JUST like our Paleolithic ancestors.
We Want YOU to Join Team CFSBK!
The first WOD of the 2011 CF Games Open Sectionals will be announced tonight. We have a number of athletes already slated to compete but we really want to cheer YOU on. We want to encourage any athlete who can do the WOD Rx'd to participate in Sectionals whether you think you'll finish first or last.
Plus, no matter what your place it'll help our affiliate team score points that'll help get them closer to heading to the Games.
Check out the CF Games FAQ on why you should compete whether or not you think you have a shot at Regionals here
Need further encouragement? Check out CrossFit LA's Andy Petranek's awesome piece 'Finding Purpose' on probably the best reason to participate.
If you're in then head here for all the details and registration info.
We look forward to cheering you on!
Competition Class Schedule Change
This week due to the CF Games Open Sectionals our Competition Class is moving from Tuesday at 7pm to Wednesday 3/16 at 7pm (Due to St. Paddy's Day). Starting next week the class will be held on Thursday at 7pm and will continue until the end of Sectionals. Additionally there will be no Sunday competitive class for the next 6 weeks.
Schedule Change this Weekend
Also due to the Sectionals we will not be having 12pm group class, Active Recovery or CrossFit Kids on 3/19 and 3/26. All other Saturday classes will continue as usual.
Evolutionary Psychology Psychology Today
Why Don't You Look Like a Fitness Model? Stumptuous
At Park Slope Food Co-op, Nannies Covering Shifts NY Times
Funny (not ha-ha) article about the food co-op.
Hey all,
Some of you may remember Chip Conrad of Body Tribe when he came out last summer to give a workshop. A good friend of his is moving out to do Teach for America and is looking for both a place to crash next week and leads on apartments.
If anyone would be willing to host her for a couple of days and/or knows about sublets/apt etc, please email me:margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com
I hear she deadlifts 300. Not too shabby.
I went on a couple unsuccessful dates with a nanny who was working a coop shift for her boss. It happens!
Loved the “Why don’t you look like a fitness model” article!
The average “fitness model” does nothing for this cowboy. Two prs last night. I lift things up and put them down.
Anyone interested in playing in a pretty competitive softball team in the spring (games during the week in queens) let me know. I have a spot or 2 open on my team.
women who run:
i need a runner’s watch, under $100, easy to use. i don’t love the timex ironman design – do i have options? overwhelmed by choices, need “trusted advice.” thanks.
Michele — I recommend starting by listing the most important things you want to get out of the watch, and then going from there. I wanted a GPS so I could record the distance of every run (particularly important for me since I travel a lot for work, so I’m often running an unfamiliar route), but didn’t care if the watch calculated calorie burn or saved my workouts, since I log everything in a diary. So I ended up with the Garmin Forerunner 110 and it’s been well worth the $200 (but I didn’t have to spend $300 or more like many of the other Garmin watches cost).
If you don’t need a GPS it will be much easier to stay in the price range you want. No matter what you want I think it’s a good idea to spend some time thinking about what you need the watch to do, which will then dictate what features you want, and that will help narrow down the choices. It really is overwhelming how many different models there are, and if you can eliminate a bunch of choices based on features they’re missing that you need (or features they have but that you don’t need to pay extra for), that helps a lot.
The sink under the stairs has FINALLY been installed and is working! I’ve never been SO excited about a sink before!!
This will make washing dishes, filling up the mop bucket and refilling water bottles SO much easier
I have thought about it a little. Looking at the online options is making my eyes cross.
need:big, clear display of timeeasy to set and reset timer for runsonly needs to be water resistant, not waterproof
don’t need:memory recallGPSheart rate monitorcalorie burn
plusnot hideousunder 100 bucks.
that’s it.
JIm, congrats on the PRs! Nice work dude.
It was great to be back in the gym today. Bina and I both missed lifting while on our trip to Tahoe.
Strength intensive cycle B: Volume day
Squat 225x5x5Felt a lot better than 220 last week. Got better as it went too.
Bench: 140x5x3All good.shoulder felt fine.
Chins: 6, 6, 7Gotta add volume again to boost these up. Time to grease the groove.
the wods are not posted yet.
Nice first day back from a (too short) vacation. Hit tomorrow’s WOD
10 rounds5 pull ups / 5 push ups / 1 round Bear (power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press) at 115#
This Crossfit Games website is awesome! (NOT!)