If you didn't 1RM, go 5lbs heavier than last week
Post loads to comments.
compare to 3.31.11
5 rounds for time of:
5 power snatches
100m sprint (50m out and back)
Choose a weight that will allow you to do all snatches unbroken
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compare to 8.18.10
Alternate Workout if it Rains:
5 rounds for time of
12 jumping split squats
8 clapping pushups
compare to 7.21.10
Happy Birthday, Justin L!
There is No Active Recovery this weekend.
New Cycle Dates for Foundations are Posted!
May Evening Foundations
5/5/11 – 5/31/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Register Here!
May Morning Foundations
5/5/11 – 5/31/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays
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May AM/PM Foundations
5/18/11 – 6/12/11
Wednesdays 8:00pm-9:15pm
Sundays 10:00am-11:15am
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What are the three movements you most dread doing?
The Science and Imagination behind Modern Dessert The New Yorker
Analysis of the CrossFit Open (an Ideal weight?)
It's Just Another WOD CrossFit Games
We Tried It: CrossFit Thats Fit
My Turkeys: The Next Chapter The Martha Blog
Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin TIME
3- Sumo Deadlift High Pull, ‘casue they’re stupid.2- Running, ’cause I can’t run fast and then do something else after.1- Thrusters…definitely thrusters. You know why.
double undersmuscle ups
Thats about it
The 3 movements that I most dread:
The bear complex. After one attempt, forearms are fried for the day.
Thrusters. Take the wind right out of my sails
Planks. They’re not natural.
wall ballswall ballswall balls
Press work weight: 3 x 5 x 110 lbs
Power snatch and sprint: 85 lbs at 4:20
BurpeesBurpeesand then there are – Burpees
Rope climb. I tried it for the first time last week and made a complete ass of myself.
Honestly, I can’t say there’s anything else I dread — yet. I’m still new enough at this that I know I mostly suck at everything, but that in time I’ll suck less, so I welcome the opportunity to practice. I just have a hard time visualizing myself *ever* being able to get up that rope!
WHOA NELLY there were 9 people at 6am class!!
felt pretty good. squeezed my ass and kept my core as tight as possible.
wod5 rounds5 power snatch @63sprint 100 meters
felt good being outside even though it was CHILLY! had fun at 6am and always great working with charlotte – i think it’s been months since we’ve been in a class together. you are a STRONG LADY!! 🙂
crowded 6am class, but great 6am class.85X5X3
I didn’t get my WOD time but I finished a second or two behind T. so let’s call it T+2. you may do the math on your own at home.
and a special thanks to jenna for her help this morning. sometimes a little encouragement and a tip or two are all you need to get through a super chilly running WOD.
My 3 movements of hell:-thrusters-wall balls-forward rolls
Trusters and Rowing. I am optimistic that I could grow to not dread the erg though just as I grew to like running.
i would love to perpetually avoid:forward rolls (awkward!)running (slow!)double unders (frustrating!)
Fun times at the mammoth 6am class. SO great to work out with Steph P after many too many months.Press: (45×5, 55×5, 65×3, 75×1)80x5x3Too many warm-up sets, not enough rest, but they all went up.
WOD with 95# power cleans, as I was afraid to snatch on my shoulder: 4:56.
Dreaded movements:-forward rolls-thrusters-tie btw Sumo DLHP (like Fox said, because they are STOOOPID) and wall-ball.
My 3 least favorite movements:
Snatch, Thrusters, 3rdworld squat.
Do. Not. Like.
Did sectionals WOD #3 today at CF847 in beautiful Evanston IL: 5 rounds plus one squat clean, Rxed. The whole thing was pretty ugly.
Oh god, the third-world squat. Make that #2 and #3 on my list. I swear I hear baby Jesus crying every time I do it.
Double Unders: I can do these alright but whenever they’re in a WOD I feel like it’s the metabolic equivalent of a punch to the stomach.
Knees to Elbows: I like these and similar variants as strength builders, but I dislike them in conditioning pieces. They don’t feel natural to me at high volume.
Ring Dips: The hardest “pushing” movement for me. They’re like push-ups on crack.
ugh… any type of sandbag carries! especially zurcher hold carries. Second place is a tie between max long and max high jump. Then wall balls.
I liked being outside for this morning’s wod. 3:49 @30#. Felt much better than the press, which was a big fat fail all around.
Yoshi, I think you were right at the 4min mark?
thrusters, especially dumb bell thrusters, because i’m SHITE at them.
1. Wallballs. As a short(er) guy, I always feel like I’m throwing the ball a long way and that it reaches terminal velocity by the time it hits me in my face. Then I look around and make sure nobody else saw it, then pick my pride up off the floor and continue.
2. HSPUs. Although my press is ok, these suck. I tend to have a real slow negative in fear of headSMACKground and then I have nothing in the tank for the actual pushup.
3. Squats. Despite being the most important thing we do and having conquered some personal injury history in relation to squatting, I still have so far to go, so many mobility issues to square away, and so much to learn. I feel like if I could do just one perfect, fully mobile, heavy squat the heavens would open and angels would sing. Until that day I dread them, but do them happily and willingly, in hopes of figuring it all out.
I believe you’re correct, jenna. so in my earlier equation, we’ll say that T=4:00
and I forgot about the moves I dread:
handstand anythingring anythingrunning
but I’m going to keep working till I LOVE those things.
i’m afraid that sunday’s wod is going to be something like
3 rounds for time:
row 500m/run 400m40 double unders30 wall balls20 thrusters10 S(tupid)DHP
because these are the most hated movements. don’t get any ideas, fox!
my personal hells are:
-thrusters-knees to elbows-ring dips
Snatch/ clean/ Overhead squatHandstandRing work
Not so much that i dread these movements, but that I feel like a weakling/ unfit when I’m trying to do them (which is not often enuf especially for the lasst two)
Press: 105x5x3
Power Snatch: 90x5x55x10 box jumps5x10 split squatsTotal time: 11.30
Hadn’t been to a morning class in a while and was surprised to see such a full sixer when I rolled up for the 7am. Was glad that I got it over with, mainly since my press was a total shit show today. For some reason (not locking down in the middle and not doing the major butt squeeze), I had trouble at 68# when I got 80 up last week. I blame society.
WOD in 4:40 @ 53#
Fun. Cold. Felt the cold in my lungs for a while after, but we’re slowly eeking our way toward spring!
As for three things I don’t like… oh, how do I limit it to three?!
Push-ups because they don’t seem like they should tire me out so quickly and completely.Pull-ups because they seem still entirely impossible to do without a band, like, ever.Box Jumps because I so easily psych myself out on them.
End scene.
Came in early today to presses and then head back to work.
WU: 45×5, 65×5, 75×3, 85×2
Work: 95x5x3 (supersets of 6 strict pull-ups)
Did sectional wod 3 yesterday and got 3 rounds for a score of 6. (thanks everyone for your high 5s) This was great because 0 was a real possibility as I had to pr to score at all. In my new dream I get 1 round a min for a score of 10 on Saturday.
6 mile easy run with Christine.
Press 95x5x3
Wod @75# 5:28went light and tried to move sharply and catch low ’cause that’s what it’s gonna take to make my dream come true.
3 dreaded movements:
WallballThrustersbecause I have long limbs that crash into each other at the bottomStrict pressBecause what strength I have comes from below the waist
press 85x5x3 with 2 chin-ups and 3 negs between setsWOD at 73# in 3:59. great to try to keep up with melissa.
Got late to class but David was nice and let me sneak in. Got a couple of rounds of pressing in before being shuttled off to do the WOD.Press – 45×5, 75×5, 115×3
WOD in 4:38 with 135# cleans. I enjoyed this one.
WOD @ 953:31
PressWarmup: 45×5 75×5 95x5Work: 115x5x33 strict pull-ups after each work set
WOD5 rounds5 power snatch 85#100m run (50 out and back)
Press:(45×5, 55×5, 65×3)work: 75x5x3superset with 3 strict chinups
WOD:4:46 with 93# cleans.-this was harder than I expected. my lungs hurt for a long time afterwards and I even had a little bit of a cough going on.
It was such a gorgeous evening and so awesome to do the whole wod outside! More please.