Rest Day Dinner Tonight!
The Nofi's are hosting tonight's Rest Day Dinner at Takashi NYC. To see if theres any room left, please email Erica N at erica.nofi (at) for directions and more details, click here!
Good Luck SBK Ladies!
Margie, Kiki, Jess F and Steph P will be representing CFSBK at CrosFit Queens', "Hail To the Queen Throwdown" tomorrow. Wish these ladies luck as they grind through 3 WODs in one day. Here are the details:
1. Strength – aka I lift things up and put them down
Will be announced day of.
2. 1,2 punch – Total time cap of 15 minutes
A. 2 minutes max reps thrusters at 73#. For every rep under 25, you must complete 3 burpees. Total penalty burpees must be done immediately after the 2 minute time cap and completed before moving to the next part of this workout. Scaling option: 53#.
B. 21-15-9 Pull ups and Sumo deadlift high pulls 73#. Scaling option: 53#, band assisted pull ups.
3. Balls to the wall
10 minute AMRAP
2 wall climbs
10 med ball clean wall balls 14#, 10ft target
20 double unders
Scaling option: modified wall climb to 5th row of bricks from the floor, 10# med ball, 8ft target.
Note: If you have a jumprope, bring it.
Please watch Hail the the Queen Movement Standards video before arriving.
Good Luck, Team SBK!
this morning was the best workout in a long time–sprints along the river walk in san antonio. i hate sprinting but somehow the warmth and tropical birds and dawn conspired to make this amazing.
good luck, steph, kiki, margie and jess! have fun!
Katie, that sounds awesome.
Good luck to the ladies of CFSBK at the competition tomorrow, sad I’ll miss it. Do your best and kick some ass!
does anyone know what time the reservation is tonight?
Warm up3:00 rowMat based mobility
3 rounds nft5 strict pull-ups10 push-ups20 walking lunges, 17.5 DBS
Back squat e1/12(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3)145x5x3
Amrap 12 min2 rope climbs, 18’12 wall ball shots, 20#,10′
3 rounds + 1 RC
Rope really caught up to me, lots of rest between ascents
Good luck, ladies!!
Michele, the reservation for tonight is at 8:30, I had the same question and checked with Erica earlier.
Go git’em grrrrls!
Felt good to be back in the gym after 10 days of self-imposed exile to anti-inflammatoryville. Tried to not go to crazy on anything, and seem to have successfully managed to not hurt myself. Score.
Push Press 3x3Warmup: 45×5 75×5 95x5Work: 115x3x3Rep out: 85×20 (capped at 20)
Front Squat 3x2Warmup: 45×5 75×5 95×5 135x3Work: 165x2x3
Conditioning200m row10-8-6-4-2 overhead squat 65# (Rx = 95)6:57
Thanks Mig for pushing me on the metcon.
Oh Joe, that’s sweet of you to say. Trying, mostly unconsciously, to keep up with you on the very first 200m row (of 5) got me closer to throwing up than I’ve ever been in eleven months of crossfit.
I was like, hell no, imma let ’em go.
Anywho, I look forward to doing the workout tomorrow again.
TONIGHT: Takashi was *a* *ma* *zing.*
Amazing. So good. Beef that will make you want to weep.
Not only that, we ordered a beautiful side dish of lightly pickled vegetables that was also: tremendously good.
Thanks to the Nofis for organizing!