Team SBK Plottin' and Schemin' for the Ragnar Relay
CrossFit Endurance Running Seminar at CFSBK!
We're excited to announce that CFSBK is hosting Brian Harkins' NYC Endurance Seminar Sunday April 17th from 12:30p-5p! Check here for full details. If you're interested in developing your running skills this is a fantastic opportunity. Registration is not live yet but as soon as it is it'll be posted here first!
CFers aren't the only ones competing this weekend! Join us in wishing Stella Z. as she competes Saturday in the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament being held this weekend in Brooklyn! For those that don't know Stella is one of the world's best crossword players and a published Crossword writer. Here is an interview she did with the LA Times Crossword Corner a few years back. Good luck Stella!
It only took a year but the sink is finally here. Now you can refill your waterbottle and the community water pitcher as well as do your dishes without having to wait for the bathroom. Rejoice!
Saturday starts Back-off week! Now that Crush Week is officially over what was your favorite WOD from this week? How are you feeling?
History of the Games Crossfit
Brian D. Snatches 107kg PR at the NYC Open Youtube
I enjoyed both the run/snatch/pull up and the run/wall ball. Yesterday was gorgeous outside and I was thankful to be able to run!
Just read yesterday’s blog with Jim Ryan’s PRS! Way to go Jim!! Got out for a run from the studio yesterday. Joy!
Saturday’s run-snatch-ring row WOD was also my favorite. It was killer but I really liked the combination of movements. Also I pretty much like any WOD with running since its the only thing I am competent at.
After reading today’s crossword puzzle post, I feel like I should apologize to anyone out there who might also be arch-enemies with will shortz. sorry.
Aw, stop! I’m blushing! I will indeed be trying to defend my top-10 position this weekend while you guys are double-undering and snatching your way to glory. Cross your fingers, toes, legs, and eyes that I don’t make any mistakes.
Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow!
Yay, I am really stoke about the running seminar.
Good luck Stella!
Stoked, even. 😛
That’s impressive Jim. Congratulations. Guess, I need to get back into the Strength training class before Radhika (my wife – she just started the strength training program) starts lifting more than me.
I did the competition WOD y’day and managed to finsih 3 rounds. David’s tip on not staring at the rod for long was v.helpful
A belated congrats to Jim, great numbers bud! Fun to watch on the platforms too- super intense.
I also liked the run-snatch-pullup WOD, one of those wonderful times when repitition of a movement plus accompanying fatigue somehow make you BETTER at that movement.
Feeling pretty crushed…the thruster/row WOD jacked up my legs and they’ve been slow to come back around.
Looking forward to backoff week and toying with trying to hit a managed ketosis for a month or so…anyone who has done so with some degree of control and specificity I’m all ears.
Thanks folks, I really do appreciate it! I love getting in there and being a part of a great place.
I don’t have a lot of free time, but the little that I have I really enjoy spending with such a positive, encouraging group of athletes!
Did yesterday’s workout with the 12 PM class. Subbed 400m row for the run, since otherwise that would make 7 days in a row of running for me. 5 rounds + row + 8 wall ball shots. Felt like toast afterward!
And with the end of the noon class, so end my quads. And hamstrings. Like Noah, I’ve been leg-shot since the run/snatch workout. I want to say I feel good, but this is like the Cod Liver Oil of feelings– I know it IS good for me, but it tastes terrible. (maybe also my mind and language skills are shot as well…)
I liked the run/wall ball wod today (5 rounds + run w/10# ball), mainly for the outdoorsiness of it. The snatch/run was cool, too, because I realized that after a billion or so snatches, I finally think I figured out how to do it (read: stopped thinking too much about it).
I am officially crushed.
Also, Stella, that photo from the linked article of you in the xword jammies is phenomenal. Go show ’em who’s boss!
I had my own crush week this week, involving round trip flights to London for time (left Sunday at 9:30, was back in NYC by 1pm Tuesday). I did a 6′ WOD Monday morning in London (2am NYC time) with air squats and pullups. By yesterday I was recovered enough to bike to my appointment with Alec in Manhattan and back. Today did 4×400 in the noon sunshine: 1:48, 1:52, 1:54, 1:54. I used to run 400s in 1:42 so I am sad. And I miss you guys!
did the games WOD this evening… 10 min AMRAP 30 doubles + 15 55# snatches = 3 rds + 4 doubles. snatches were surprisingly grippy–maybe would have been better if i’d used a women’s bar.
1st day back at itBack Squat205x5235x5270x8Bench165x5190x5215x10
3 rounds NFT of:10 Step Ups (24 inch box, heavy sandbag)10 Dips
6x100m sprint
Did last Sunday’s WOD with Baz.
Subbed squats for double-unders, kettlebell swings at 1 pood for box jumps, high-trapbar at 145lbs.
So, rounds for time of:
50 squats40 kb swings @ 1 pood30 trap-bar deadlifts #145lbs20 push-ups
Finished in 17:55.
This felt hard.
Made up the running / wall ball workout from the other day with the always delightful J-Bails.
5 rounds + about 50 seconds of running. Oof.
That WOD successfully killed any thoughts of doing any extra work tonight (had planned on squatting). Opted to hang out with some wonderful CFSBKers for a while, and enjoyed it greatly.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
Joe, you are always delightful as well. Thank you for encouraging me during the runs.
Running/wall ball workout: 5 rounds
This wod made me feel every poor St. Patrick’s Day decision I made yesterday. Ouch.