Carlos gets all "Zen" before Jerking
Congratulations to everyone on their Mile PRs yesterday. Here are some of the fastest times from the day:
Aaron S: 5:25 (gym record!)
David Br: 5:41
Justin Z: 5:54
Mike F: 5:55
Noah A: 5:58
Melissa L: 6:30 (gym record!)
Jenna J: 7:03
Asta F: 7:10
Worm: 7:12
Jess F: 7:20
Aneal H: 7:50
Competition Team Updates
This weekend marks the fourth event in the CrossFit Games NYC Open Sectionals that CrossFit South Brooklyn has been hosting along with CrossFit Virtuosity and CrossFit Long Island City. The top 30 teams from the region will advance to the next stage and compete in the CrossFit Games Regionals and we we're 42/69 after last weeks WOD . Team scores are based off the points of their top three male and female athletes, here's what we've done so far…
Diabetes Spreading Like Virus Fast Co Design
Yoshi S's brother Doing WOD 11.3 at 4'11" and 128lbs
Good luck this weekend on the next one! Wow some impressive stuff on this page! 5:25 mile. wooo!
Pulled back to 47 on the press today after last week’s fail on 52 and am glad I did. I felt good through all 4 sets. The negative pullups I did as part of the supersets, though…eek! Next time I’ll sub banded pullups so as to get more in before I fall apart.
6:05 on the mile, but it was definitely shy for the 7 AM class — we ran a different block due to construction fumes. According to USATF, the block we ran was 0.32 miles, so that would leave us 0.04 shy of a mile. Great to have Maggie to chase — I think I might have slowed down a little more had I not been trying to keep up with her!
PS: HA, Nick and Fox! Doubt me at your peril!
Actually, I did misremember a little bit: Tax Day is on Monday this year because of Emancipation Day, not the Emancipation Proclamation’s anniversary.
Damn, so many of you are are fast! I’m jealous. Nice job all!
p.s. That Diabetes link is scary. The county in Ohio where I grew up, and where my family still lives, has t 9.9% diabetes rate as of 2008. Unfortunately, my family is contributing to those numbers. 🙁
I know I’m biased because I’m related to the bastard, but I think watching a dude go overhead with 35 pounds more than bodyweight is inspirational. fighting through something that seems impossible is what crossfit is all about! and that is the last nice thing I’ll ever say about that guy.
congrats to all the CFSBK competitors and runners!
Yoshi, I am thoroughly inspired by your bro!
yeah, yosh that is pretty impressive!
Oh, and is there a rest day dinner tonight? The hubby’s out at the Rip seminar so this chica is flying solo tonight and looking for trouble! 😉 Actually, I just hate eating alone.
Thanks for the love South Brooklyn!! Look forward to getting in there one day soon and doing a WOD with you guys! Also, thanks for unfatting my brother!
Now I know not to contradict Stella. Whoops! Eating crow tonight for dinner.
Happy Emancipation Day!
Press, you are my nemesis.
warmup: 33×5, 45×5, 55×3, 60x3work @ 65×3, 70×3, 70×3, 70×2
Failed on the last rep of the last set. This lift blows my mind. 65 feels light and 70 is a struggle. But this week at least I was able to keep everything tight and not do as much backbending. Progress?
pullups w/green band: 3, 3, 4 (1 w/David assist), 3
Mile in 7:45. This was a big surprise, as I was hoping to come in somewhere in the 9:00 range. Maybe if I get back to running regularly, I’d be able to do multiple miles in this range… hrmmm…
Good luck to all you competitors tomorrow! And right on, Yoshi’s bro! Everyone who did that WOD is inspring, but major props to those for whom it was bodyweight++!!!
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 165×5 185x3Work: 205×5 205×5 205×4+f
Something still ain’t right. My knees are collapsing, among other issues. Time to reread Starting Strength. Anyone have the dvd available to lend?
Joe. I think Katie has my copy of the DVD. If she is done with it you can borrow it.