Post loads to comments.
(E 6/8) Compare to 2.26.11 and 2.23.11
In 3 Minutes Complete:
400m Run
Max Rep Front Squats 135/95 in the remaining time.
Rest 3 minutes in between rounds. 3 rounds total.
Post Rx and FSQ totals to comments.
To scale use ~65% of heaviest FSQ set from the strength work.
Four Queens: Coach Margie, Kiki, Jess F., Steph P.
Feeling Competitive?
Jess F., Kiki, Steph P. and Coach Margie showed their stuff this weekend at the Hail to the Queen event at CrossFit Queens. Are you looking for a way to test your mettle? If so there are a couple of competitions coming up that'll give you the shot.
2011 CrossFit Games Open Sectionals begin in a little over 2 weeks. The competition this year is sure to be the fiercest yet. The full details of how the open sectionals will run can be found here and you can register at the following link: http://nyccrossfitgamesopen.eventbrite.com/
Brooklyn Bun is a duathalon (Bike/Run) being held on April 17th in Prosepct Park. If you're interested in a 20k bike followed by a 3.3 mile run check out the event's official site. CFSBK members get $10 off registration! Post interest to comments or email David(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Party of the Century!
Hyperbole aside join us this Saturday starting at 6pm for the final paleo potluck and our first birthday at Degraw St. There will be paleo friendly drinks, a whole host of delicious food and we'll be announcing the winners of the Challenge as well as some other surprises. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring food! To RSVP email info(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with your number of guests and the dish you're bringing. This is for all members whether you were in on the challenge or not. Come out and party with us!
So, you had that cheat meal(s), how're you feeling?
The Secret of Loaded Carries Dan John
The Classic Things You Will Do in the Gym to Shoot Yourself in the Foot Staley Training Systems
Our gym is awesome! Here’s the Nightline link: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/rethinking-meat-veggies-13034429?&clipId=13034429&playlistId=13034429&cid=siteplayer
That is awesome!
Great piece on ABC! You guys are rock stars!
Great time @ 7 am – thanks, coach Nick. Fun to meet/work with Colum.Front squats: W/u 95×3, 125×2, 135×2.145x2x3Wod: 95# (.65×145) 13, 10, 12Already gimpy, and it’s not even 10 am yet.Special shout-out to Coach Linus.
I DVR’d the Nightline piece. Looking forward to checking it out.
Last night did Monday’s snatch workout, and was pretty all over the place.
Snatches 2-2-2Warmup: 75×3 95×1+f 95×3 115×1+f+fWork: 95×2 105×2 110×2
Snatch Balance 1-1-195×1 105xf 105×1 115×1 125×1115 and especially 125 were more push jerk than snatch balance, so I called it a day.
Afterwards did Front Squats 3x2Warmup: 75×3 135×3 155x3Work 170×2 170×1+f 170×2 170×2
170 was much harder than the 165 I did on Friday. Oh well.
Didn’t get to hit the conditioning WOD. Maybe next time.
linus is coaching in the morning? that’s it. my aversion to AM workouts has just been overcome.
Appreciated the “Shoot Yourself in the Foot” article–had a really frustrating night with snatch and snatch balance last night, and I think a lot of it had to do with wanting to lift more when my form is pretty shitty. Need to readjust my thinking about that, or else never do those lifts again. The former is probably a better plan.
Good thinking, Jeff!
On the non-paleo food, my body has become self-regulating. I don’t know if that’s years of abuse coming back to haunt me in my twilight years, or if it’s an increased sensitivity to gluten, sugar, etc. as a result of not eating it, but basically, if I eat too much of anything non-paleo, my system basically flips me a gigantic bird. I don’t have much of a choice anymore, so eating well has become pretty easy.
Front Squat X2: 165, 175pr, 185pr
WOD: 7, 8, 8
I had french toast and didn’t notice anything. With extra maple syrup.
“I’m different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man.”
I love the Nightline piece. I watched it like four times.Yes, I’m a dork.
Relatively large and fun noon class.Front squat: 165×2, 175×2, 185×2
Was dreading running outside (“it’s too cold!”). So I’m a sissy, too. Turned out to be nice.WOD @115: 24, 13, 16
Last night I had fried chicken, a biscuit, brussels, collard greens, and a beer at Seersucker. Afterwards and today I feel fantasic! <3 you Seersucker.
Hello CFSBK blog! My first entry..*tear*.. I just wanted to say that the gym is awesome. Everything from the creative/fun workouts to its supportive cast and crew.
Can’t wait to get smacked around by another WOD!!
Great piece on Nightline!
FSQ (last night)45x595x3145x2165x2175x1x fail
WoD hit 14, 15, 15 w/100lbs on the front squats. I was squatted out after Sat and Sun. I added them up, 312 squats!
Hit 10/10/9+1 on blue band pullups for the first time going over 7.
Bad news sports fans, I’m outta commission for at least 3 weeks to let the laser burns on my retina heal up. I’m already feeling fatter, dumber and slower.
Linus came to visit this morning because his mother was desperate to stave off a tantrum.
FSQ, last night:(45×5, 95×3, 125×2, 145×1)155×2, 160×2, 165F
WOD with 105# and 250M row instead of runs:17, 15, 15
1) I am psyched about the 160# as my previous best was 155×3 about a year ago and I’ve lost a lot of strength this winter.2) Jeremy’s weightlifting coach voice is even more motivating than Nick’s Soviet rower coach voice. I’m a gonna sign me up for a strength cycle.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×2
Work: 195×2, 200×2, 205×2 (second rep was shallow)
Accessory WOD: 350m row, then 400m row for next two rounds. 18,10,9 @115#.
Front Squat110x2, 110×2, 115×2
WOD with 65#10, 10, 12I loved running outside.
First class out of strength left me with two observations:1. Back squat =! front squat2. Running sucks
I had a cookie last night and the only problem I experienced was that cookies are way less delicious than I remembered.
Loved the Nightline segment – I laughed so hard at the shot of Shane mixing up NorCals that I almost shot my oh-so-paleo pork chop and asparagus dinner out my nose.
Subbed dead lifts for the squats today to protect a funky knee.235×2, 255×2, 260×2
Then subbed pull ups for the squats in the WOD.30, 23, 23 Had a huge cramp in right side after second rnd.
I haven’t had a “cheat” meal yet but was contemplating pizza tomorrow.
Big nooner today. An oddly humbling day for me. The front squat is zeroing in on all these hip imbalances I didn’t even know I had. Margie took a video of my squat and I was shocked at how much I was compressing to the right. I thought i was just not keeping my elbows up enough, but there’s a whole bunch of other madness going on.
warmup: 45×3, 75×3, 95×2, 115x2work: 125×2, 135×2, 140×2 (the last one got up but it looked and felt insane)
And then I tripped myself up in the WOD. I had planned on doing it Rx’d but was worried about cleaning 95#, since I had gotten stopped up at 90 before– like, I just couldn’t get the bar up with over 85#. I tried one at 95 before going outside and it was fine, so I figured I’d be fine. But I was wrong. After the first run, I couldn’t clean the bar. Margie suggested I rest for the rest of the round and then drop it down to 75, which worked fine.
WOD Squats: 0, 18, 15 — I felt like I had to make up to some extent for the zero the first round. Wish I had just gone lighter from the get go.
But it was very exciting to be back outside.
Also, Erica and others, I had mentioned my friend who got a big chunk of a butchered pig from a farm upstate. I got the info: 8 o’clock Ranch – and you can get more than just pork. Not sure how competitively priced it is, but here’s the website, and they deliver:
w00t, the doors were open a LOT today!
Hey all. Hit the noon class with doors open. Run outside was an obstacle course with all the trucks unloading made it even more fun.
Hit the 2-2-2 on FSQ 185,195,205 with the 205 being a little shakey depth wise. Super sore from cross country skiing this week.
WOD RX’d 11, 9,9
FSQ: 115, 120, 125
WOD at 75lb:9, 7, 9
Yay running. Even though it was cold and windy outside it still felt like a privilege after so many weeks of ice and snow! Was pretty consistent with my run times – first round had 60 seconds to squat, second round around 50, and third round 60. Need to work on my speed for sure.
PS Peter, why do you have laser burns on your retina??
Robin, thank you! That looks perfect. I just emailed them – I’ll let you know if I have any luck.
@ Bethany, slight detachment/tear which needed to be burned into place so I won’t go blind in that eye.