The New CFSBK Mat!
We're really excited about our new mat! The only downside is that it needs to "cure" for about a week before we can really use it. If it gets a lot of foot traffic before then there's a chance that the logo will deform or that the black area will rip. So until then.. admire from afar..
There is No Active Recovery Tomorrow! All other classes are on as regularly scheduled.
lululemon athletica Brooklyn Function Show Tomorrow!
Join us for an evening of function and fashion as we celebrate our Brooklyn community. Connect with fellow teachers, trainers and sweat enthusiasts, jam to music by EarthRise SoundSystem, and enjoy a function show featuring lululemon ambassadors (including David) rockin' the runway! Doors open at 7pm, show begins at 8pm! Please RSVP to
More info here!
Now take your 3 despised movements and write a medium length (10-20 minute) WOD with them!
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet Reebok
Researchers Dig Up Homosexual or Transexual Caveman near Prague NPR
Jeff Tucker on Straddle Handstands CrossFit Journal Preview
CF Games Sectional WOD 11.3 Prep Mobility WOD
The Extraordinary Vijai Raj CrossFit Journal Freebie
AMRAP 3 minutes10 SDHP 95/6510 Thrusters 95/65Sprint 100 metersRest for 1 minute and repeat for a total of 5 cyclesRounds all start new with the SDHP
I’ll never do this and I hate it.
5 Rounds for time:35 Double Unders15 Knees to Elbows9 Ring Dips
The Camille LeBlanc video is really good.
3 rounds for time
135 pound bear10 thrusters same weight1 minute plank
I’d rather be waterboarded.
lol jim that workout sounds HORRIBLE.
3 rounds for time
400m run40 DU20 burpees
that particular workout would take me Forever
Isn’t the lulu show tomorrow?
WOD of ultimate disdain:
8 wallballs on the minute for unlucky 13 minutes.
@David good luck with the runway! I can see it now! “I’m..too sexy for this shirt…”
50 Burpees for time
O The Horror!
Try to complete in 15-20 minutes:
1 round of 25 double unders unbroken.5 muscle ups
The reason I hate them is I cant do them so any workout with them is a big waste for me.
I’m afraid to answer this question, lest the coaches take it as inspiration for a future WOD 😛
The warmup would be 3 rounds of2:00 paleo squat3:00 per leg on that against-the-wall, bent-knee stretch David tortured us with a few weeks ago (I wish I knew the name of it, but I just call it torture)
And then the WOD would be as many rope climbs in 15 minutes as possible. I would get to precisely zero, but not for lack of trying.
Here is a WOD I wouldn’t be able to do at all:
A bunch of forward rollssome kipping pull-upsthrown in a few HSPUs
I don’t see the point of specifying time or reps, since I’d be subbing the whole damn thing.
Reading that Jesse O’Brien article now makes me regret even more that on my trip to Haridwar and Rishikesh (in January) I didn’t visit Sri Ram Ashram. I’d planned to go there (even corresponded with Rashmi Cole) but the schedule got too hectic. Next time, I’m going for sure. I gotta meet this Vijai kid. A star Crossfitter and cricketer? Awesome.
Oh yeah, and today’s workout…
Press (32×5, 42×5)I shot for 52 and that was a mistake. My first two sets were 5 and I only made it to 3 on the third set. My form was pretty piss-poor, too. I should have taken a cue from how slowly I was going even by the end of set 1 and pulled it back to a lower weight.
WOD 5:21, with 32 on the snatch. I felt light on my feet running, but getting good form on the snatch is definitely something I’m still working with.
Went on my first voluntary run since the marathon. A short 2.5 miler that felt pretty challenging. I’m so out of running shape. Tucker enjoyed it much more than I did, but it was a gorgeous morning to be out. Looking forward to more!
The wod for my three movements of hell:
“VOMIT”–For time:-50 thrusters, 65#/45#-10 forward rolls-50 wall balls, 20#/14#-10 forward rolls
Right you are Asta! Tomorrow.
Im going to do some power cleans and a couple handstand push-ups then run off stage as quickly as possible.
Don’t forget tonight’s rest day dinner!
Meet at the end of open gym to head into Chinatown for Sichuan hot pot!
Email me for more info: erica.nofi at gmail
3 rounds 21-15-9
burpeesdumb bell thrustersbox jumps
at the end of each round
1 minute plank
the reebok videos feel too much like a commercial for reebok (too slick; zero content). Am i being too negative…
AMRAP 10 Min
5 Bodyweight Back Squats10 HSPUs15 Wallballs
I think this would get really rubbery legged.
@Erica Nofi- sorry to miss rest day dinner, Mets opening day (!) and then Hold Steady tix (!!!) prevail. I like that your signature is eriCAN!
@Deepak- I felt the same way. I’m a total gear junkie and even I am hesitant about bringing a big sports brand under the tent. I was more bothered when I was watching the demos for Open Sect WOD 3 where Pat Sherwood was doing C&Js in Reebok ZIGTECH sneaks, which are about as silly and unstable as Nike Shox. I don’t know if it was sponsorship or product placement but uggggh. I’d have been much happier if they had done some sort of deal with Converse (who are trying to branch out, have signed deals with Matt&Kim etc.) or some other smaller, nich-ier company.
Oh and yesterday:
Press 125x5x3 felt pretty heavy and wasn’t able to keep a good stable trunk position.
WOD: 5:16 RX, this was tough for me, I suck at cycling snatches and I chose to load my bar incrementally which made it bounce like a Gummi Bear and fall apart. Running is fun.
Came in today to squat.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×3, 195×2
Work: 205×3, 210×3, 215×3 (these last two are PRs – I’ve never lifted that weight for a triple, low or high bar).
See youse all next week.
Wow Michelle, I kind of love your wall ball workout.
My worst nightmare workout would look something like 3 rounds for time of:Row 500m20 Thrusters10 knees to elbows
Get used to it. Mikko was push pressing in a pair of zig techs in teh video the other day.
But are Reeboks Zone-compliant?
i saw that Mikko thing too and was like whoa wtf
I’d much rather focus on workouts I like. Low-impact all the way. Light weight!
Robin, no way: high-impact AEROBATHON 4 life!
Housewarming Party @ The Fox Factory tomorrow night, ~9pm pm till??
159 25th street #2 (left buzzer)
We’ll have some tacos if you are early enough. Don’t bring a gift, bring yourself and your drink. Maybe David will even sashay on down.
order 3 or 10 of these
I think the Reebok videos are intended commercials. Primarily for the athlete and secondarily (close second) for Reebok apparel. Is anyone surprised? You don’t hand out several Million bucks and not expect to see some shoes and shorts making their way into CrossFit videos. From what I’ve seen and read, Reebok seems to be doing a good job about trying to keep things “authentic” as they can and I think they’re doing an alright job about it. The look and feel of these videos aren’t a huge departure from a lot of the videos we’ve been seeing the last few years. Personally, I welcome this union. I was really hesitant at first but I think it will advance the _sport_ of CrossFit considerably. We’ll see how things trickle down to the affiliate and weekend warrior level. Hopefully they’ll listen to what people want and come out with some less goofy shoes.
i love all the CFSBK dogs so much. i keep waiting to hang out with Smudge again.
Press 115x5x3
WOD 3:53 w/ 95# power snatch from the ground.