30 Minutes NFRs:
12 Walking Lunges
9 Back Roll to Squat
6 Handstand Kick Ups
3 Front Lever Negatives
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Back Off Week
Go hunting with a Foam Roller or Lax Ball
Find a new area to work on!
Congratulations to Jenna J on her 1/2 Marathon PR of 1:49:43 this weekend!
This weekend's Photos are up!
Photgrapher extrordinare, Asta F has uploaded all the photos from the Sectionals WOD this weekend. Check them out here! Thanks, Asta!
Running Seminar at CFSBK!
On April 17th, NYC Endurance is hosting a running workshop at CFSBK. For all the dirty details, and to sign up, click this link!
Today was fun, in the sense that I got over my irrational fear of the rings and went inverted for the first time, so I just focused on staying inverted and worked on getting comfortable with that. I had to channel my inner child to remember what it’s like to hang upside on things.
Need to work on my handstands for sure, and those back roll to squats will probably come with time and practice, like everything else. I went flying back into the wall on one of my attempts…gotta get that forward momentum going before pushing up with your feet. D’oh!
All in all a good beginning to the week. Looking forward to that running seminar next month.
Awesome time yesterday, Jenna!
Just saw the times and pictures from this weekend. Great job folks!!
It must have been a blast to be a part of or even just see. Great work!
I know I am late to the party on this one, but congrats to everyone who competed on Saturday! I was bummed to not be able to make it to watch, but just looked at everyone’s results and they are super impressive. Great work!
Sigh…wanted to make it to the 7 AM class today but I just did not get enough sleep this weekend because of the crossword tournament, so I decided I needed the extra couple of hours in bed more than I needed the WOD. I think tonight I’ll work on deadlifting on my own, since I haven’t had as much practice as I’d like.
For those who are curious, I crashed and burned at the tournament — 21st place overall. For comparison, my previous three finishes were 11th, 12th, 7th. The fifth of the 7 puzzles really nailed me. Oh well, there’s always next year!
Today was strangely fun. I felt physically very good coming out. Got to unassisted handstands. Still crumpled at the end of the Back Roll to Squat.
Playing catch-up with this weekend…
Saturday’s Sectional event at SBK was fantastic. Not only was everything well-organized and smoothly operated, but we had a great turnout of support. As a competing athlete, it was great to see and hear so many SBK folks cheering us on. You all helped me get in those extra reps when all I wanted to do was stop and try to breathe. You guys were great, thank you!
Overall, I was pretty happy with my performance. My goal was at least 5 rounds and I finished with 5 rounds plus 14 doubles. I ended up “Snatching” the whole way through…although my sore biceps the next day were a clear indication of improper technique. 😉 I wonder if I could have gone faster in the latter rounds by switching to C&J’s. Given that HQ has given us another week (!?!) to do the WOD, I hope to give it another go and see what I get.
Thanks again for your support SBKers! Hope even more of you come out for Event 2 on April 2nd!
Great pics Asta!
I am interested in Pose running more than workshops on reg’lar running… might some kind of seminar on that be in the offing?
M.M.B.- I’m pretty sure CF Endurance teaches Pose technique. I just signed up. 🙂
Well crap, I got so excited about the seminar I forgot to check the date – looks like I’m not in town that day! 🙁
Who can I contact about a refund?
We are not allowed to use the word “pose” to describe what we do in these seminars due to licensing requirements. We do teach running in a biomechanical method that is using the laws of nature, while trying to be as efficient as possible. We will teach you how to utilize Crossfit method of training to prepare for any type of running event you enter, whether it be a 5k or an ultra-marathon. The methods/techniques we utilize are creating changes in the endurance world the same way Crossfit is making such changes in the fitness industry.
michele, I would contact Brian Directly. his email is: contact@nycendurance.com
tx, and sorry, i didn’t know about the issue with licensing.
Fun 6am class with David, Tom, Dan B and Kevin. I like gymnastics work! Handstands felt great which is exciting, since I hadn’t road-tested the shoulder in that movement sine the injury. Front lever work was humbling. Lots of awareness of torso lock-down, always what I need. Good to be back in the gym.
Fun noon class today with Fox et al. Nice change of pace for back off week.
Played around with different lunges, different weights, single leg balances through the transitions, same side dumbell as leg, opposite side dumbell as leg, etc.
Handstands are coming.
Enjoyed the back roll to squat. Even managed to get a few back roll to pistols to stand! Pretty psyche about that.
Front levers were better than last time. Got them in a tuck, just need to work the leg extension now.
Fun class tonight from beginning to end!
Warmup:-arm, hip, wrist, torso, elbow circles/rotations-stiff as a board drill-handstand kickups
30 mins NFT of:-12 lunges, all forward walking lunges-9 squat to roll–super hard for me!-6 handstand kickups–all but the first round on parallettes. This makes a handstand so much more challenging, and it’s kinda scary.-3 attempts at front lever. yowzers those are hard.
Thought about skipping class but so glad I didn’t. Play time was fun! It only would have been better if we played a little dodgeball…;)
Fun class tonight, I got to work on some things I haven’t been able to do for awhile. Laurel and David helped me practice non-dynamic handstand kickups off the floor and then off of some plates. It was awesome to get inverted on the rings as well. I agree with Jess Fox, the only thing that could have made it better was dodgeball.
Today was a lot of fun to teach. Great work 6am, 7am, 5pm, 6pm 7pm and 8pm’ers!
I was really happy with how folks made significant improvements to how graceful they could be with these movements. Also good spotting from everyone.
Im still very excited about the new sink.
The Nooners were a fantastick bunch as well! Long live the Nooners!
Wow David, that’s a lot of classes to teach! It looked like fun…
I too wanted to to do the running class and almost did it last summer thru The black box, but I am doing the Rippetoe seminar that weekend. It all barbell all the time… So on to that:
Strength cycle B: volume daySquat: 235x5x5Set one, was one of the ugliest, least organized, knee skewing sets I’ve had, ever. It got better, but I don’t know. Not pretty. I ca only hope for grace for the rep out at 265.
Press: 97.5x5x3alrighty
Chins:6I didn’t feel like it, my head throbbed every time the blood pressure went up and I was hungry. I’ll do 3 sets of 6 or 7 tomorrow.
All in all, weak. But I live to lift another day.
Even through sore armpits from yesterday’s onslaught of negatives, tonight was super fun. And though I agree with the Jesses on the fun of dodgeball, I wanted to kick it REAL old school and jump into a big foam pit like we did at the end of gymnastics when I was a little little kid.
I was excited tonight to almost be able to get myself upside down in the rings while staying in a tuck instead of spazzing out with straight legs from the floor. Next time!
Had a great time in class last night. Strangely walking lunges remain one of the movements that gives me the most surprising challenge.
Enjoyed the backward rolls to pistols immensely. The lever work was challenging, but I got some very good cues from David that I am trying to mentally incorporate.
Handstands were exciting. These were my first fully successful handstands on the floor post wrist injury. Very pleasing.