2 Reps on the Minute for 10 Minutes
Load 5-10lbs heavier than last week
Post loads to comments.
(e5/8) compare to 4.2.11
Partner "Versus" workout
Partner A performs 30 KB swings while Partner B runs cone sprints (cones are 15' apart). Every time cone is touched, Partner B scores 1 point. Goal is to accumulate as many points as possible in the time it takes Partner A to finish their swings. Then switch.
Each partner must swing the KB 4 times.
Partner with the most points wins.
Post partner, kettlebell loads and score to comments.
Reminder that there is No Active Recovery Today. All other classes are on as regularly scheduled.
Good luck to Team SBK competing in Open Sectional WOD 11.3 today at CrossFit Virtuosity!
lululemon athletica Function Show Tonight!
Check out the lululemon "Function Show" at Triomph Fitness. David will be one of the ambassadors doing a short "demo" in their apparel. Tweet The Deets Here
Did you attend the "Rest Day Dinner" yesterday? How was it?!
Interview with Glen Pendlay
Glen Pendlay on Consistency and Olympic Weightlifting
Coach Wilkes Talks Bar Path in Olympic Weightlifting
Today will be an awesome day!
1) It’s sunny and warm!
2) The sectionals WOD at CFV…nervous about that weight, but also excited!
3) Our Housewarming Party tonight in which you all are invited! Anytime after 8:30pm, 159 25th Street, between 3rd and 4th aves. There will be tacos. Contact me or Fox with any questions. 347 623 5549 or 347 623 4795.
That was fun! Some friendly partner competition is always good. I always wonder why we dont do it more.
Squats at 140 up from 135
This week felt faster, more comfortable, more explosive.
Did the yellow KB swings + got 132 shuttle run reps in.
Fun work out!
Box squats were a tad light. Missed last Saturday and went at 115 lbs. Room to add more.
Partnered with Dan on the WOD. We thought it was a cooperation, not competition. At a score of 96, you know that nice guys finish last…
I had a great workout at the gym last night…
Squat: 275xTEN: Hells yea bitches!
There’s a host of reasons I was super psyched to get all 10 reps. First, it shows progress which I was worried I wasn’t making. Next, my goal was 8 since that would match my reps for 270 last cycle and last week– I was ready to take same reps at 5# more. Finally, it’s 10 reps at my freaking 1RM from October! Booya!
Press: 110×10. Glad to hit 10 again after only getting 9 at 107.5
Dead Rack Pulls: 355×5 It’s really heavy but I can do more.
Met-Con: 10 lateral jumps, then 5 clean and press with 30# bells for 3 rounds. I finished in 1:29 (my kind of workout), but most importantly I beat Juli. It’s 2 to 1 now sister.
All in all a great way to end the week. Capped it with Boar Shank at Palo– that place is great.
Rob, that rep-out was awesome. You just pounded your old 1-RM into submission.
GOOD LUCK to team CFSBK today!
loved today. LOVED. box squats are just the shit.
two things:
1. note to self: i hereby pledge to stop using the big blue kettlebell. even 120 swings with this thing weren’t taxing. bitch, please.
if you see me with this bell, especially if you are a coach, please call me out.
2. last time i did shuttle sprints was months ago in strength cycle and i just blew my effort out of the water today. yay, getting better at stuff. also yay going head-to-head with a runner (Jenna) – keeps ya movin.
Lots of fun in the gym this morning. Loved the box squats at 185. Still felt great for speed. Could probably go up to 195 or 200 next time.
Kb competition workout with Greg Nofi. Lots of fun. Ended up with 108 laps with a 1 pood bell.
Squats @ 125. Really felt how one side of me touched the box first – tried to correct it with mixed success.
Partner WOD with Katie – great fun. 1pd, 101. Lost by 9 sprints!
Squats at 160. Still felt speedy and certainly room to go up.
KB workout with Laurel. Really fun! 110 w/ 1 pd.
Did this by myself under the supervision of Coach Nick. Box squats at 115#–couldn’t remember what I did last week, I think 110, these were good, not tough enough though I think. (Especially looking at Laurel’s weight…)Then, did the partner WOD solo with Nick timing my KB swings and giving me that much time to sprint. 100 sprints even, 1 pood.
Made this up a few days late…
Warmup:-droms, mobility work-3 round NFT: 12 KB swings (20kg), 16 walking lunges, 10 pushups
Box Squat:(45×5, 95×5, 120×3, 135×1)work: 2 reps EMOTM for 10 mins at 135#-still feel like I’m getting used to the movement, but I do think I was able to get more speed on my later reps. These are hard for me!