(5lbs heavier than last week, if all sets were completed successfully)
Superset worksets with 5-10 strict pull/chin ups or ring rows
Post loads to comments.
(e3/4) compare to 4.7.11
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
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compare to 5.15.10
Watch this video before your mile test today.
David has some fun with Kettlebells
CFSBK behind the scenes!
Sometimes we get asked who the sinister forces behind the scenes at SBK are. For your own personal interest, here goes:
Blog: Coaches David and Shane alternate the blog every week. Shane’s posts are wittier than David’s and usually have better grammar. David’s posts have perfect spacing and lots of exclamation points!!
Photos: Malcolm, Asta and Dan R all contribute photos for the blog. You can usually see the photographers name in the bottom corner of the picture. If theres no name it’s usually taken by one of the coaches, these are usually blurry and poorly framed.
info@CrossFit.. The mysterious info@ account is managed by none other than Ariel K. Ariel handles prospective clients and light member issues. Whenever things get “real” she forwards them to David.
Newsletter: Coach Fox writes the content for the newsletters while Ariel does the formatting and distribution. Get stoked cause another one is on the way soon!
Group Class Programming: This month Coaches Margie and Jeremy are heading up programming. The previous few months have been programmed by Coach Fox and before that it was David. We love to talk programming so please ask us as many questions as you can!
Cleaning: Every Wednesday and Saturday Vilma C comes to the gym and does a deep clean. On Saturdays after classes the entire gym floor is mopped and disinfected. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays Jonathan A (Juliana A’s little brother) comes in and does some light cleaning and equipment arrangement. He listens patiently while David describes in excruciating detail exactly how the bumpers need to be stacked and which way the kettlebells should face.
Graphic Design + Merch: Most of our shirts, logos and graphics have been designed by the good folks over at Quist Industries (Paulie and Becca S). We’re working on some cool new summer designs a sign and.. those ellusive log books you’ve heard so much about but never seen.
Build out: Both Coach Jeremy and Josh M have done construction on the gym. Josh built our medball racks, speaker stands, storage room (in the office) and the clothing rack by the sign in desk. Jeremy build the Wall ball targets, Platforms (with a little help) and white boards. Our next projects are Handstand Push-up stations and more indoor Wall Ball targets.
Accounting: Fernando O (David’s dad) who is a more mature, more organized and more type A version of David graciously donates his time and energy to make sure CFSBK’s finances are in order and David isn’t spending the gym into non-existence.
Odds and Ends: We’ve had so many people contribute in little ways over the last 3 years that it would be impossible to give everyone their due recognition in this blog post. From equipment donations, help with moves and equipment building, transportation, furniture donations, links for the blog and everything in between, this has truly been a community project. Thanks so much to everyone for all their contributions, comments and commitment to the program!
Is Sugar Toxic? NY Times
Aliens are Real! Truth Seeker
Fernando’s job is a rough one…Although DO is pretty type A himself…
I tried benching with pvs, bands, and bells once. It’s astounding how difficult it is. I was shocked.
Press: 105, 115, 120, 120 (PR)Mile: 7:47
The Sugar and Alien articles were worth reading.
Love the behind the scenes info! Would’ve been cool to get it in pieces, or maybe make it some kind of Trivia.
I feel like I got every spoiler at once. Oh well, I’m sure there are more secrets we have yet to find out.
50# press, 7:03 mile, not really psyched about that, I feel like somewhere in me I could have had a 6:45, but my hamstrings were already screaming from last night’s Good Mornings. (I know, excuses excuses) But speaking of last night, thanks to Jess Fox for last week’s squatting cues, it definitely helped me to squat heavier and deeper last night for a big jump in weight.
Now, onto the shameless plug:
This Sunday from 4-8 is the Annual Brooklyn Tri Club membership meeting at the Rock Shop. This is for anyone who has ever had any interest triathlon (or any one of the 3 events), or in the membership benefits of the club (and there are plenty!). Plus: FREE FOOD AND BOOZE! Food is coming from Oaxaca Taqueria, and apparently there will be no shortage of drinks. Also, lots of free swag and raffle prizes from our sponsors, plus a gear swap.
So, in review: Sunday, Rock Shop, 4-8, free food, free booze. RSVP here: http://doodle.com/vfzpaae8g3p9zwvg
If you know anyone who wants to buy a cervelo p2c, I think it’s about 2 years old or so, let me know. It’s a mean machine. I can’t remember the frame size offhand but can easily get that, I am about 6 feet tall for a starter. It’s a rocket.
If you send me the details, I can post it on the BTC boards.
Oops, sorry for assuming you are psychic on that last post. My email is jennajerman at gmail
A mile test? Oh, man, if only I had a sweet new pair of reeboks, with a built-up heel and 76 custom-engineered cushioning pods, I could run just like those bare-footed injuns everyone is talking about.
I’m sad ill miss the mile test
i’m not
it’s like squats with a slosh pipe! i love it. and i love today’s post about the behind the scenes CFSBK. Such a great community and I hope to be back soon!!
Was catching up on the blog after a few days away. Just watched the K-star/flip flop video and cried. Then I watched the sectionals video and vomited.
Who is winning the men’s mile. Ryan, or Nick? I’m sure I’m missing someone.
Fun with bands, reminds me of when Nick and I did OHS with the same setup, very challenging.
Hope to make it by today for some pressing and the mile test!
Baz is a speed demon as well.
My vote for the ladies is Claire.
And don’t forget Nick ‘Hermes’ Klagge, a very speedy miler.
Press Thursday:
WU: 45×5, 65×5, 75×3, 85×2, 95×1
Work: (100×3)x4 (supersets of pullups: 7,7,7,4)
Skipped mile run.
Press: Worked at 125, with 4 strict pull ups after each set (+10 pounds & 1 pull up over last week)
1 mile run6:08. Big PR. More in the tank. Rawk.
Warm-UpVery quick Foam RollOHS (45×5, 75×5, 95×5 120×3)
Sectionals WOD 11.4AMRAP 10 Minutes60 Bar Facing Burpees30 OHS @ 12010 Muscle-Ups
Made it to 21 Overhead Squats. I’m pretty happy with this as I thought I’d get totally crushed by the OHS’s but I feel like I was able to hold my own for the most part. I did 10 unbroken to start, then 4, then a mix of 3s and 4s I think. Thanks to Fox for judging.
Really fun WOD!
Great work to all our Milers today! Great time coaching 6am, 7am, 5pm, 6pm 7pm and On Ramp at 8. As well as all my private clients throughout the day.
Press53x3x4, with 3 strict pull ups between sets (blue band)
2k row8:52:7David helped me plan out a strategy and then coached me through the row which made all the difference. Thank you!
Thanks Fernando! Keep the box breathing or I will lose what little is left of my mind!
Press 85x3x4
Mile–7:13 in some very clompy Chucks which kept me from catching Jess. It felt pretty good. I’m off for a big road trip the next week and a half…KC, Wisco and home. See you when we get back.
Fun time today, cool to see just a straight up time trial every once in a while.
Press @ 135. Heavy, and I was getting off balance and doing a little heel lift which was kind of cheaty and was actually making the lift harder. 4th set got it under control and the weight shot up.
Mile in 5:58. Didn’t feel very good, I feel pretty heavy right now and have not been running nearly enough. Time to get serious or I might not make it back from Ragnar.
Press145/150/155/160 x 3
95x4x3 on the press. My goal this cycle is to beat my pre-torn pec PR of 120 — I think I can do it.
6:45 on the run. Fastest I’ve run in about 11 years.
Mile: 9:26PP: 110-115-120-125
Misread the workout last night and did push press. Although my mile was very slow. I am proud of it. I kept my heels from hitting the ground, had a steady pace and NO shin splints!
Hoping crazy work schedule ends soon so that I can get back to the classes, its more fun with other people.
Warmup:400m runhandstand kickup practice, each leg-really enjoyed the handstand practice!
Press:(45×5, 65×5, 75×3)work: 80x3x4superset with 3 strict chins.-glad I only had to do 3 reps. all went up fine.
1 Mile:7:20-yuck. even the gorgeous evening couldn’t make this better. I think I started out too hard and lost steam. Got a side stitch around the halfway point too. again, yuck.-new goal–sub 7 mile!