AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
Run 400m
20 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Post RX and Rounds to comments.
Compare to 3.21.10
Coach Jeremy gives a Training Lecture to the Strength Intensive
Changes to This Weekend's Schedule
Remember there is NO 12pm Group class, Active Recovery and CrossFit Kids class this Saturday due to the CF Games Open Sectionals. All other classes run as regularly scheduled.
Canes: Not Just for Pimps Anymore!
Three (count 'em) new TheraCanes arrived yesterday! Have a hard to reach knot in your back? Grab the 'cane and use one of the 6 strategically placed balls (HA!) to work it out! There are a couple of a handy dandy manuals in the gym as well if you're looking for ideas on how to hit those hard to reach spots.
Who's participating in Sectionals this weekend? Who is coming out to cheer on and support their fellow CFSBK members for WOD #1?
CF Games Open Sectionals WOD #1 Crossfit
Just Say No To Scaling Crossfit
Clues to Gluten Sensitivity Wall Street Journal
I’ll be there to cheer! Go team!
the mobility WOD addresses the first CF Games workout:
sorry, i have to post one more video.
here are three young girls totally PWNing Miranda Oldroyd on muscle-ups.
Morning Lads and Lasses!
4 1rm tests this week, 4prs. I’d like to make more progress on the deadlift, and will, but a pr is a pr! Many thanks to Jeremy, a very solid coach and individual right there.
I am going to do my first wod in a long time today. Beginning at noon, AMRAP of NCAA games and guinness. I like my chances.
Happy St. Patrick’s day, folks!
Ahh tourney time….
Brings back old memories of sneaking a walkman to school to listen to games during class…
Glad Im taking the next 2 days off… cant imagine doing anymore to my quads and hammys til saturday–though this is a WOD ive done well on in the past.
Great work to the AM crew on today’s WOD
I was humbled to hear that scott L did more rounds in 5 minutes on the competition WOD than I did in 10
So sorry I can neither participate nor cheer — I’ll be at a rather different sort of tournament:
@Stella: Last year I met a guy who is a crossword editor for a living. Having never met a crossword editor, I asked him if he was besties with Will Shortz. He got very serious and told me that Will Shortz is his arch-enemy, citing “fundamental crossword differences of opinion”. Then he refused to answer any more of my questions. I hope you do not run into him.
Also, fun 1-on-1 with David this morning. I think Shane should be at the gym at 6am more often, if for no other reason than to make fun of the rest of us.
Looking forward to cheering at sectionals!
Also, GOOD Magazine has an interesting article re: paleo (
i’m looking forward to this weekend. WOD1 is going to be tough – 5 minutes of it alone were enough!
it’s great to have the first wod in our own backyard! thanks in advance to everyone who’s going to be sticking around, judging, and cheering!!
go team SBK!
As usual Jim is too modest, so it falls to me to brag for him.
Between Monday and Wednesday’s workouts Jim accomplished the following new 1RMs.Squat 370 (PR by 20lbs)Bench Press 275 (PR by 15lbs)Press 190 (PR by 5lbs)Deadlift 380 (PR by 15lbs)
There’s no such thing as strong enough, but those are numbers to be happy with. For a spell at least.
Holy heck Jim, nice numbers there! Congrats.
i REALLY didn’t want to do this WOD–so long! so much running!–but i’m glad i finished. 4 rds + running + 7 wallballs. ugh.
i’m confused! if i sign up on event brite right and pay for saturdays wod, by the time they announce next week will it be too late to pay for another wod?
nevermind, i see this is explained here:
Still perhaps one of the most inspiring videos ever. I cry every time.
For those who don’t know, Kallista Pappas doing 30 100# C&J for time at 2008 CG Games. That was bodyweight. She was 15.
Subbed 400 meter row for run (my third rowing WOD in a week!).
Got 5 rounds plus 135 m rowing.
WOD Rx’d6 Rounds in 19:23
Did no one else do this today? Dubious lack of posts…
Thanks, David, for being a harsh judge, or an asshole, either way I kept throwing GD wall balls on my last round. Didn’t have the heart to start running with ~30 seconds left, ’cause every meter didn’t count.
Stoked for Saturday!
6 rounds even. Runs slowed down a lot by rnd three!Very impressive showing by Shawn with 7 rnds… It was motivating to not let him lap me by more than one rnd!
Today, I put on the board that I did the Rx’d workout. This was a lie. I used a 15# ball not a 20# ball and was gassed after one round. Cherry popped.
4 rounds + 11 wall balls @ 10lbs with the high target. Really enjoyed this WOD!