400m Run
Post loads and time to comments.
Coach Margie judges Sarah H. on WOD #2
Team SBK Represented Yesteday!
Congratulations to Kiki P. and Jess F. who finished 1st and 3rd respectively in yesterday's competition! Excellent showing ladies! The other members of Team SBK went just as hard and put up awesome scores!
Scott L. 11 Rounds +9 DL (405 Points)
Josh M. 9 Rounds +9 DL, 12 PU, 5 BJ (350 Points)
Dan B. 9 Rounds +9 DL, 10 PU (343) Points
Dan L. 9 Rounds +9 DL, 5 PU (338 Points)
Ryan P. 9 Rounds +5 DL (329 Points)
John Mc-D. 9 Rounds +1 DL (325 Points)
Jeremy F. 8 Rounds +9 DL, 12 PU, 12 BJ (321 Points)
Chris L. 8 Rounds +4 DL (292 Points)
Edgar L. 7 Rounds +9 DL, 12 PU, 8 BJ (281 Points)
Carlos G. 7 Rounds +9nDL, 6 PU (267 Points)
Jacinto B. 7 Rounds +9 DL, 5 PU (266 Points)
Chris F. 7 Rounds +9 DL, 3 PU (264 Points)
Zakiya (Kiki) P. 10 Rounds +9 DL (369 Points)
Jessica F. 9 Rounds +9 DL, 12 PU 1 BJ (346 Points)
Melissa L. 8 Rounds +9 DL (297 Points)
Stephanie P. 8 Rounds +2 DL (290 Points)
Sarah H. 7 Rounds +9 DL, 1 PU (262 Points)
Great work everyone thank you for all your hard work!
Sectional WOD #2 is Done!
The second round of the 2011 Open Sectionals is over and we want to congratulate our athletes on an amazing job yesterday during a very tough WOD. We also want to thank all of the volunteers who helped us put together an awesome event!
Next week the competition moves on to CF Virtuosity for two weeks before wrapping up with the final two events at CF Long Island City.
The Rest Day Dinner Returns!
Justin L, Michele K, Greg, and Erica N have banded together to continue the tradition of Paleo Rest Day Dinners! If you didn't have a chance to attend one during the Challenge or did and dug it then you're in luck!
The next Rest Day Dinner is scheduled for Friday, April 8th at Famous Sichuan in Chinatown – all-you-can-eat paleo-friendly sichuan hot pot, $25 a person!
Meet at the restaurant at 8:30ish, or leave from CFSBK after open gym. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attned. Please RSVP to Erica N. at erica.nofi(at)gmail.com.
Have you seen these? (SBK is Featured!) NYC Palimpest Project
Awesome work SBK! I had such an amazing time watching our guys compete, I felt very inspired.BTW, I took this pic! WoohooooMaybe I have a possible future as an official SBK photographer 🙂
Congrats to all!! Especially Kiki and Jess!
Wow, great work Kiki!
2 things…
1- I scored 8 rounds plus, not 72- Lynne has been rescheduled. Unknown unknowable.
do we know who the person in our gym is who did the palimpsest, i would like to befriend this person.
No Lynn today. Instead there were 3 rounds for time of:400 m. run5 manmakers… or in my case, boymakers with 17.5 dumbells
I too would love to befriend the palimpest. I was calling her the “SBK chalk bandit” Assuming that the chalk had been taken from the box that had been left out that day.
A very enjoyable bit of art.
Actually.. I have a guess at who it might be..
Got my box squats in from yesterday and then did the Personmakers WOD. 9:02 rx, verrrry nice to be running outside again.
I, too, volunteer for palimpsest-scribe-befriending duties.
12 Noon class – finally returning to reality after checking mentally for weeks thanks to the World Cup.
11:52 for manmaker WOD. Found the renegade rows very hard and so did this at 20 lbs.
Afterwards some light squatting: 165x5x3
Warm-UpSome BS Droms and a lame attempt to get my head focused for liftingRight Ankle Distraction
LBBSQ e9/12(45×5, 135×5, 165×4, 180×2)190x5x3
Didn’t really feel like I warmed up into it until the 3rd set. I ALWAYS feel and lift better when someone is watching. As this gets heavier I’ll try to do it when people are in the building.
“WOD 11.2″AMRAP 15 Min9 Deadlifts, 15512 Push-Ups GS15 Box Jumps, 24”
7 Rounds + 9DL,8P-U
This wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I felt like the Snatch Double couplet was Much harder. Then again, had I been able to crack 8 rounds I might be singing a different tune.
This WOD was judged by Herschel. She said, “NOO FOULSS DADDDD!!!”
Herschel is OFF the judging committee.
Love the Palimpest’s work. No need to feel shy, we are not the kind of crowd you need to be shy around.
Great job by everyone at the sectionals.
I did non-lynne in 10:55 with 25# dumbbells. Like Noah said, awesome to have an outdoor workout after so many months of winter.
3 rds400m run5 manmakers
did it at 30#
Time 9:24
Not bad. Didnt feel terrible doing this.
Now off to make this: http://stevenormanton.com/2009/10/23/grass-fed-beef-recipe-beef-shank/
Where is the AOM?
April 3rd yo!
WOD with 35#9:24Am I now a man?
pushywineguy…Tuesday Rest Day post!
Palimpest – Very nice! I feel like I myself might have taken these photos while sleep walking…
not-Lynne: 12:30ish w/ 25# DBs.i really really didn’t want to finish this one, but i’m glad i did. oh, running. how i don’t like you.
Dear Palimpest,Thank you and yes, me too and wow, and also so…
Maybe the palimpest would be more likely to befriend us if we didn’t call her a pest.
that said, i also am happy to befriend the palimpest. yay for palimpest.
workout today 25# 12:00
Was looking forward to Lynne, particularly the standing around between sets. My heart wasn’t in a for time wod after yesterdays sectionals.
11:30 @25#s
Then a quick BSQ make up of sorts with Samir:
I saw the palimpest note and was touched. I wanted to write a chalk invite for drinks and dinner at the Guerra house but was too shy.
Palimpsest, any spring Sunday 4pm RSVP here.
Correction, 11:50
I also love the Palimpest’s blog. Like Mr. Fox said, I feel like I know and have feelings about each picture taken. I also want to be your friend!!!
Warmup:3 round NFT of:-8 walking lunges, each leg-12 kb swings, 1 pood-20 du’s
Box Squat:(45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×3)work: 2 reps OTM for 10 mins at 125#.-this is still an awkward movement for me and I don’t feel like I’m driving up fast. Love the exposure to this but I still need loads more practice.
Cool down:-foam roll, hip mobility, etc.
Huge thanks to all that came out yesterday for the Sectionals…and for those that stayed until the end to watch those of us in the last heat!!! I definitely heard all of your cheering and support and it was a huge motivator. You guys are awesome!
Awesome stuff, Palimpsest! Totally true about the dry cleaner – I love him!
very inspiring to see other people gives their effort to lose weight and in order to gain healthy lifestyle for their own benefits.