Work up to a heavy triple. No failing.
Then use 80% of your heaviest for triple for 2 additional sets of 3 cleans
Clean Pull
Use the same load as your heaviest clean. No arm bend.
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Clean Pull Demo Performance Menu
Nutritional Aspects of Women Strength Athletes British Journal of Sports Medicine
No Face, but Plants Like Life Too NY Times
for the 6am crew, Odd Future performance on the Fallon show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CyMuBi-kH8Maybe don’t youtube the rest of their videos if your small children are in the room.
Power Clean: 75, 95, 105, 95, 95.
Look forward to making progress here. Room for improvement to be sure.
Hooray for an itsy-bitsy (just me, Josh, and David) 7 AM class — I needed the help, since I’ve never cleaned before. As with learning the snatch, I’m finding it challenging to get so many moving parts together into one nice smooth lift. So far the part I’m having the most trouble with is letting the bar roll back onto my fingers at the end of the movement.
Looking forward to doing the clean many more times, and sucking a little bit less each time ๐
@Stella: I HATED cleans with the flaming intensity of 10,000 suns for about a year and a half. Now, I am just humbled by them. But I finally feel like i kinda sorta understand them, even if I still can’t do them pretty. You’ve got the right attitude!
Fun 6am class with David.
3 hang muscle cleans3 hang power cleans3 below-the-knee power cleans33#, 63#Then:(63×2, 83×3) 103×3, 113xz3, 113×3, 113×3.
103 felt great, all was clicking except for a little jump backwards. 113 looked like some mutant disaster lift. I just stuck there for the rest of the workout. Ugh. Bummed as my previous 1RM is 135 and I was hoping to hit 125 today.
then 93# 2 sets of 3then 113# for 3×3 clean pulls.
My hat goes off to anyone who does snatches today after yesterday’s workout.
Oops, sorry I meant cleans.
Wish this kid was at CFSBK. http://i.imgur.com/WHbt6.gif
I feel like once a week I type’good to be back in the gym’but i mean it every timecleansbuilt up to 205x3clean pulls were 215x3x3
Cleans (@CF Ithaca!)Worked to 190 with room for moreThen did their WOD
EMOTM3 HSPU5 Toes to Bar
Fun stuff, especially after an afternoon of wine tasting ๐
cleans (63, 83, 103) 113, 123, 133, 133 (F on the last rep), 133, 133much better by that last set. had a hard time finding much aggression or speed tonight.dropped back to 103 for 2 more sets, then high pulls at 143.
you know it’s like that thing, when you tense up to “receive” the bar and your neck tweaks out? and at the same time it feels like someone is smacking a 2×4 against your back?
woah i pulled 165!
then 135x3x2 (that’s 3 reps 2 sets right?)
the first and 3rd rep at 165 were pretty ugly but the 2nd was wasn’t so sucky.
A few of us decided that we enjoyed the paleo challenge friday night dinners so much that we should plan some more…
Friday, April 8th, come eat Sichuan hot pot with Justin, Michele, Greg, me, and other CSFBKers (paleo or not!)
Justin will provide the details on the restaurant, but it is in Chinatown, and I think we’ll probably meet there around 8:30. More details to follow!
Clean triple 155. Still catching very high. Determined to make some progress catching lower this cycle.
Pulls at 170. Up is easy, down is the hard part.
Cleans…Wrist issue prevents me from rolling the bar in the receipt position so kind of jamming it.45×5, 75x5115x3, 125×3, 135×3, 155x3x2115x3x2Ended the day with some pull up and pushup work.
Emerging from lurkdom to say major thanks to Michele, who I was partnered with tonight in the 7 p.m. class. Despite the whole tweaky neck and 2×4-ed back, she watched me stumble through my second ever attempt at cleans and was super helpful. Thanks, of course to David & Laurel, too — by the end it felt like my upper and lower halves were almost working together. That hardly happens when I walk down the block, sooo…
Felt like something finally clicked a few times tonight and the clean is starting to come together for me. Laurel’s keen sighting of how I wasn’t fully opening at the hip. Focused on that for a round or two and by the last of the five sets, I think I did things that looked like actual cleans.
warmup: (33x a bunch), 53×3, 63×3, 73x3Work: 83x3x5, 68x3x2 then 83x3x2 for the clean pulls
Quads still sore from six billion air squats yesterday. Zoinks.
Cleans: worked my way upto 155 lbs…Focused on popping the hips and rolling back the wrists. Felt like there was a significant improvement by the last set versus where I started.
135×3; 145×3; 155×3; 145×3; 145x3135x3x2Clean Pulls: 155x3x2
WU: drills with barbell, 75#then: 95x3thenWork: 115x3x2, 125×3, 135×3, 145×1, 145F
Technique drills at 115#: 3×2
Clean pulls at 145#: 3×2
definitely felt a little beat up from my attempt at chelsea, but i always love cleans.
drills w 45# bar(65×5, 85×5, 95×5)110×3, 115×3, 120×3, 125×3, 130×3
third reps were feeling heavy but i was happy to pull 130×3.
technique drills: 105x3x2clean pulls: 130x3x3
then, since Erik Kelly was in the house, i challenged him to his favorite WOD
“Annie”6:59, PR
then he treated me to a taco! ๐
Cleans: 143lb, fast cleans@115, pulls@143
Things felt a bit wonky – haven’t cleaned for awhile and I could tell. Caught everything too high.
Still playing catchup…
Cleans on Monday at Crossfit Ithaca.-worked up to 113×3-no time to drop for technique or to work on clean pulls.
WOD: EMOTM for 10 mins1 HSPU4 Toes to Bar-completed all rounds with time to spare. Probably should have gone with 2 HSPU and 5 t2b. Although I kipped both movements, it’s fun to be able to know I can do these!