5 Rounds NFT:
Run 270 meters
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 PVC Sit Ups
10 See Saw DB Presses
GHD Hip/Back Extensions 101
Antoine goes for a Max Height Box Jump
Congratulations to Yoshi S. and his lovely wife on the birth of their son earlier this week!!
Sectionals WOD 1 is Done(ish)!
Thank you to everyone who participated to make WOD 1 of the Sectionals such a great success. It took a lot of hard work from the organizers, volunteers, and athletes to get everything off the ground and have it run so smoothly. Thanks to everyone involved in making yesterday such a great day!
Go Team CFSBK!
Congratulations to all the CFSBK members who represented CFSBK during WOD #1 at the 2011 CF Games Open Sectionals. We thank you all for your hard work and are incredibly proud to have such a great stable of athletes repping SBK.
Scott L 7 Rounds (315 Points)
Kevin R 6 Rounds + 30 DU,1 SN (301 Points)
Josh M 6 Rounds + 10 DU (280 Points)
Dan R 5 Rounds +30 DU, 10SN (265 Points)
Dan B 5 Rounds + 30 DU, 7SN (262 Points)
John MD 5 Rounds + 30 DU, 3 SN (258 Points)
Dan L 5 Rounds + 25 DU (250 Points)
Jeremy F 5 Rounds + 1DU (226 Points)
Chris F 4 Rounds + 30DU, 14SN (223 Points)
Sean B 4 Rounds + 25 DU (205 Points)
Ryan P 4 Rounds + 1DU (181 Points)
Jacinto B 4 Rounds (180 Points)
Carlos G 4 Rounds (180 Points)
Kiki 5 Rounds + 17DU (242 Points)
Jess F 5 Rounds + 14DU (239 Points)
Steph P 4 Rounds, 30 DU, 7SN (217 Points)
Melissa L 4 rounds, 30 DU, 2SN (212 Points)
Sarah H 3 rounds, 30 DU, 7SN (172 Points)
Great work, Team SBK!!! To see the full results, click here!
Deadline Change Crossfit
the competition yesterday was incredibly inspiring… some of the performances literally left me speechless. can’t wait to see more.
on another tip:
if you’ve got a passing interest in MovNat, you gotta watch this video of the recent Thailand MovNat seminar. it’s in French, but the images tell the whole story.
Thailand is my personal definition of paradise… wait til you see the clip of them napping, mid-day, in open raised huts, beachfront, shaded by palm trees…. incredible.
relaxed NFT wod. 400m/30# DBs
sectionals yesterday were really great. Perfectly run by CFSB staff and volunteers. Great spirit in the room. I ran the subway series 5K last year but I feel like this was my first real CF comp.
Thank you everybody for your encouragement and support. It really helped me not to panic and to keep moving.
I’m pleased with how I did but I feel I learned some things and hope to do better.
and speaking of shifting rules, the 40-45 masters age group seems to have vanished after being announced a few weeks ago. No senior discount for me.
Great day yesterday. Another huge thanks to all the volunteers and competitors for making it run so smoothly.
Also- fun running Seminar with Noah today. Really interesting and enlightening to run at a specific cadence. I really enjoyed it.
Warm-Up3 Minute RowRight Ankle DistractionDROMS
3 Rounds:7-7-6 Strict Pull-Ups14-14-12 Push-Ups20 Kettlebell Russian Swings, 1.5p
LBBSQ(45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 145×5, 160×3)170x5x3
Stability Squats with Kettlebells. (KBs hanging from barbell with jumpstretch bands)1Pdsx5, 1.5pdsx5x2
Warm-Up Triplet is coming along well, I dont think Im near hitting a wall, the pull-ups feel easy and the push-ups feel fine. The BSQs felt great today, really organized and fluid. I have to admit Im really enjoying squatting low bar with a wider stance.The KB Stability squats were just for fun, and they were.
I also enjoyed the running seminar with Noah today. I felt a big difference when we went for a quick run around the block as I focused on picking my feet up rather than putting them down. I am looking forward to practicing more and getting better at this and running at a specific cadence. I hear there is an app for that…
5 rds NFT- 230-400m run, 10 pullups, 10 pvc situps, 10 seesaw db presses @25#.
Nice and easy back off day–NFT made this much easier. Still tried to push myself so there was a decent amount of work and not too much rest. Stopped during the last rd some to watch Charmel finish his qualifying WOD.
Ran 2 laps at 230m and 3 at 400 m with Scott.
25#dbs were just right.Iso situps were actually pretty tough. Struggled through the last couple sets.the pullups were also tough since my biceps were burned out from the max effort pullups yesterday.Did sme strict, did some kipping, did some iso holds.