the yawn/arm-stretch move. It’s a classic, it never gets old! 😉
I wish I could go to the prom! Can’t wait to see pictures.
Great 7 AM class — I am in awe of Kiki. I got to 82 on the clean (from mid-hang). After three weeks of feeling like complete “asses ‘n’ elbows,” as David puts it, with this movement, today felt much better. Whee!
Subbed 850m row for the run as I think I’ve now run 13 days in a row. Finished the “C” version of Annie (30-20-10, counting attempts) just as David called time. This is a reminder that I need to practice double-unders some more, so I can get more than two in a row in a WOD. But I didn’t even expect to finish the C version, so I’m pretty psyched about that.
Oops. How dare I misattribute a quote? Perhaps David does say “asses ‘n’ elbows,” but now I remember. Of COURSE I first heard that from none other than Fox.
CleanWork weight: 120, 125, 130, 130, 135 (PR)”Annie” “C” (incomplete)
stairmaster, here we come
Congrats to everyone who did the endurance running seminar yesterday! I’m sure we’re all right on our way to beating that 4:50 pace on next years boston marathon!
Nice work to the competitors on that impossible 4th WOD!
Michelle’s write up yesterday on the Starting Strength seminar was great, if you didn’t see it on the blog yesterday, check it out…
The seminar was an awesome experience. It was great to lift with Rip critiquing (and no, not nerve racking at all) and to meet and learn from his coaches. Great discussions were had and the information was plentiful (over whelming really) and fantastic. It was super cool to learn how to teach the lifts and definitely helped with getting deeper into the form.
I got a lot of tweaks that I was surprised about and will be a better lifter for it. I highly recommend doing this seminar– it’s easily worth the money by a ton. Rip is a blast to listen to and learn from.
Warmup:~8 mins of DIY warmup
Cleans:(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×2, 125×1)work: 130PR, 135f, 135PR!, 140f, 140f-135 was my goal so I’m super stoked about that! And, I was able to get 140 plenty high, but I’m just too damn scared to drop under it. Next time…
“Running Annie”-got through 50-40 and 4 du’s before time was called.-Should have scaled down considering there was no way that I would have finished in under 10 mins. The situps were a lot harder for me today than I expected.
Warm-UpFoam Rolled my thighs and then my lower leg. Tib Ants were HOTTTTT from Pose practice yesterday
LBBSQ e12/12(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 175×3, 190×2)200x5x3
Low Volume Clean practice up to 155
Did this for about 18 minutes:30 3 Squat Clean & Jerks, 115lbs:30 Rest:30 2 Muscle-Ups:30 Rest
Was kinda loose on some of the times towards the end. Wasn’t looking for anything intense, just some medium difficult movements at steady pace
I hit my planned 12 exposures of the Squat with no fails and hit my goal of 200x5x3 at 145lbs BW. I might as well keep riding this train until it kicks me off
Ditto everything Jim, Michele and Rob said about the Rip cert this weekend. I think I PR’d almost everything. This seminar is tight, the coaching spectacular and the info plentiful. Add my thumbs up to the testimonials.
Back in the saddle and it felt good – in a bad way.Was disappointed not to finish 800AnnieGot through 50-40-30 doubles + 12 sit ups.
Like old times doing Annie with Dan and Asta!
Need to be in the gym more.
tonight was my first class with coach laurel, who was very patient and helpful. thanks, laurel!
the WOD was so much fun. i did version “C” and came within 3 situps of finishing. tonight were my first unbroken double unders ever — i did 10 in a row in the last round of the WOD. pretty excited about this because a month ago i couldn’t do even one.
Cleans: 163! 5 lb PR for this cycle, 3lb pr since the doubles last week. I tried for 168, but couldn’t get my body to drop under it. I’m getting very close to my max front squat (170)… I think I need to work on that and on dropping before this is going to go up any more.
800m Annie: 50-40-30 + 12 doubles (cheers Brian!) I was hoping to get through my 20’s but the run took me too long.
@Nick: no patience was needed. Great work tonight!
Fun with the cleans last night. Warmed up with 75×5, 115×3, 135×3, 155×2, 175×1.
Work was 185, 195, 205(PR), 210F.
Then Running Annie: I did the B variant and got through the 40, 30, 20 rounds and was on my 7th double under in the 10’s.
Just wasn’t my cleans night last night.Got 143 easily and then failed 5 or 6 times at 153. I think I was jumping too early so the bar was too far in front of me–I’d get the bar high enough and squat deep enough but it would just roll off my hands. Ugh.
800m Annie = 30-20-10 version, finished in 9:52.
from 4/19…
Squat (re-tooling after the SSS)265x5245x5x2
Pretty happy with the PR at 215. Previous best single was 204 before this cycle and I’d hit 209 twice on the 1st rep of double attempts last week before missing the 2nd rep.
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