5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 Squat Snatches, 95/65
10 Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Foundations dates for April:
April Evening Foundations
4/5/11 – 4/28/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-9:15pm
Register Here!
April Morning Foundations
4/5/11 – 4/28/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:15am
Register Here!
April AM/PM Foundations
4/13/11 – 5/11/11
Wednesdays from 8:00-9:15pm
Sundays from 10:00-11:15am
Register Here!
*this class does not meet on Easter Sunday (4/24)
The weather is slowly getting warmer! What spring time activities are you most excited for??
Learn to Backflip in 10 Minutes
Tips for Successful Goal Setting CrossFit Invictus
Buddy Lee talks Double Unders
Arnold at the Arnolds CrossFit
Baz and I did this last night, under the expert tutelage of Margie (mazel tov again to Jeremy and yourself!). Thanks to Baz for doing this with me (he’d come in to do push-presses).
I subbed 500 meter rows and 5 strict chin-ups.
So, 5 rounds of:
500 meter row10 snatches @75#5 strict chin-ups
Time: 20:40.
This was pretty damn awful. Later, talking to Margie, we realized that I’d done three pulling movements back-to-back. I was hammered.
Well, I’m currently in Tahoe snowboarding, so I’m still fixed on the cold weather sports. That said, I look forward to pulling out the skateboard and doing some downhill riding in the park…
Shane, how about those sprints that were mentioned in autumn? I think I need to do some sprints!
23:02 65# power snatches, blue band pullups
Fox recently told me to scale things more, so I went pretty light on the snatches and was able to keep moving pretty steadily, which felt good.
Re: spring activities: looking forward to playing soccer again soon. I’m also really going to start taking those 6 am classes. Word is McG is coming back on Monday…
Might sound silly but in spring we love to go walk around the botanical garden with the kids. It’s gorgeous and a nice long walk. I really enjoy it.
Crush Week could also be called Angel of Death Week…
25:17 run, 53# snatch, sub ring rows. By the 5th snatch on round 1 I was trying to figure out how to wimp out to just three rounds. The runs were very sloggy and I felt like someone had bashed me in the face with a frying pan immediately after, but hey, the hardest thing I’ll do all day was over by 9am. So there’s that.
Fun to be with Margie and all the fellas at 8am.
Wow. That was quite a brutal WOD this morning.
23:44 – 65# snatches, box assisted pull-ups. My snatches need a lot of work, but they’ve come a long way during this past cycle.
Thanks to Noah for giving me a good pace to follow and to Margie & Chris for getting me through that last round of snatches and pull-ups.
As for spring, I’m really looking forward to WODs with the gate open, enjoying my runs outside, and opening the windows in my apartment. While I love the smell of bigos, chili, brisket, etc…it’s time for some fresh air in here 😉
WOD Rx’d23:06
Great class with Noah and Margie. I pretty much suck at running, the rest of it really wasn’t that bad. The runs were ‘just get through it’ pace. Pull ups unbroken except for round 4 when I went 5/5 for no good reason. Started out 5/5 on the squat snatches and then realized that I should bail and reset to keep moving along better. Really fun to chase Josh M and Nick P, and great to be runniung and doing pull ups outside.
Re: today’s question
I may regret this, but I told Mrs Fox this on our walk up to the gym this morning that I’d like to start running at least one day a week, so I guess I’m looking forward to that. Other than that I’m looking forward to BBQs in the park and drinking outdoors in the afternoon.
1. running outside2. biking – buying a bike this year!
Park Slope Food Co-Op members: the meat buyer turned me on to some new sausages they’re stocking, and my first taste today was very, very good.
The maker is Milano (it’s made in NYC) and the brand is Suino d’Oro (“Golden Pig.”)
20:39 65# Squat Snatches
Anything outside! Biking and running! Hope to have some more of those 5Ks in the park this year and 400m runs at the Red Hook track. I like the field trips!
21:50, 30# mid-hang power snatch, ring rows. The run was harder than I thought it would be, given that I run like 20 miles a week right now. Of course, I had just done a 30-minute run right before class so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I was a bit gassed!
I can’t wait to leave the treadmill behind entirely (excepting heavy rain days). I’ve been doing a lot less outdoor running this winter than last year thanks to snow and wind, wind, wind. I just want to kiss the evil treadmill of death goodbye!
Warmup:-easy 500m row-2 rounds NFT of: 15sec front rack overhead band stretch, 12 dislocate lunges, 30sec paleo chair
WOD:24:41 rx’d-I was really nervous before this wod and really was dreading it. Once I got started, I realized it wasn’t so bad. My snatches actually felt good like I was actually using the hip extension to get the bar up instead of pulling with my arms. Sure there were a couple that I landed tall and then had to squat down, but overall pleased with these. Pullups felt pretty good, and went 4-3-3 for nearly every round. I could have pushed a little harder on the run though.-Really enjoyed this wod and super happy to have the gate open and be running outside!
As for spring activities, I’m looking forward to my softball league again and FLAG FOOTBALL! The flags are in and I can’t wait to get an SBK game going soon!
WOD 23:05 RX
This was hard but very fun. Snatches felt horrible in the first round and I thought we were going to have a “Houston, we have a problem” moment, but once I got warmer they started feeling better. Pullups all unbroken, which I was stoked about since I’ve struggled with pullup volume since coming off strength cycle.
Nice run with some of the Ragnarites after, easy breezy 5K in Prospect Park. Fox, we are going to be doing a long(ish) run each week, you should join.
18:23, 65#, 3 rnds
Wod in 20:33 at 80# snatch
I think some of my snatches were not legit (not low enough). Pull ups on the door were fun. It def encourages staying on the bar. Running hurt. My calves and shins are tight.
On that subject I am looking forward to more park runs and dusting off the skateboard.
Friday:16 mile hike at Point Reyes followed by decadent meal at Hosteria Stellina (highly recommended if you happen to be in the north bay area and fancy getting out into the countryside.)
Thursday@CrossFit Santa Rosa:1-1-1-1-1 FSQ – 145,155,165,170(PR!) called it a day at the PR.
Half Cindy: 9 rounds + 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups. This is a full round better than my last half cindy which made me happy.
Great trip, but glad to be home. Just got back to NYC and realized that it is daylight savings tomorrow. 3 hour jet lag just turned into 4! Oh well.
late to post!
28:58 RX’d
had a really hard time with my first round of squat snatches. they definitely got better/faster in later rounds, but my first round really messed me up. pull ups were in sets of 3-6. running was miserable! i’ve been doing a lot of WODs including running and my legs felt like lead. definitely glad that today (monday) is a rest day!! i need it!
and because that wasn’t ENOUGH running…
did a 5K in prospect park with some ragnar folks. around 28:30.