Increase load each set to find a HEAVY set of 5!
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(E 2/8) Compare to 3.26.11 and 8.18.11
With a partner, complete the following work for time:
100 KB Swings 2 pd/1.5 pd
2000m Row
Partition the work anyway you see fit, only one athlete working at a time. All work must be completed before time is called.
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A Great from the Crate: Alan is LOVES going overhead!
Get Ready to Squat!
Tonight, we're going for heavy sets of Back Squat! Please read or re-read Coach Margie's excellent article "Getting Ready to Squat" on preparing for a heavy day under the bar. Get psyched!
Remember we've got a slew of awesome and informative training and nutrition articles under the CFSBK Training Articles and Media section of the blog.
C'mon on ride that (PR) train, come on ride it…Woo! Woo!
Vincent D. 49.5" Box Jump
Katie M. 245# BSQ
Jess F. 225# BSQ
Laurel M. 100# Press
Margie 90# Press
Steph P. 6:59 Annie PR
Congratulations to everyone and great job on all the hard work!
CF Games Open Sectionals WOD #2 at CFSBK this Weekend!
We're proud to be hosting Sectionals WOD #2 this Saturday! The event will start at 1pm with athlete registration starting at 12:30pm.
There will be NO 12pm Group class, Active Recovery or CrossFit Kids classes today.
Anyone interested in volunteering who did not last time shoot David an email at: david(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Shaolin Soccer Photo Album! Der Spiegel
Graham Holmberg's Competition Strategy Crossfit
just time for the squats this morning…LBBS(5): (45, 95, 135, 165) 185, 195, 205, 215, 225yes, that’s more than three sets, but i thought i would stop at 205. turned out that 205 wasn’t too bad so i just kept going. i bet i could have gotten 230 or maybe even 235, but not as a 6th work set.
great work on the prs folks. Vincent with the ups!
Good luck on the back squats today!
Katie – I think you need to be more aggressive (and therefore more efficient) with your jumps. Try 20 lb jumps.
Did this last night at open gym.
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 115×5 135×5 155x5Work: 185×5 195×5 195×5
Deliberately did a lot of warm-up sets, since I’m still dialing in the form.
Then did a solo version of the WOD:25 1.5 pood swings1000m row25 1.5 pood swings
5:42. Took the row easy, finished it in about 3:58.
I realize this question has been asked elsewhere, but I figured I’d see if any SBKers have answers I don’t know about — is there any such thing as a paleo/primal dessert? Friends of ours who eat primal (they do eat dairy but otherwise paleo) recently got engaged and another friend and I want to throw them an engagement party. I’ve got the menu nailed down as far as appetizers and main course, but I’m lost as far as dessert. I realize part of the point of living paleo is to break yourself from the “a meal is not finished without dessert” mindset, but this being a festive occasion, I would love to offer *something*.
Fruit granita? Flourless chocolate cake? Or should I just focus on good apps and main course?
hey SBKers, I have a pair of five fingers classics size M43 that I wore only a few times before I realized they were the wrong size for my feets. they’re in tip top shape and need a good home. any takers?
I might be interested. When are you going to be in the gym next?
I should be in tomorrow, not sure when yet. drop me an email at yoshi.stone(at)gmail.com and we’ll see if we can work something out.
stella –
it’s a tough time of the year for fruit, which is the knee-jerk paleo dessert response. (in general i don’t care for the paleo attempts at baked desserts.)
i worked for a wedding caterer who had a nice dessert in her repertoire that could fall into the “least harm” school of thought for the purposes of your event.
she had some inexpensive fondue sets, and offered beautiful, carefully-chosen pieces of fresh fruit with high-quality chocolate in the fondue pot.
berries are the best, IMHO, but they are of course out of season. nevertheless, you can easily get them.
the strict paleo can just have fruit. those who want to dip, can dip.
added bonus: it’s fun.
@Stella: Date and almond truffles: http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=50400000111130
I think Asta also posted a crustless paleo pumpkin pie recipe somewhere if you can find it in the archives.
squatting took it easy today265x5285x5295x5
Then partner WOD with Sean/Antoine (sp?)11-something…hurt pretty good, happy with my row…still cannot swing a kb over 1.5 pood without my back getting effed
The back squats felt like real work, but I didn’t kill myself. I feel I could add more to the routine.
160lbs x 5 x 3
Teamed up with Mike and Isaac on the WOD. We came in at 11:51. Pretty shagged afterward, but felt good.
Thanks for the suggestions! I think fondue is a fabulous idea — we won’t be throwing the party until probably May, so berries are likely to be of better quality, and the other friend I’m hosting with is WILD about fondue. I think we have a plan!
BS 210, 210, 210
Partner wod with Dan B. 11:36
I used 1.5p
My back seized with 600m to go and Dan had to finish. Took me a while to gather myself and walk home.
I was nervous about work but I did fine and feel much better now though still tender.
yay to squatting again…
165, 170, 175
I think before my layoff I was up to near 200×5.
Today felt heavy but not undoable. Once I got the cue to “squeeze my ass” i was able to get the bar up without too much more effort. Im excited to see what the next few months will bring
partner wod with john12:06 i did mine at 2 pood
squat heavy then do something kind of brutal with a low skill requirement.
happy mig.
Warm-UpFoam Roll Pecs (FELT AMAZING)Some light DROMS and KB Swings
LBBSQ e9/12(45×5, 115×5, 140×5, 160×4, 175×3)186x5x3
These felt really good today, better than 180 felt. Thanks for the pointers, Shane
two hours later
Did the Partner WOD today with Jess.We alternated, I did500m (stayed about 1:50)500m (stayed about 1:55)25 KB 2pd Overhead (unbroken)25 KB 2of Overhead (15-10)
Our total time was 11:02
Thanks, Jess!
Squat5-5-5255 – 275 – 285 (4)yuck, will get better.
Great 5pm with Mr. Fox! Now I see what all the fuss is about.
Fun to be in group class and had a blast working with Ryan on both the squats and trying to keep up with him on the Partner WOD
Just got back from the ER with Whitney. She’s in a good deal of pain but no broken bones and nothing a little percocet can’t fix!
Thanks to everyone for their concern!
Back Squats:(45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 145×5)work: 155×5, 165×5, 175×5-all felt good and I know I could have kept going. Did way too many warmup sets/reps. Came in without a clear plan or goal. Tried to refer back to my notebook, but couldn’t find my last BSQ exposure…good training habits FAIL!-Recommitting to journaling consistently again!
Partner WOD with D.O.–11:02-Thanks to David for agreeing to do the Partner WOD with me. Probably wouldn’t have hit it on my own. David started with the row and I started with the swings–1.5 pood Russian swings. Rows were between 1:50-1:55 splits. Although we divided the work evenly, seems like David got the short-end of the stick going first. My forearms were fine, but man was my ass on fire. Ha, that sounds funny!
Whit–glad to hear nothing’s broken! I hear ice cream aids the healing process… 😉