Heavy Double
Clean Pulls
Base this % off your best heavy double
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(e3/4) compare to 4.4.11
At the top of every 2 minutes, complete the following couplet:
16 Lunge jumps (8 each leg)
16 Sit-Ups
Rest the remainder of the two minutes.
Repeat 5 times.
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Young initiates in Prana-bindu training
Happy Birthday, Vincent D!
What was the last live performance you saw?
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THAT’s what the box is missing – a wall full of diplomas to help you feel like you’re in a dentist’s office! I bet they don’t have a working sink, though.
Last live performances were Mike Birbiglia and a pretty doggone awesome beat-boxer/string-quartet combo at Brooklyn Museum last weekend. That’s right, “doggone.” Somebody get me to Utah.
I saw quite a performance on Saturday, every single one of my little leaguers had base hits! every one! Michael Ryan went 2 for 3 in his extra small pants.
If you mean a live musical performance, it was Van Halen, with David Lee Roth.
Taj Mahal at Brooklyn Bowl last night. He is the MAN!
hey look i’m in that picture!
i saw robyn at radio city a few months ago. she was great live — amazing energy.
Dropkick Murphys at Roseland about a month ago. GREAT live band. One of my top 10 favorite shows.
I think the BAD PLUS was my last live show. I recommend their annual New Years show at the Village Vanguard. Saw the Dropkick Murphys with Motorhead years ago. Rough crowd.
Cleans: 105, 110,115,120. Work needed on form.
PRINCE at the Garden. AMAzing!
Funny you should ask…it’s like you want me to plug my choir, right? RIGHT?
In all seriousness, my choir, the Oratorio Society of New York, is performing Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” at Carnegie Hall on Wednesday the 27th at 8 PM. Please come! I have 5 ticktes in the nosebleed section available at $19 a pop (normally they’re $22), and nicer seats are available through the OSNY website: http://www.oratoriosocietyofny.org/ticketsSingleSpring2.html
WOD: 52×2, 57×3, 62×2, 67×3. Thanks David for reminding me to look at bad reps as a learning opportunity, not just “oh @#*&, that sucked.” Reminder to self: the clean has a LOT of moving parts, this is only my third exposure ever, and I can’t expect to get everything right every time.Then I did deadlifts instead of clean pulls. 95×3, 115×3, 135×5. I misheard David and should have started at 135 instead of ending there. Oops!
Lunge jumps and situps as Rx’d, which may be the first time I’ve ever done anything Rx’d! Between that and the 10K I ran yesterday, my hip flexors hate me now.
Oh yeah, the last live performance that I attended was my choir’s all-French program (Poulenc, Debussy, and Saint-Saens), and the last one I attended that I wasn’t part of was the Young New Yorkers’ Chorus (my old choir) doing Brahms’ Requiem. I sound like a choir-obsessed freak, but actually I love ’80s pop, and those bands don’t sound so good live these days 🙂
Kahrin,Per your question yesterday:
Always use chin up grip (palms facing you) and work strict chins/negatives. Negs should be worked very slow with low volume, cause they’ll scorch you. Maybe 3 sets of 3-5.
Hang from the pullup bar as long as you can.
Pick up heavy kettlebells and walk around for a while.
Bench press and do pushups on a regular basis. Ie work on your pushups at least three times a week.
hey look, im in that picture too!
hard to get out to shows often with the 2 kids, but do what is needed anytime these 3 are in town:PJ HarveyCakeGypsy KingsGoing to see Gypsy kings in Westbury next month.
jónsi at terminal 5. incredible.
Last live performance: Jolie Holland. She is one of my favorite things about the world.
Excellent news! I did ten normal situps today with only medium tail bone discomfort! #PeriformisWin
This workout was a cool follow-up to BPs yesterday, nice planning coaches. I was off-site today and realized I need some serious work/help with my torso in lunges. Scaled WOD to 45% lunges (basically a DB scissor kick, but with weight more on the back leg).
Warmup500m Row
LiftingClean #60-#70-#75-#75Pull #95 (way too light)
WOD16/16 (45% bend) jump lunges #20 db/bosu ball sit-ups
Without using the interwebz, does anyone know whats being referenced in the picture caption today? 10 points for awesome if you do!
The last live thing I saw was Mark Morris’ “The Hard Nut” at Bam last winter. Much enjoyed! My plan is to see “sleep no more” next which seems uber cool.
I love seeing videos of other gyms. Both affiliates and garage set-ups. Dave Castros was particularly interesting. It looks like WCF has a really good thing going there.
Would it be possible for me to do box squats at tonight’s class (prob 6pm). I’d like to hit all 8 exposures and with squats coming up again on Wednesday I can’t do a make up squat tomorrow.
Last show I saw was The Hold Steady on Friday. I’ve had a lot of fun seeing them fairly consistently over the last 5 years, but I now have Hold Steady fatigue. Probably won’t see them again.
hey David,Didn’t know what it was before, but now I do. I guess I only get 2.5 pts
Fun & challenging WOD today. Those jumping lunges felt a little awkward at times, especially my last round, but a new movement for me so I’m okay with that.
CLEAN: #115-#120-#125-#130CLEAN PULLS: #150
Last show I saw was one of the farewell LCD Soundsystem shows at Terminal 5 a few weeks ago. 3+ hours of non-stop dancing. Talk about “awkward movements”…
Clean 2-2-2-2-2(kilos) 80-85-90-95 (F)-95 1+F)
95 kilos (209 lbs) was actually 1 rep PR so…looking forward to next week!
Clean Pulls115kx3x3
Laurel, Malcom what was the restaurants you reco’d in Buenos Aires?
Also, if anyone has any restaurant suggestions in BA that’d totally rock.
Warm-UpA little ankle love from Dr. Fiddler. A welcome boost to my usual ankle prep which I sprained 3 years ago and has never been the same. (like most soft tissue injuries)
Row 500Easy Calisthenics and DROMS
LBBSQ e11/12(45×5,95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 155×3, 175×2, 185×2)195x5x3
Felt heavy but came up. Thanks for the eye, Fox.
“WOD 11.3″AMRAP 5 Minutes165# Squat Clean + Push Jerk
7 Rounds even.
This was Heavy. There was no plan, just to lift when I felt recovered enough. The Jerk was harder than the clean. I had a hard time properly engaging and breathing in to set up the jerk.
Fun night with the gate open, a ton of people and cleans with Jess Bailey.
warmup: 33, 55×5, 65×3, 75×2, 80x2work: 85×2, 90×2, 95×2 (PR), 100×2 (PR!)
90 may have also been a PR. Something finally clicked tonight, where before I would completely die after 85 since I was just trying to hoist it up with my arms. Thanks to Laurel for the note of slow-from-the-floor-to-mid-hang, then fast. I’d been told that a million times, but tonight I guess it worked. I credit the nice weather. (and Laurel)
Live performances. Last one I saw was Elizabeth and the Catapult (phenomenal) at my show Radio Happy Hour (the monthly variety show I do at Le Poisson Rouge). My favorite recent musical guest combo we’ve hosted was Norah Jones and surprise guest Cloud Cult. I was excited to see some peoples faves were also past RHH guests– Jolie Holland (amazing) and Craig and Tad from the Hold Steady who did an awesome acoustic set.
If anyone is not competing this Saturday, we’ve got Franz Nicolay (formerly of the Hold Steady) as our musical guest. 2pm, Le Poisson Rouge on Bleecker at Thompson.
Cleans and fun with Robin85x2, 90×2, 95×2, 100×2
Clean Pulls120x3x3
WOD (subbed air squats for the lunges)121 situps all together
At Dan H3 in B.A. the restaurant is La Cholita. It is at 1165 Rodriguez Pena. The parillada (sp?) is amazing, but may be too much meat even for a CrossFitter. When we were there it did for 4 people. I suspect Laurel and I could handle it together now though.
Cleans were a lot of fun. I think I can count my wrist as fully healed.
Warmed up with 75×3, 95×3, 135×3, 155×2.
Then work at 170×2, 185×2, 195×2, 200×1 (second rep was a fail) and attempting cleans after failing is how I hurt my wrist in the first place.
I was happy with this. 200 is my old PR for 1, so I think I have a new PR in me this cycle. That is very exciting.
Don’t think I have ever done max 2’s before.
Cleans cleans cleans cleans cleans… Sunshine, stella, plenty of sleep and a new red shirt. Great day.
Cleans: 143, 153, 160×1, 160×1. The real issue here is dropping, I either catch my cleans in a very shallow power position or I don’t catch them, which is infuriating. Still 160 beats my old 1 rm by 2 lbs. I felt like I had it for two, but I couldn’t commit to it, couldn’t get myself to drop under the weight. Still lots of fun though.
WOD: 113 sit-ups. The jumping lunges were not as bad as I expected, I think I find normal lunging harder somehow.
Strength cycle B: volume day
Squat: 255x5x5Holy crap these were hard. Pretty much a grind all the way thru the 5th set.
Bench: 150x5x3 all well and good
Chins: 7, 6, 7Finally added a couple after a couple weeks of extra work with a very light band.
Excited about I’m hitting the Rippetoe seminar this weekend.
Did the Accesory WOD at home after a LOOOONG day at work–needed to blow some steam.
Added a 1.5 pood kb swing for 16 reps and went every 2:30
Quick workout for me tonight.
Warmup:-droms, mobility work-3 round NFT: 12 KB swings (20kg), 16 walking lunges, 10 pushups
Box Squat:(45×5, 95×5, 120×3, 135×1)work: 2 reps EMOTM for 10 mins at 135#-still feel like I’m getting used to the movement, but I do think I was able to get more speed on my later reps. These are hard for me!
Restaurants in Buenos Aires (other than la cholita and sister restaurant las cholas) I remember:
Green Bamboo (upscale Vietnamese – so French/Vietnamese blend, easily the best we’ve eaten. Decor is like a mix of a tikki bar and a velvet draped bordello plus picture of Mao as colonel sanders.)
General Cafe – had very good coffee when we were there (some time ago.)
For a totally different experience go to one of the pizza places with it’s own Brahma fridge – brahma beer below 0 degrees celsius is actually quite delicious (not so good at normal temperatures.)
Cleans arebintersting at the moment.45×6, 95×5, 135x3155x2, 175×2, 180×2, 155×6180 was ugly so dropped it back down to practice form.Pulls at 205
Acc WOD total sit-ups 135Last live show was also Mike Birbiglia… Funny dude. Musical… Anthony and the Johnsons at BAM.
cleans with kiki!
123, 133, 138, 143!
143 is my 1RM PR so getting it for 2 was fun. tried 148×1 cause, well, the bar was already there and loaded but it was a fail. i think it could be there, but i was pretty spent.
split lunge/sit up wod – 130 situps. epic fail in my first round on nailing my head on a not-so-foamy roller on my first sit up but luckily recovered.
my butt hurts today!
Thanks Margie! Ill try that!
not a whole lot of clean strength this morning.123, 133, 143, 153 F x 5? 6? lotsthe bar was getting high enough, i was getting low enough, i kept just bailing from the hole. oh well.
jump lunge/sit-up = 105 sit-ups. really like the jump squats–finally, a gymnastic move that i’m good at!
Thanks Margie!!
Made up cleans on Tuesday…
Warmup:-Active Recovery class. We finished with headstands and I was able to kip up a handstand pushup. While that might not be completely functional movement, it was pretty awesome.
Cleans:(drills at 43, then 63×2, 83×2)work: 93×2, 103×2, 113×2, 123×2-my last rep looked very wonky and I ended up splitting pretty wide. Need to drop lower!
I felt super tired after these so only did a couple of clean pulls at 123 and 133.