Use >90% of your best Double from last exposure
Post loads to comments.
(e5/8) compare to 2.23.11
For Time:
Row 200
10 Overhead Squats, 95/65
Row 200
8 Overhead Squats
Row 200
6 Overhead Squats
Row 200
4 Overhead Squats
Row 200
2 Overhead Squat
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 10.27.10
Good luck to Kiki, Margie, Jess F and Steph P on the "Hail to the Queen Throwdown" at CrossFit Queens today. Let us know how it goes, ladies!
There is NO ACTIVE RECOVERY class today.
Interested in Competing in the 2011 CrossFit Open Sectionals?
This year’s CrossFit Games are fast approaching! We're pleased to announce that CrossFit South Brooklyn, CrossFit Virtuosity, and CrossFit Long Island City will combine forces to host all six events of the CrossFit Games Open. In the "Open" spirit, all CrossFit athletes are welcome to participate regardless of affiliation. These promise to be fun, exciting, and competitive events!
Athletes may register for all six events in advance, or on a week-by-week basis. If you will be missing one or more events, please indicate that during registration! Registration will close at midnight on the Thursday preceding each event. Heat assignments will be posted by 9am the morning of each event.
Event Schedule
Week 1: Saturday 3/19 at 1pm, CrossFit South Brooklyn
Week 2: Saturday 3/26 at 1pm, CrossFit South Brooklyn
Week 3: Saturday 4/2 at 1pm, CrossFit Virtuosity
Week 4: Saturday 4/9 at 1pm, CrossFit Virtuosity
Week 5: Saturday 4/16 at 1pm, CrossFit Long Island City
Week 6: Saturday 4/23 at 1pm, CrossFit Long Island City
CrossFit South Brooklyn: 597 Degraw St, Brooklyn, NY 11217
CrossFit Virtuosity: 221 N 8th Street, NY 11211
CrossFit Long Island City: 5-26 47th Avenue, NY 11101
Athletes: $20/event or $60/series
Spectators: Free.
We welcome spectators (and cheerleaders!) at all events. To ensure entry, please register online. If space runs short, there is a chance that we will have to turn away spectators who have not registered in advance.
Judges & Volunteers
We're now recruiting judges and volunteers for all events, particularly Level 1 certified trainers. If you're available to assist at any of these events, please register online, or get in contact with David, Vadim, or Sam! All judges and volunteers will receive a free t-shirt courtesy of the host box (we suggest you collect all three!)
The Party!
We'll be throwing a blow-out after-party-slash-awards-ceremony on the evening of Saturday, April 23rd. Prizes will be awarded for top male / top female athletes as well as individual event winners. Save the date and stay tuned for more details!
Cool final class for the strength cycle…
Bench 1RM: 200, 210, –The single 175 warm up felt wonky so I changed my mind twice but ended back ta the original plan: 200 opener, wow. If you told me 6 months ago I’d be benching 200, I’d think you were crazy. The bar had speed so I did a 10 pound jump.
I did not set my feet well on 210, did an uncomfortable over extension and my lower back basically seized, but I made lift. I opted out of attempt 3 which would have been my wish list of 215. I’m happy: 210 is a 20 pound PR from October. Sweet.
I then spent some time relaxing my back and got to cleans:65kg, 70kg and 75f, 75f, 75f
Two things on this. My math and memory ain’t so good so after I got under 70kg, Jeremy informed me that was a PR. After the lift. He knew I might psych myself out so he didn’t say anything prior…. Secondly, although I missed 75kg, I actually got under it 3 times. Last time I wouldn’t commit so this really felt like progress: I’m still a bit gun-shy, but am at least squatting under the bar now. Although I didn’t make my goal of BW clean, I did make a 5kg PR. No doubt I’ll kill this in two months.
Good luck to the ladies today!!!
Great 8am. Fun to see the ladies off before their big day– rock it, purple girls!
FSQwarm-up @ 45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 95x3work @ 105x2x3
This is feeling way better and less foreign than a week or so ago. I feel like I’m getting better at staying on my whole foot (instead of creaking out to the edges) and working on keeping my elbows up. A work in progress.
WOD in 9:38 Rx’d. Fell on my butt at the bottom of like the 3rd or 4th squat in the first set and had to fight to keep balance through the first rep of other sets, but overall this felt pretty good.
Also, big thanks to Erica et.al for a great dinner last night. If you couldn’t make it, you should really find a time to check Takashi out. So delicious.
Brisket and ice cream –> not an appropriate breakfast.
FSQ @95#. Want to break into the triple digits this month.
also, erica: what make/model is your chest freezer, please?
Front Squat Saturday at 11AM class with Laurel.
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 165×2, 185×2
Work: 190x2x3
Accessory WOD: 8:02 @ 85#. The last time we did this, I finished in 7:06, so I’m way slower, even accounting for the extra running this time.
front squats have not been good lately as noted earlier
wod: 11:09 @ 75#
FSQ(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3)155×2, 175×2, 185×2
WOD8:18. OHS @ 95# but I brought them out of the rack because the last time I did this WOD I was having some difficulty snatching (@ 85#) in the timed environment. This felt much better.
Underfed this AM. That has now been rectified.
FSQ: (45×5,65×5,85×3)90x2x3Neck pain no more on this squat.
WOD: 9:50 scaled OHS to 55#. Easy to manage. I liked the combo of movements a lot!
Excited to hear the results of the comp today!
Warm-UpLAX/FR Adductors and GlutesBand Distraction/DB Traction Left ShoulderLAX Left Pec, Ant Delt, Bicep
2 Min Jump Rope
DB Press(15×5, 25×5) 35x5x3Parallette HSPU Negative x6
Tabata GHD Sit-ups5 Rounds: 41 Total Reps
Left shoulder was feeling a little stiff from yesterday so I gave it some love and it feels great now. Im working towards a Parallette Handstand Push-up, so i planned out the first 2-3 weeks on working DBs to develop ROM up and some negatives to develop some specific strength on the movement itself. Im not sure how realistic it would be to try and achieve a full ROM PHSPU in 6 weeks, but I’ll no doubt develop some Overhead Pressing Strength.
Tabata GHD Sit-Ups were a lot of fun, despite how bad of an idea they seem on the surface.I cut the volume back to 5 rounds to see how I feel afterwards
Just signed up for all six events of the 2011 CrossFit Open Sectionals..
Also I decided that I am going to extend the paleo challenge until April 24!..Perfect Timing P=
HELP!Not sure when I should come back to regular crossfit group classes? When is the next “back-off” week? I don’t want to take this week off to rest and then also walk right into “back-off” week with group classes..
Great to the CFSB ladies light it up at All Hail to Queens. Nice work! Looked painful! Sorry we couldn’t stay for #3, but claustrophobia took over and we had to get out.
A Robb Wolf tweet that I thought I’d share:
“Hitting the lactate pathway without adequate glycogen (carbohydrate) is like bare-back sex in the Mission District: Dangerous.”
Some people have gotten the idea that a ketogenic state is the end-all, be-all to being healthy and getting lean, but in the last Paleo Solution Podcast Mat Lalonde went on and on about how dangerous it was do high intensity Met-Con in that state.
Please train smart paleo-peeps! Eat your yams if you are doing anything longer than the Phosphagen pathway!
FSQ 45×5, 95×5, 145×2, 150x2x3
WoD Subbed FSQ @ 115–7:09
The SBK gals rocked it today. You’re all Queens in my eyes 🙂
Rob- beware of taking everything in Robb’s Podcast as gospel! Many folks can run well on substrates other than glycogen.