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(e4/4) compare to 2.28.11 and 10.1.10
10 Minute Double Under Test
Take 10 Minutes to find out how many doubles you can do unbroken.
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Charmel R, The Calm Before the Storm
Good luck to all the Strength Cycle A athletes starting their 8 week training program with Coach Jeremy today!
New Foundations dates for April have been posted!
April Evening Foundations
4/5/11 – 4/28/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-9:15pm
Register Here!
April Morning Foundations
4/5/11 – 4/28/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:15am
Register Here!
April AM/PM Foundations
4/13/11 – 5/11/11
Wednesdays from 8:00-9:15pm
Sundays from 10:00-11:15am
Register Here!
*this class does not meet on Easter Sunday (4/24)
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I've got to Hand it to you Pt1-4 CF Virtuosity
For Tendon Pain, Think Beyond the Needle NY Times
hey all you cfsbk people-
I’m looking for a freelance web developer or someone who will take a small side job. If anyone here is interested or knows someone, email me at nicole.t.shannon@gmail.com
thanks folks!Nicole
Enjoying leftover striped bass from Carlos for lunch. A drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice. yummmmmmy
I have no idea what came over me today…normally I’m really good at doing basic math in my head quickly, but for some reason I looked at the bar today and I turned into a gibbering idiot who can’t add. Please tell me I’m not unique in this phenomenon?
So…I THINK it went thusly:
42×2, 47×2, 49×2, 57×1, 62F, 62×1, 64×1
Doubles were pathetic, but then I only made 4 in a row for the first time last week. I had to be content with a bunch of 3s today.
Can someone point me towards some good WODs that don’t require any equipment? I’m on vacation next week and don’t want to do nothing at all for 7 days. Thanks!
This list has a bunch of bodyweight workouts (some of which do require a jump rope or pull-up bar) and some that require no equipment at all: http://www.firepowertraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/CrossFitBodyweightWorkoutResourcev2.0.pdf
Thanks, Stella!
Sn: (53×2, 73×2, 83, 93) 103, 108, 113 tie-PR, 118Fx3totally psyched myself out on that last one. got close to getting it the first time and then each attempt after that was worse. oh well.
DU = 11, I think that’s a PR. Then worked on not jumping like crazy, and got 7 that way. So much easier.
Power Cleans95x1, 105×1, 110×1, 115f, 115×1, 120f, 120×1
120 is a PR for me, I was so happy to get it. This was the first time in awhile that I felt like I could try something heavy and it was really fun to go for it. Jess Fox really helped me focus on not pulling the bar and moving faster to get under it.
Double Unders: 48 (PR)
Snatch 115I’m stuck at this number. I need to break through the invisible force field that won’t let me drop under anything heavier.
DU work:38pr, also hit 35pr and several others in the 25-30 range. All very good for me.
Snatch 95. I didn’t seem like too much weight, but my form needs a lot of improvement.
DUs. Got off to a decent start (for me), the fatigue set in.
Back under the barbell after a solid 9 day rest period…
Strength cycle B, volume daySquat 220x5x5This felt depressingly heavy. Not cool, and barely fun. But fun cause I like the barbell.
Chins: 6, 6, 6Ring rows: 8, 8, 8, 8
I am not pressing for at least a week to see if the shoulder hurts less. Working on some rotator cuff curls 5 days a week.
Warmup:-3 min jump rope-shoulder and ankle mobility-“stiff as a board” thing
Snatch!-drills at 33lbs.-warmup: 53×3, 63×2, 73×2, 78×1-singles at: 83, 88, 88, 93f, 90fI hit 88 twice because I felt kinda sloppy and my split was too wide. Got ambitious and went for 93, although I really never pictured myself getting it. Dropped down to 90 and got it up, but it was more of a press-out than a snatch, so I’m not counting it. Either way, I believe 88 is a PR so I’ll take it!
One of my goals at the beginning of this year was to have a 90# snatch by the end of March. I intend to continuing snatching at least 1x week so that I can get this. Yay to improving weaknesses!
~10mins of DU’s: got 65 on my first attempt and thought I’d be able to keep going. Later got to 64 but that’s all I had.
Jess, congrats on 2 big PR’s tonight! 120 is legit!
Snatch 95/115/125/135/140/145F
Not sure if this is a PR (I had to run and didn’t get to check my book) but it feels like it, as my old snatches were more of the wobbly, violent, half-depth variety and these were relatively smooth and fast.
Thanks to Jess and Josh M. for some pointers when I started hitting the wall.
Didn’t do doubles, as I’m pretty sure my current conditioning level won’t let me approach my PR and I’m scared of the “Weeklong Double Under Headache.”
Snatch practice – only went up to 95 and concentrated on form. Still feels blahh.
Double unders – hit 63 on first attempt, 61 on second and then went down hill from there with a 42 and then whatever. Far from a PR but that’s ok.
Snatch: 125 PR 135 (f)DUs: 115 PR
Snatch: went up to 85 lbs; but then reverted to 65 lbs to focus on form. need to work on a lot of OHS and snatches to improve form.
DU’s: 42 PR. Big thanks to Shane for the tip (focus on just doing consecutive DU’s & increasing reps instead of alternative DU’s)