David addresses the masses before Sectionals WOD 1.
Happy Birthday Billy K.!
Sectional Workout #2 is scheduled to be announced this evening! Any guesses on movements or what kind of WOD we'll see this time around? Anything CFSBK competitors want to see? Anything you hope doesn't come up?
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are hamstrings and traps the right places to be sore from yesterday’s cleans?
Your hamstrings, glutes etc etc are responsible for opening your hip and accelerating the bar. Your traps and the rest of your upper back muscles are responsible for staying tight and “anchoring” the bar to your body via those not sore arms.
My prediction?
Kudos on the Clubber Lang reference!
I’ve been thinking on what kind of movements might appear in the future sectional workouts. Since we’ve been told to expect movements on par with the benchmark workouts, I don’t think we’ll see ring handstand pushups or anything crazy. Since everything has to be filmable, we can also throw out any kind of running or non-stationary stuff. I also think the workouts will favor athletes who train with ‘official’ crossfit programming over people who are just really strong or fit.
So I think we can plan on seeing a few things in the coming weeks: high volume pullups and overhead squats, heavy thrusters, and box jumps.
I am moving tomorrow, so I will bring the chairs over the gym either today or tomorrow. If you like them, sold!, if not they can be a classy addition to the gym.
Traps for sure get fried on a nice clean. so much of those are mental to me. The aggressive commitment to get under the bar, and fast.
WOD is announced:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:9 Deadlifts (155lbs / 70kg)12 Push-ups15 Box jumps (24″)
Once my chest and tris recover from “Chelsea” im going to hit that sectionals WOD. It looks like it’s going to be even more miserable than the first WOD. About 5 minutes moreso.
i can’t believe i posted the men’s workout only – it drives me apeshit that the men’s shit is the “default” everywhere on the site and i went and repeated that crap myself.
so i will add:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:9 Deadlifts (100lbs / 45kg)12 Push-ups15 Box jumps (20″)
now i feel better.
Chest and tris are Mondays, so you should be good to go by Saturday 😉
Thanks for the Birthday shoutout! I did a 45 second goalkeeper pressure training drill for each year of my life thus far (about 600 saves and 150 dives). It was fun and ridiculously easy compared to Sunday’s WOD.