3 Rounds For Time of:
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Deadlifts 185/135
20 Push Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Good luck to Foundations Cycle 43 starting today at 10am!
Attention anyone participating as an athlete in the CrossFit Open Sectionals events: You must also remember to Games siteregister on the CF to be a registered competitor!
Read, "What's in the Water?" By Yael Grauer. Do you filter your water? How much water do you drink a day? Post thoughts to comments.
How Heavy is Too Heavy? Catalyst Athletics
In Pictures: The Beauty of the Bicycle BBC
Mikhail Koklyaev ties Vasilly Alexeev's record YouTube
Mobility for Lifters 70's Big
Today’s question:I just started filtering the tap water that I drink at home with one of those PUR filters that you put right right on your faucet. I bought it on a whim when my girlfriend was getting one for herself. While I don’t have a lot of anxiety about tap water, I’m sure it’s not as clean as it could be. Even just considering the unknown quality of the plumbing in my building. Anyway- I drink filtered at home and can actually taste a difference (Less mineral tasting). Out and at the gym I drink Tap.
Yesterday’s question:Biking!!!! I’d like to do a little more exploring on my bike this summer, get into neighborhoods I don’t frequent enough. If anyone hasn’t done it already, a bike ride afternoon in Red Hook is one of the most pleasant things to do IMO.
See everyone at the gym
A late post in response to Paleo Challenge/ 1 Year Degraw Anniversary Dinner video. Congrats to David, staff and entire CFSB community. Sweet video. Exceptional place.
Warmup:-1500m row @ 20s/m. Starting at 2:30 pace and dropping :10 every 500m.-deadlift review/warmup
WOD:Time = 23:07 rx’d + 24″ box-first time using the 24″ box in a wod and holy cow is it a huge difference from the 20″. Not only was it hard to go right into box jumps after the doubles, but the added height really gassed me!-only the 1st round of du’s were unbroken, bj’s were slow and not cycled, deads were in sets of 5 and pushups were a couple at a time.-overall it ended up being much harder than I expected. Thanks Fox for pushing me to use the 24″ box.
re: water. We used to use a Brita filter to have cold filtered water in the fridge at all times. We never really replaced the filter as often as we should have, so really we just liked cold tap water. At our new place, the water comes out ice cold and tastes super clean, so no need for anything else!
Worked with the SBK Competition kids today 🙂
Rack Pulls415x3x3
3 Rounds for time10 Deadlifts @ 27510 Burpees
both Dr. Kurt Harris of PaNu and Dr. Emily Deans of Evolutionary Psychiatry have been invited to blog at Psychology Today Online. Dr. Deans’ first post is up:
Great WOD today. Thanks Fox, especially for helping me on my DL form.
23:55 rx’d. 135# for my DL’s, and I counted my attempts for the doubles. Still, I was stoked that I was able to nail 18 doubles on the last pass, especially considering how gassed I was.
Also, I did a 20″ box with a 45# plate on it, which I think is ~ 24″. I need to get myself really on top of that thing, in the middle of the middle next time.
I did hang tough on the push-ups though, and I am kind of proud of that, as my R shoulder is jacked up. MRI on 3/18, fingers crossed.
I like NYC tap water (never order bottled in restaurants), and allegedly it is very good re contaminants. But at home, I use a Brita filter. I also drink a lot of seltzer – I find it refreshing as I don’t really like soft drinks – too sweet etc. Beer and coffee are also staples, fwiw.
What a humbling day. 2nd day back in the gym. I thought I was scaling back by dropping weight in the DLS….WRONG!
Had to do 25DUs counting attemptsTried 24 inch box jumps after my 1st attempt I requested the 20 inch box. I wouldve never made the 24 inch for 120 reps. Hell I barely got on the box after attempt 1–had to call coach Nick in with the 20 inch box. This is crazy cause post hiatus, Box jumps were a strong point.Did deadlifts at 145 lbs…Not bad but Im gonna be sore tomorrow, hell i’m sore now. Did something like 10,5,5,5,5
20 pushups not bad at all, but Ive been doing them at home.
argh this sucks…Hopefully I start getting back sooner than later..but thats the cost of being away. Going to be more patient this time than I was last time.
hard wod today, my quads and glutes were screaming.
did 25 doubles, 20″ box, 155lb dl
great seeing shawn today. back in action!
also: what am i looking forward to in spring. riding my new motorcycle! w00t. rode across the bridge into the bk for the first time today. was scary as fuck but also awesome. will ride to sbk every weekend from now on if the weather cooperates.
google says the drive from here to sbk is 8 minutes. took me about 30 mins door to door, which is about the same amount of time it takes on the subway. i think once i get more comfortable on the bike it will be quicker though.
WOD: 19:09subbed 30 sit ups for the push ups
BTW – I drink NYS tap, it’s the bomb.
Very sad to be missing crush week–I’m on vacation in Grenada, mostly sitting around drinking beer but also trying to do some work. So far I’ve done 100 each pushups, situps, squats (Friday) and 50 burpees, 100 situps & squats (today–plus 100 pushups not as part of a workout, just sort of throughout the day). It’s amazing how much less hard I work (slower, more breaks) when I’m not at the gym. Better than nothing, right? Anyhow, a pina colada is calling my name (and yes, I also like getting caught in the rain).
WOD: 26:37
Deadlifts @ 11516″ box + 45# plateelevated bar push ups
Felt good to do double unders rx’d – was able to string 10-15 together on the first round, then like 5-7 on the others– the new green jump ropes are fast, but they leave marks. Box jumps and DLs largely in sets of five, three sets of 10 on the last round of DL (just wanted it to end?!). That was the killer – dead lifting after the box jumps. Hello, hamstrings.
Fun morning, though, with a whole lot of people in the gym.
I tried to read the water article but could only skim it. If I read too much of that stuff, I can kind of push the panic button. I mean, rocket fuel in the drink is a little scary, right? I drink tap water. And we have a Soda Stream seltzer machine. He is shaped like a penguin.
24:12 25 Dus, 20′ BJs, rx’d DLs, 10 pushups
Another heavily scaled one, though double unders destroy me even at low volume.
I also drink tap water, or Eau de Giuliani, as they used to call it.
Awesome WOD today. Thanks to the 10 AM group for pushing me along and to Coach Fox for helping me on my deadlift form.
30 minsDU – 2nd and 3rd sets were attempts24″ box (brutal)DLs – 145 lbs (sets of 10) – last 10 of 3rd set were lift and dropsPushups (easiest part)
I am sore as hell..
Rack dead lifts 375x3x3
3 rnds: 10 DL (275#), 10 bur pee
Got off to a fast start but DLs slowed at 2.5 rnds.
WOD much harder than I thought it’d be.155# dl. 24″ box. 22:06. Felt sick after. Still not over it.Drink NYC tap. There’s some filter involved. Sometimes we carbonate using the Soda Stream which I love.Yesterday’s ? re outdoor activity: petanque, petanque + more petanque (btw this is a sport that is the opposite of xfit).