Memory Lane pt 3: Peter "Hubby" H. Squatting at CFSBK 1.0
Sectionals Heat Assignments!
The heats have been assigned for Sectional WOD #2! Click HERE to find out which heat you are competing/judging. WOD #1 was a huge success and we look forward to hosting again this weekend. Good luck to everyone!
Photographer Needed for Sectionals this Weekend
All of our resident photographers are booked this weekend. If you're free 12:30p-4p on Saturday and comfortable with a digital SLR camera we'd love to have you document Sectionals WOD #2. Don't have a camera? No worries, we'll provide one. If you're interested, please contact David at David(AT)
Saturday Schedule Change Reminder
Remember there is NO 12pm class, Active Recovery or CF Kids class due to the Sectionals. All other classes run as usual.
What are some of your goals outside of the gym?
Sports Injury Lessons from the Circus NY Times
Homemade Cultured Butter Mark's Daily Apple
I am in the process of getting single. So making things work for my boys (7 and 9) is where it’s at, full stop. Everything else is a detail.
Fun 6am, although I have to admit I was a little disappointed with the lack of April Fools shennanigans from Shane. Did yesterday’s workout, 35#/4:04, probably should have gone heavier.
My goal is to become an urban beekeeper. But I have to figure out how to keep a hive in my courtyard without pissing off my neighbors.
I’ve got some work goals for improving my team’s attention to detail and instilling a “zero-error culture.” I also am working towards better, qualifiable (not just quantified) measurements of workload and performance. (I manage a tech support team BTW)
On a personal front, my main goal is getting more meditation shoe-horned into my schedule which has once again dropped off the deep end and to write some music. I have a concert scheduled in October and I would really like to premier some original music– I mostly play either completely spontaneous improvisation or very old tunes written by song-masters in the 1/2 half of the 20th century (Gershwin, etc.), so having an original or two would be cool.
Finally, and this is sort of a gym goal, but I am working toward less muscle spasm (which is a constant for me) and a more comfortable day-to-day body experience.
Maybe I need the goal of having a full time editor for my blog posts.
Nick and I have a goal to move out of our 511-sf apartment before Linus is taller than I am, which at the rate he’s going, will be in about August. We think we may have found the place; hopefully we’ll be in contract by next week. I’m terrified of spilling any further details, though! Buying a place is a crazy process.
Hey, open gym on Fridays still happens, right? Was hoping to make it to noon today but conference calls are my enemy in that fight. Thanks!
@Charlotte: Oh good lord! I thought sharing a 650 sf with my husband was bad (and it was), but there wasn’t a baby involved. Yikes! Good luck that there will be lots more space in your very near future.
I was the lone chica at 7 AM today. Press (32×5, 37×5, 42×5) 47x5x3, with negative pullups in between. The last set felt pretty tough — I definitely paused for a few seconds between each rep.
Dropped to 32 for the push press in the WOD but I wish I’d done 37. 4:20 — I think I’d have taken a bit longer with 37 but I would have made it in a reasonable amount of time.
One of my goals this year is to use less energy in my home. Electric, Power etc and lessen my carbon footprint by getting rid of plastic bags from super markets etc.
Not sure how well this will work.
Also anyone know of any good places to donate clothes (not salvation army) Ideally to benefit homeless people or kids?
Oh yeah…goals!
Basically to decomplicate my life. I have a lot of “extracurriculars” that are all important to me — marathon training, a philosophy class I’m taking, choir, crossword puzzles, and now CrossFit. Plus my job can be demanding at times in terms of hours. So I need to manage my time carefully and cut out anything that isn’t worth the time. Spending time with my closest friends — worth it. Going out for drinks with coworkers — generally not worth it. Watching my very favorite reality TV shows — worth it. Spending an afternoon watching not-so-great TV and then being stressed because I have to write a paper for my philosophy class — not worth it.
I’ve been pretty good about this kind of thing in the last few months but I could be better. I’m also working on making sure I have at least one weekend a month where I have no firm plans, just so I can decompress periodically.
@Dan H3- The Door (a youth development service org) accepts clothing. Contact Elise at eschuster@door dot org to schedule a drop-off. You can try the Coalition for the Homeless, but they don’t always accept donations.
Charlotte – yes there is open gym from 5:30 to 7:30 as usual.
PS This is Margie.
PPS Yes, we are moved in!
I would like to spend more time outside of the city. Hopefully in something that resembles nature. Currently accruing backpacking gear towards that end.
i just want to make kick ass pizza
Non-Gym Goals1) take seriously only that which is frivolous and fun;2) find a better/stable job, hopefully without violating goal 1 too much; and3) finish first draft by 8/14!
@Jenna: Maybe my plan was to fool you in to thinking I was someone who would engage in April Fool’s shenanigans only to then keep it shenanigan free?
Goal 1: Engage in more ShenanigansGoal 2: Surf my face off this summerGoal 3: Become a way better trainer than I am now
outside the gym goals:
make sure shane engages in more shenanigans. make sure jenna appreciates shane’s shenanigans. make sure I always put family before work, but still find a way to kick ass at my job. be nice.
I just wanted to type the word “shenanigans.”
much better.
I remember the day that picture was taken. Peter, Tom and chris shared a rack. Chris squatted 65x5x3 or maybe it was 75?That was actually cfsbk 2.0, st marys was 1.0
My goals are to also be more green, I get palpable anxiety when I think about how much water I use but don’t actually need to use. Same with lights and electronics.I also want to spend as much time on my bike as possible. Oh and to go to the damn cloisters.
thanks joe for the workout and jules for the strategery and coaching.
even though i push-jerked *every* *single* *rep.*
Have you checked out the Brooklyn Brainery? They have a beekeeping workshop
One of my goals is to not talk about goals, just do them.
Dd yesterday’s workout todayPush press 45×10, 75x595x5x3WOD 3:35 @ 85I thought the 95 was a little to aggressive and unwanted to sprint this one through. Felt pretty good.